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"No, Abby what are yous thinkings?! No potty in da diapie! NO!" Abby said to herself around her pacifier. She was seconds away from pouring her bursting bladder out into the thick diaper wrapped around her waist. "You'll turn into one of those big dumb babies like on da TVs!" she mumbled, as she shot her hands toward her crotch, trying with all her might to save herself from drenching her diaper. 

The virus had started out as a sexual transmitted disease at first. "Baby Brained" was it's colloquial name. It wouldn't start out as anything at first. Once you were infected, you'd find yourself just randomly google searching about what size diapers you'd fit in, or suddenly realize you just binged 12 episodes of Thomas the Tank Engine and happily squealed along to any question they asked. But then... the "Tipping Point" as it was known would happen...

Every time you did something babyish, or indulged your sudden urges to just do something stupidly childish, by god it was better than orgasm you'd ever receive in your life. The blinding sexual feeling would course through you, and send you into a beautiful bliss. You'd find yourself a little dumber, and just a little more accepting of your regressing state. Most would spiral downward like this until they hit the "Final State". Wetting your first diaper. It was practically a death sentence for your mind. The second that warm wet pee hit the padding, your mind was on cloud nine. The pure baby euphoria would shred any "big kid" thoughts you had, and that was pretty much it for you. You're only able to talk in baby babble, and messy diapers for the rest of your life. This wasn't a huge deal for the world at first, you just had to hope whoever you were gonna fuck that night didn't secretly have the Baby Brain virus secretly in them. That was until it mutated into an airborne disease....

"We would like to remind everyone that wearing your face masks is required at all times by the CDC. Outbreaks are becoming incredibly frequent across the country now. Don't be stupid, only go out if you NEED to." The anchorman said. Abby watched in complete horror on her couch. The large breasted anchorwoman nodded in agreement. "That's right Chet. I'd also like to point out that I really hope my boyfriend cuts up my grilled cheese into little pieces for me tonight." She said sternly. The anchorman just recoiled, the woman realized a second after what she had just said, "I... uh... I didn't... I mean I hope he teaches me what that white chair in the bathroom is for." She said, but made a face indicating she knew that wasn't quite right either. Abby just shut the TV off in disgust.

"God, I hope I don't get as far gone as she does." Abby said, as twisted her left pigtail with her hand. She didn't even notice her free hand picking up the pacifier on the floor, next to her spilt container of juice. The one her "Daddy" would take care of. As she popped it in her mouth, the euphoria coursed through her veins. "Mmmm..." escaped her lips, as her eyes rolled up. "Fuck yes...." Was all she could utter out, her thoughts melted a little to teddy bears and play pens. She was so high from the virus, she didn't even notice herself marching up to her room. 

She made her way down the hall, her eyes droopy from the nirvana she was in. She busted open her bedroom door, and immediately ripped off her clothes. Quickly, she threw her drawers open, and greedily grabbed the diapers she had bought online the other day.

She was starting to come down a little when she jumped onto the bed. Her body continued to act on it's own, as she taped the second side of her diaper shut. She sat up onto her knees, and began to relax her bladder. The sudden feeling of relaxation snapped her out of it. "WAIT!" She screamed, clamping down hard on her muscles. She had barely stopped herself in time. "No, Abby what are yous thinkings?! No potty in da diapie! NO!" She whimpered, but not because of her situation, but because in the back of her mind, she wanted to just let go so fucking bad. "You'll turn into one of those big dumb babies like on da TVs!" she mumbled, but she knew she was losing the battle. "What if you... whaa... wa? Wa was I sayings?" Abby said, literally losing her train of thought in the middle of her sentence. Her cognitive thinking had essentially gone to shit over the past few days. "...Oh! Potty Time!!" She squealed, as the warm pee splashed into her diaper. She immediately threw her head back, as the warm wetness engulfed her entire existence. She fell back on her bed, as her mind completely emptied. She just babbled incoherent words as her diaper expanded, just like it would for the rest of her life...



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