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Kara's head was starting to spin as she made her way to the changing rooms in the back. People gave the girl odd looks as she walked across the store. Mostly because of the fact her thumb was planted firmly in her mouth, with a look of total bliss across her face. She was also skipping across the store instead of walking, drawing even more attention to herself. 

When she finally made it to the rooms the lady in charge shot her an incredibly confused look. "Ma’am are you... okay?" The woman said, as Kara beamed at her. "Me fine! I needs to puts my diapies on now doe, mommy saids I'll have big accidents in my pants if I don't wear my diapiesss. She said my pants will get all wets, which will get me a spanky! Me no wants spanky, me wants warm, wet diapies instead! Mommy woooves wet diapies!!" Kara said around her thumb. The woman was just in shock, so much so that she didn't even know what to say. She just pointed at the changing room next to them.

Kara bounded into the room, and quickly shut the door. She looked in the mirror and saw a 23 year old woman with a thumb stuck in her mouth looking back. That instantly shook her out of her daze, as she closed her eyes. Dropping the bag, her hand when back to her head. "Oh god, what the fuck is wrong with me? Why did I... do all of that?" She said, as she tried to regain her composure. "I'm not a fucking baby" She said, looking back into the mirror. Courage began to bubble up inside her.

"I need to get the fuck out of here and fix this." She said, picking up the bag of diapers. She meant to just pick them up and head out, but she suddenly found herself tearing open the plastic. "Well obviously, first I need to make sure my diaper is on." She said, pulling down her pants. "What if I go pee pee while I'm exploring?" She said, folding the diaper on the floor, and immediately laying down on it. She taped herself up, and bounced back up to face the mirror. Her newly diapered butt crinkled in response. She continued with her plan. "Then I have to go tell mommy to get me more diapies, what if I runs out?" She said, pulling her pants up. She stopped midway though, as something pressing suddenly sparked in her mind.

"Oh but first I need to go potty, which is..." She watched in the mirror as her diaper started to slowly sag and discolor around her crotch. "... My diapie! hehe" Kara squealed, as her bladder fully emptied into the thick diaper, warming all around her crotch. Her mind began to deflate as her moment of clarity was now long gone. "Hehe... warm diapiesss! Mommy will be so prouds!" She squealed, as she clapped her hands. "Where is mommy?" She lazily thought, as images of blocks and bottles began to flood her mind. She giggled as her dumb baby mind felt so warm and nice to be in.

She waddled out of the dressing room, pants still around her knees. She walked into the middle of the main aisle, and let her new emotions just overflow out of her. "I WANT MY MOMMMYYY!!!! MOOOMMMMYYYYY!!!" Kara started wailing in the middle of the store, stomping her feet as she screamed at the top of her lungs. She fell to her padded but, as she continued to implode on the floor. "WAAAA!!!! WA-WA-WAAA!!!" She was losing it in the store, soaked diaper completely on display. The mother witch smiled, as she turned out of an aisle to see the girl. “Who the hell let that baby in?” The witch her another person say, she smiled even wider as she turned into another aisle.
