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“Tehe… Squishy! Squishy! Squishy!” Emily said to herself as she bounced up and down on her newly drenched diaper. Even though Lauren had just changed her about half an hour ago, her diaper was already back to a completely sodden state. Emily’s mind was in a complete baby fog as squishing her diaper brought her complete joy. The babyish feelings kept her mind completely void of any coherent thoughts, as her glossy eyes stared into nothing, a thin line of drool dripping onto her already wet shirt. “Squishy! Squishy!” Emily didn’t even stop as Lauren walked into the room.

“Oh hey there dumb diaper girl! Little Ms. Can’t hold in my pee pee to save my life. I think it’s time for your night nights isn’t it?” Lauren said, in a very demeaning tone. 

“Squishy! Squishy!” Emily said back, too lost in her baby mind to even comprehend the adult words Lauren was saying to her. Lauren stared at the girl for a moment, a grin still wide across her face. 

“Alright little one.” Lauren said, as she lifted Emily up. “Come on, lets get you into bed here. Not like you can do it by yourself, or really anything for that matter.” Lauren said, directing the diaper girl under the blankets. Once Emily was settled in, Lauren grabbed her face and angled it so she was looking directly into her eyes. “Now Emily, do you want me to change you? Or do you wan-“

“NO CHANGIE!” Emily immediately said, cutting Lauren off.

“You don’t care if your diaper leaks?” Lauren said. Emily grew a wide smile as she viciously shook her head. Lauren sighed and said, “What if your bed gets all wet?” Emily let out a giggling snort.

“Hehe, Wet bed! Wet bed!” Emily said, as she slapped the front of her diaper. Lauren stared at the girl for a moment, then threw her hands up.

“Alright, fucking fine! See if I even give a shit, if you want to wet your life away that’s fine by me!” She said, as she walked out of the room, hitting the light switch as she did so. The darkness that filled the room struck fear into Emily at first, but found immense comfort by hiding under the blankets. She babbled to herself for a few minutes, but found her eyes getting heavy. The excitement of the day finally catching up to her as she closed her eyes. It only took a few moments until she was fast asleep…


Emily’s eyes shot open, as darkness filled her view. She blinked a couple times as she sat up in her bed. “Ah god what happened?” She murmured to herself as she rubbed her head. Her mind still felt a little hazy, but for the most part her thoughts had returned to her. She let her mind wake up as memories of what had just happened yesterday began to come back her. Emily shifted slightly in her bed, and noticed her legs felt cold and wet under the blankets. She flung the covers back to vaguely see a dark wet spot on the bed. At first she felt despair, but quickly felt that feeling fade as she realized there were bigger problems in front of her.

“That fucking bitch tried to turn me back into a baby.” She thought, as she got up from the bed. Her soaked diaper squelching as she moved. “She thinks she can fucking do that and get away with it? Oh no.” Emily thought, as she made her way over to her desk. She grabbed the CD case, and immediately popped it open. She grinned as she thought, “Oh yeah, I think maybe she should get a taste of her own medicine…” She opened her laptop, and pressed the power button.

Quickly she opened the CD tray, as she pressed the disk down, and shoved the tray back into the computer. She waited briefly for the disk to be read, and immediately a prompt window came up:

“WELCOME PLEASE TYPE AWAKE PHRASE INTO THE BOX BELOW. ONCE YOU HIT PLAY, HYPNOSIS WILL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY” It took Emily a few tries, but after about 5 minutes she figured out what the text was saying to her. She looked around her room for any kind of phrase, one that no one would likely ever get. That’s when she spotted the old book on the floor.

“Blue Bumbling Elephants, that book is how old again? I don’t think that anyone even owns that book anymore. Let alone would anyone ever say those three words together?” She thought, as she nodded and slowly typed the phrase into the box. She grabbed the earbuds next to her and rushed out of the room.

When she got to Lauren’s room, she pressed her ear up against the door to make sure there wasn’t any noise. “Fuck yes, thank god that bitch sleeps with a fan.” She thought, as she slowly turned the doorknob. For the first time in what felt like forever she felt a sudden pang in her bladder, telling her she need to get to the toilet immediately. As quick as the warning came, it was already too late. Emily began slowly trickling into her diaper as the front warmed again. She smiled at the development in her underwear.

