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“And so when you take the square root of that, you end up with…” Mr Larson droned on as he continued with his derivation on the board. Renee could honestly careless, she was beyond checked out already with graduation only three weeks away. She added some shading to the random doodle on her notebook, not even paying attention to a word the teacher in front was saying. She looked up from her notebook for a moment to look around the room. She could tell Miranda and Ashely were doing the same thing as her, just drawing random things in their respective notebooks as Larson dramatically finished the derivation. “And there it is! The quadratic formula, isn’t that just amazing?!” Mr Larson said, spinning around to see a room full of unentertained high schoolers staring back at him. He smiled to himself and said, “Well we can keep going, if we add….” The three girls let out small groans, as they shot their heads back to their drawings. Renee could feel her mind starting to wander suddenly, as she thought about last night before she went to bed.

She saw the memory, her hands rhythmically moving around her clit. Soft moans escaped her lips as she stared at the computer screen. It was a typical nightly ritual for Renee, masturbate for a few minutes then it’s off to bed. She wasn’t really into anything specific, any simple hard core porn did the trick for her. She could feel close, as she watched the climax of the video. She bit her bottom lip, when suddenly, the memory started to change. 

Her underwear started to balloon outward, as her pants seemed to magically fade away. Her position in the room slowly faded as well as the memory changed from her sitting in her computer chair, to her kneeling down on the floor. Her underwear continued to expand as it materialized into a thick white diaper around her waist. Saying the diaper was white in the front wouldn’t be accurate though, it was obvious that the garment was thoroughly soaked. It seemed as if she had been wetting it all day long, like she was just a fountain into her pants. The source of her leaky bladder became obvious as a baby bottled half filled with milk formed around her mouth.  “Wait I don’t remember… huh?” Renee thought to herself, as she watched her memories changed. The more she kept thinking though, the harder it seemed to think that last night was any different. 

“Ashely… Oh Ashely…” She started moaning out load, as she rubbed the front of her diaper. “Where is your diaper Ashely? Huh? Aren’t you supposed to be a big dumb baby like me? Hehe” Renee was close, her mouth widened as she reached the climax, “Oh fuck me Ashely, rub your full diaper on top of mine. Be a mindless stupid baby with me. Make big big messes in our diapies… Oh yes.. Oh…Ohh……” She let out a small squeak as her face melted into pure bliss. She came hard into her full diaper, as she collapsed onto her back on the floor. A wide dumb smile was across her face, as the bottled in her mouth continued to slowly drain. She was in such euphoria, she didn’t even try to hold back the slight pang in her bladder, as the diaper around her waist started to warm. She let out a small giggle, feeling her crotch spread with warmth. She laid there for a few minutes, enjoying her post-cum mind as it swam with images of Ashely in an oversized crib, crawling around in a large puffy diaper. She moved her head to the right, as she looked at the half used package of adult diapers in her closet. “I’m going to have to get some more soon, can’t stop the nightly ritual! Haha” she mumbled to herself, as she got up onto her feet. She popped the drain bottle out of her mouth, and placed it on her nightside table. She grabbed the pacifier that was also on the table, and placed it into her eagerly awaiting mouth. The memory started to fade as Renee started to shake her head back to reality.

“Ugh what the? Did I really do that…?” she thought to herself, her mind spun as she started to replay the memory in her mind. Her face looked strained as she kept thinking back to last night. It played over and over, and then suddenly, she stopped. All at once, a feeling of relief started to wash over her as a small grin grew across her face. “Why am I think so hard about diapie time?” She giggled to herself, “Of course I’m going to have it again tonight, I’ve been doing it every night for like what? The past three years?” Her grin grew wider as she settled her mind. She shifted her seat slightly, enjoying the feeling of her pull-up as she did so. Her cheeks blushed slightly as she thought about why she was even wearing one. It started about two months ago. Renee was always trying to seek that next thrill with her diaper fetish, and getting caught in diapers was one of her biggest turn-ons. She started wearing pull-ups to school in hopes that someone would find out. She fantasized about someone pulling her pants line to the side, and humiliating her in front of everyone for wearing such a childish garment. She smiled to herself as she shook her head from day dreaming, and started scribbling down some notes. 

“Ughh god this class is so fucking boorring” Miranda said behind Renee.

“I fucking know dude, I’d rather die then have to sit through another 10 minutes of this.” Ashely said. 

“Here take this pen, slit my throat here.” Renee said, as the three giggled quietly to that remark. Renee’s gaze was fixed on Ashely’s smile as she turned back to her notebook. Renee bit her lower lip, as she could feel herself getting turned on by the girl for what felt like the billionth time. Renee could feel herself start to day dream again, as she started fantasizing about Ashely.

She stared at her crotch from the corner of her eye, wishing with all her might there was a diaper bulge around there. A thick diaper around her waist that obviously meant she was no where close to being potty trained, even though she was in high school. Her fantasy started to get even deeper. She imagined her doing a little potty dance in her seat, as she pressed her hands against her crotch. She desperately tries to hold it in, when suddenly her face slowly relaxes. Ashely stares into space, as she slowly soaks her thirsty diaper. A look of disappointment grows across her face, before she shrugs and gets right back into taking notes. Not making it on time was just so natural to Ashely, it didn’t even phase her. Renee’s mind kept wandering to her friend being diapered, until the bell suddenly brought her back to earth.

“Well class, next time we’ll talk about…” Mr Larson’s voice faded as the girls immediately got out of there seats, and sped out the door.

“We should have skipped that one.” Miranda said, as they started to make their way down the hall.

“I don’t think you can legally die from boredom, but I was fucking close.” Ashely said. The three of them got to their lockers as they spun their combinations. “Oh hey Renee” Ashely said, as she swung her locker open. “I’m I still good to come over later on today to study for chemistry?” Ashely said, rummaging through her bag. Renee was slightly cut off guard by the question, as she had only just minutes before been fantasizing about the two of them doing the kinkiest things to one another.

“Oh uh yeah! My mom said it was a totally fine, she got some snacks and stuff for us so we’ll have a great studying session.” Renee said, as she unzipped her backpack.

“Awesome, gonna need help with the orbitals stuff, I’m still hazy on it.” Ashely said.

“Yeah sure, we can definitely go over that.” Renee said, as she threw her math notebook into the locker. She started grabbing other notebooks from her bag when suddenly, she was caught off guard by the cold metallic feeling from inside her backpack. She dug her head deep into her locker, as her hands griped the metal device, and hoisted it out of her bag. She stared at it for a second, as a devious smile grew across her face. “Or maybe we can have play date tonight…” She thought, as she dug the device back into her backpack. She felt so turned on by thought of turning her friend into her diapered playmate, that she felt compelled to let loose into her pull-up. She closed her eyes and reveled in the feeling as the padding around her slowly expanded. Renee loved having accidents at school. She opened her eyes, and grabbed the last of her things. She closed her locker, and followed the girls, her pull-up still warming all the way down the hall.



Really enjoyed this one. Would love to see it brought back