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"Here come on, just hold still for this damn selfie!" Rossie sad, as she held up her Iphone, trying her best to adjust the camera so all three of the college girls would get into the shot. She shook her straight black hair, and finally took the picture. She immediately pulled the phone toward her to get a better look of the photograph. "Why are you so obsessed with taking selfies, Rossie." Kyana said, as she brushed her slightly wavy, brown hair to the side, and wiggled a little in her seat. "Oh please, Kyana. She's been taking those her whole life, you think she's gonna stop now?" Wanda said, getting up from her seat and walking toward the TV. Rossie looked up from her phone and shot Wanda a dirty look. "Hey, come on. You know they're super fun to take! Plus, it'll remind me of all the "Fun" times we have together." Rossie said sarcastically at the end, taking a jab at Wanda in doing so.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say..." Wanda said, as she flipped on the TV. The screen instantly lit up to a warm, pastel red background. The three girls instantly locked onto the TV, as the new commercial swirled across the screen. "Baby Selfies... Fun for everyone.... Don't you just want more?" the soft voice said over the speakers, over and over again. The commercial ended almost as quickly as Wanda turned the TV on, when in reality the girls had stared at the screen, with their blank expressions and droll running down their chins, for three hours. They just stared into space as they sat in complete silence. Rossie was the first to shake her head and blink herself back into reality.

"So, we're like, totally downloading that App right?" Rossie said, already loading up the store on her phone. "Um, fucking duh. We all want more right?" Wanda said, looking at the two other girls. They quickly nodded their heads in approval. "Why wouldn't we? It's fun for everyone, how could we not have a wonderful time just taking selfies?" Kyana said, chewing at her thumb for some reason. "You're so fucking right. God, its like all I want to do is take a selfie of us together with this damn App." Rossie said with a smile.

"Done! Alright, everyone huddle in." Rossie said, adjusting the camera to fit everyone. "Cheeessee!" Kyana said randomly, before smiling wider than she ever had before for a picture. Snap. Rossie instantly brought the camera to her lap to examine the picture. "Ugh, I don't think it really got you that well, Wanda." Rossie said, as she shifted her feet, which were snugly in her Velcro sketcher light ups. Wanda grabbed the phone from Rossie, "You're right, it didn't even get all of my pwetty drwess." Wanda said, touching the frills of her new pastel blue dress. Kyana didn't even say anything, her thumb was planted firmly in her mouth now. Which wasn't really anything new for the girls, sucking their thumbs was just as natural as breathing to them. It always had been. "Alright, here let me take another one." Wanda said, throwing her arm to take the shot.

Snap. Wanda brought the phone back to her lap to examine the picture. She held the phone about an inch above her pull-ups, which were completely exposed by her lack of pants. "Yeah, there we go guys, that one looks so much gooder!" Wanda said, as she passed the phone around. Rossie let out a little snort as she looked at the picture, "Oooo wes lwook sooo cutes!" Rossie said, happily wiggling on the couch in her own pull-up. As she did that though, she suddenly noticed her bladder was a lot fuller than she thought it was moments ago. She threw her phone on the couch. "Oh poopy head guys, I needs to get to the potty right now. My mommy said she'd put me back in diapies if I had another accident!" She said, immediately getting up and walking toward the hallway. Kyana was just in her own world, giggling behind her thumb as she pawed at her pull-up with a liner in it. The new shiny phone falling onto the couch caught her eye. "Oooo, funs for everyones...." She just mumbled to herself as she picked up the phone. She held up the phone in the classic selfie style, doing her best to get all of Rossie in the photo as well. Wanda barely noticed what Kyana was doing in time to stop giggling at how warm her pull-up suddenly felt and jump in front of the camera instead.

Snap. Rossie stopped in her tracks. Warm, wet bliss started spreading around her pull-ups. "Mmmm hehehe" Rossie said, as she closed her eyes, relishing the feeling of warm urine swashing in her pull-ups. She spun around, to see her two friends now naked, except for their thick pull-ups. She had no clue she had the same outfit on as well. "Hehe, Wossie, come pways withs us!" Kyana squealed, as she lifted her bum slightly off the seat of the couch. Not even caring that she was not pushing a warm mush into the back of her pull-ups. She slinked to the floor with an ear to ear smile, grabbing the new colorful blocks in front of her as she did so. Wanda blew a few bubbles of spit from her lips in response to Kyana's invitation. The two-started giggling and throwing their toys around, as Rossie stood there, anger bubbling up inside her. "YOU GUWYS! COME ONS! MORE PICTURES!!" Rossie screamed, stomping her feet on the floor multiple times to get the girls attention. She practically ran back over to the couch, her soaked pull-up swaying to her motions in response. Her hands greedily grabbed the phone, and aimed it at them. "Yee! Cheeesseee!" The three of them said in unison.

Instead of taking one picture, Rossie held the button down. Her phone started taking selfies rapid fire, as the effects of the App started working overtime on the girls. "Heeehheeee sewfies…. gaaa.... bagabbaaa…" Roosie's mouth dropped to the floor, as a blank look was painted across her face. Her vision started to blur, as she felt her grip on the phone getting lighter. Her mind hand gone completely blank, any coherent thought was immediately shoved out, as hundreds of pictures flew through the app. It felt like eons had passed, but suddenly, Rossie's vision came back to focus. 

"Gaabaaa?" Was the first thing she said, as the world came back to her. The three girls were taped into thick, thirsty diapers. Kyana and Wanda had bibs, but Rossie's plump boobs were on complete display. She looked up at the bottle, in the hand where her phone used to be, in a quizzical manner. Something wasn't quite right, something felt... off. Her face stopped straining, as the warm mass she was pushing out of her bum finally settled into the seat of her diaper. "GGAAAEEEE!!" Was all she could gurgle out, as she squished the warm mess. Swiviling her hips left and right to really enjoy the feeling. Her mind was now at ease, as the mess calmed her worrying thoughts. "SWIPIIEESSS!" Was all Rossie said, as she got to her knees, and started using her thumb to take selfies with her bottle. The other two girls just started blankly as Rossie did so. Their minds were completely gone, totally unaware of their own messes spreading in the back of their diapers, or Rossie crawling over to the TV to turn on the warm pastel reds.... Scrambling their minds full of me baby gurgle and filling their diapers until they burst.



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