“Mmm… It feews nice to… ah…” Her head started to slowly tilt to the side as the fog in her mind began to grow denser. The computer in hands began to slip. Just as it was about to fall though, Emily’s subconscious reaction to lifting the computer back up shook her out of the haze. Shaking her head she thought, “Focus, fucking focus Emily. Doesn’t matter how good your diapie might feel.” She turned the knob again, and slowly opened the door.

She crouched down, as she slowly made her way over to the slumbering girl. Emily could hear light snoring over the somewhat loud fan. Each step she took pumped another wave of fear and adrenaline into her system. If she had anymore liquid in her bladder, it’d dump straight into her diaper, which was already leaving a leaky trail of urine on the floor.

She was right next Lauren’s face, her mouth wide open as she was fast asleep. Emily knew though that the second she put the earbud in her ear, she’d likely wake up. She only had one shot. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and cleared her mind. “You got this Emily, take your fucking life back.” When she opened her eyes, she took the earbud in her hand, and shoved it into Lauren’s ear.

“Ugh what the?... HEY WHAT THE FU- “Click. The video on the screen began, as Lauren’s gaze fixed onto the swirling image. “Wha.. ga…” She tried to make out, but her mind emptied as the swirly screen took over her entire field of view. Emily could hear a stream of urine, but was surprised when she didn’t feel the front of her diaper grow warmer. She pressed around Lauren’s crotch, and grinned as she felt wet warmth….


It took a while for things to get back to normal. The next day Emily called a mental hospital to take in Lauren. When the hypnosis finally ended, Lauren had her mind for a few minutes, but Emily had already tied her down by then. It wasn’t long until her mind collapsed into baby blabber, as she happily wet her bed again. She bounced up and down in her restraints, as her face melted into pure bliss at the feeling of a warm mass being pushed out of her bum. Emily had to admit, it was interesting watching someone go from screaming to let them go, to squishing a load in their underwear in a matter of seconds.

Emily did her best to survive with the food in the house before finding a job that was as far away as any babyish things as possible. She got a cashier job at a hardware store, as things started to normalize for once. She still had trouble fighting her urges from time to time. She’d still find herself sucking her thumb while doing the dishes, or not being able to fight off the incredible urge to just stand and stare in the diaper aisle for half an hour. She tried potty training herself again, but quickly gave up on that. She’d just been in diapers for too long to ever get herself back to pre-hypnosis level. Most people saw her as a ditsy idiot, as she still had incredible trouble reading, or comprehending basic math problems. But she slowly was regaining her life, until that day…

“God I need a fucking vacation” She thought to herself, as she threw her keys onto the couch. “This job is quite literally killing me.” She murmured, as she grabbed the day old pasta from the fridge. She popped it in the microwave as she thought, “Maybe Colorado? I used to enjoy skiing right?” her mind kept running on the idea as she made her way into her room.

“You know maybe I could-“ She cut herself off as the case caught her gaze again. She made her way over to the desk, putting the warm bowl of pasta down on the desk, as she picked up the CD case.

“Maybe a baby vacation…?” She lazily thought, a small grin growing on her face. She held the case for a few moments, then threw it back down on the desk. “No, no, come on you KNOW what kind of trouble that can cause.” She slightly laughed to herself, but she couldn’t quite walk away. She kept staring at the case, as she sat down at her desk.

She told herself it was out of curiosity as she plopped the CD back into the computer. “Maybe there’s just some kind of quick 30 minute option…” She thought, knowing full well there wasn’t something like that on the disk. The prompt came up again:

“WELCOME PLEASE TYPE AWAKE PHRASE INTO THE BOX BELOW….” She bit her lip, feeling the horniness rise in her pelvis. “Maybe I could just use a phrase that anyone would use? Like ‘Hello’, or maybe I could just set a timer on my phone to…” She trailed off as she stared at the package of diapers in her room. Her mind spun for a moment, as she turned back to the screen. “Or.. Maybe I could take a much longer vacation…” She thought, as a greedy smile grew across her face. “;alisjfa; sdlkfalsk f;lakdsjf;lakjf” She typed into phrase box, as pure excitement washed over her. Her diaper warmed on both sides, as she immediately hit play.


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