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"Achoo!... Sorry!" The woman sitting next to Amy said apologetically, as she began wiping her nose with a napkin. Amy just shot her a weak smile, "Oh don't worry about it hah.." Amy said, turning back to her phone. She turned the clicked the volume button on her phone a few times to turn up the music in her earbuds. The La Dispute jammed in her ears as she scrolled through her phone. 

"Scientists say onset of 'Baby Brained' happens almost immediately. Seek help the second you even think you're infected!" read one of Yahoo! news article headlines she scrolled through. She just scoffed, "No one is actually getting turned into a baby, this is just fucking ridiculous..." Amy thought to herself. "How the hell would some kind of bacteria or shit turn your mind to mush? People believe everything they fucking hear nowadays." She thought, as she kept scrolling through her phone. The bus ride went on for a few more minutes, as Amy kept just scrolling through various news sites.

"Oh I should check up on how Joey is doing." She thought, going to type facebook into the URL. "I know he was really down the other day, let's see if he's... wait.. .what?" Amy did a double take at her phone as a google page loaded up on her phone instead of facebook. 

"Babyish....looking...onesies...? Did I just... type that in?" Amy couldn't believe her screen as she subconsciously started scrolling through her images. Nodding at the ones she thought she’d look she’d look best in, or ones that showed a good diaper bulge. "What the... what the fuck?! Why did I even do that?" She muttered, as she shook her head. She closed out of chrome and decided to just open her facebook app. "God that... why the fuck would I do that?...." She wracked her brain, as she typed in 'Joey' into her FB search bar. "...Babyish looking onesies isn't even what I would want anyways..." She thought, "Comfy cotton ones with elephants would be so much better to wear around a nursery anyways...." Her mind quickly shot back. "Wait. No that’s... what?..." Amy thought again, looking up from her phone. She brought her hand to her forehead, "Ugh Jesus..." She shook her head yet again, trying to gain some clarity. The bus lurched to a stop, and Amy seized her chance to get off and get some fresh air.

"Ugh god, come on Amy, pull it together. Let's not think about how nice it would be to shove my thumb in my mouth, or how cute a potty chart would look on my wall right now. I need to just, just clear my mind or something." She said to herself, as she let her feet just take her wherever. She started skipping a little bit as she made her way down the sidewalk, barely even noticing how much she was sucking on her bottom lip. She bounded down the street more and more until she finally reached a newly opened shop. 

"Baby Brained Accessories" Some had figured out ways to make a profit off of the new virus. The new chain had popped up almost overnight, advertising to the infected to get all of their new babyish needs and wants from the store. The government has been dragging their feet on whether the stores should even be allowed to be open, mostly due to the fact they had an epidemic bigger than the black plague on their hands...

"Welcome! Newly infected? Or just looking around?" The man behind the counter said as Amy walked in, he was wearing a complete hazmat suit. Amy did a double take, "Why are you wearins that silly suit?" The man just chuckled, "Well you see, almost all of my clients are infected with Baby Brain." he said, making his way over to her. "Could I help you find anything? Perhaps you'd like some fluffy teddy bears? A new crib? We're having a sale on everything pink!" He said, gesturing toward things around the store. Amy's face just went bright red.

"Oh you must be mistaken... I'm not like sick or anything..." Amy said, crossing her legs subconsciously. "Uh.. yeah okay.. then why are you doing a potty dance in the middle of my store?" The man said, pointing toward Amy. Her face immediately lit up in shock, "HEY! I'll have you know that I'm really goods at making it to the potty on times. I only had like 7 accidents yesterday poop head!! Everyone has accidents okay? So don't act like you don't just get all wet all of sudden when yous watching Teletubbies!!" Amy said, sticking out her tongue as she did so. "You're being a really dumb head to me right now." She shot back, subconsciously walking toward the pink diapers the man had pointed at earlier. "Okkaayyy, I'd say you're about 60% there, probably already at tipping point. Here, why don't you buy these nice looking pink diapers, they'll fit you really well!" Amy just stared at the diapers for a few minutes. Her mind was racing over how good they'd feel around her, "... and then I could make a mess, and then I could squish it, and then I could roll around, and then...." a thin line of drool was forming from her lips as her blank face continued to stare. The man just sighed, "I get all the weird ones... MA'AM!" He said, snapping his fingers. Amy came back to the world. "Would you like to buy the pink diapers and matching pink changing pad?" Amy immediately began violently nodding her head, "YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!" She screamed, she just grabbed her purse and threw it at the man. Clutching her newly purchased material as she did so. "Fank you!" You she yelled, as she ran out the door.


"Wait." Amy said, as she stood on her pink changing pad. She was back at her apartment, completely naked and diaper clad. "Isnts this wike, da lwast ting before me baby again?" She said behind her thumb, she was just moments away from letting out a torrent of pee into her diaper. She had already spent the last three hours trying to get the damn thing even on, she'd hit 8 babyish highs by giving in and sucking on her thumb alone...

"Won't I's be wike, weawwy dummy?" She thought, but then it hit her, "Whys am I even finking wike dis? Being in warm diapies is sooo much funnsies, ands I’m alweady in da diapie, who’s gonnas takes it offs to pee pees in da potties for me’s?" She smiled, as her diaper instantly began swelling around her crotch. It hit her like a ton of bricks, she immediately fell on her back, her feet flying in the air in response. All the while, her dumb babyish smile remained, as her brain melted into complete mush. Her giggling drowning out the sound of her own mush forming in the back of her now permanent diapers.



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