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Mind Changer

“So where do you guys want to go to eat?” Miranda said to Ashely and Renee, as the three of them all stood around Miranda’s locker. The bell signaling the end of fourth period, and the start of lunch had just rung moments before. The foot traffic around the three of them picking up as more and more people left their classrooms. The three seniors were about three weeks away from graduating, and were about mid-tier in terms of popularity. They had great looks, with Ashely having her beautiful brunette hair, Renee’s was a unique light brown mixed with some red, and Mirandas was naturally blonde. The three of them were busty to say the least, they’d always competed for who had the bigger bra size throughout their lives. Miranda had them beat with the D cup, as Renee and Ashely both sported C’s. 

“I was thinking maybe we could do that new place? It’s only like what? A minute or two away?” Ashely said, as she leaned up against the locker.

“Yeah isn’t it called ‘Modern Touch’ or some bull shit like that?” Renee followed up with, the three of them letting out short laughter to the ‘bull shit like that?’ line. Her line of sight suddenly shifted to the crowed around them.

“Ha, yeah we could do that, hopefully it’s not too much.” Miranda said, as she noticed Renee looking into the distance. She turned around, and saw the crush Renee has had since middle school, Logan Loon. She turned back and punched Renee in the arm. “Taking a gander at the pretty boy huh?” She said, as she started to giggle at her. Renee looked back and shot her a look.

“Hey, you know he’s fucking man candy, cut me some slack!” She punched back, as her looked turned into a smile.

“Come on idiots, man candy can wait. I’m fucking starving.” Ashely said, as she started making her way toward the doors. The other two followed.


“Jeez it looks kinda pricy” Miranda said, as the pulled into the driveway of the building. 

“Eh, if it’s too much I’ll cover you guys.” Ashely said, as she put the car in park. 

“Oh what, daddy cash in on some more stocks the other day?” Miranda said playfully.

“Shut the fuck up, you know I work for my money!” Ashely said, as the three of them started getting out of the car.

“Yeah yeah, I know, you remind us a million times a day Ash.” Miranda said back, as they started making their way to the crisp looking building. It was all silver, with glass walls in the front. “MODERN TOUCH” was written across the top.

When the three walked into the door, they were surprised to say the least. There were no tables, no chairs, no window looking into the kitchen in the back. The only thing was a single silver desk, with a slick pencil looking woman behind it. The three stood in the doorway for a moment, shock across each of their places as they took it in. Ashely spoke up.

“Oh sorry, I guess, we thought this was a restaurant or something.” She said, as she started to turn out of the door. 

“Oh my dear! It is!” The woman said behind the desk, she had straight black hair, red lipstick, and piercing brown eyes. “Come on in! Come on in! I’ll take your order right here.” The three all looked at one another, they looked back toward the woman. They slowly started walking down toward the counter. 

“So what we just tell you what we want and you’ll just make it?” Renee said as they stopped at the silver counter. 

“Yes, now Ma’am what will it be?” The woman said, a wicked smile across her face.

“I don’t… I uh… I don’t really-“ Renee was suddenly cut off. 

“Come on Renee, today please!” Miranda said jokingly, Renee shot her another look.

“Alright! Alright! Uh I really don’t know? What’s the best thing you got? Something memorable I guess?” Renee said, with a shrug to the woman. 

“Something memorable?” Ashely said with a snort at the end, “Who describes their meal as ‘something memorable’? Come on Renee you gotta gi-“

“Done!” The woman said, as she handed a strange metal device over to Renee. The device was slightly long, and had a grayish tint to it. It wasn’t complex, all it had was a red button on it, with what looked like holes for a microphone. 

“What? What am I supposed to do with this?” Renee said, as she started to turn the device over in her hands. 

“You said you wanted something memorable. Right? So, just tell the device what you want, and then think about walking in here and having a delicious meal.” The three just stared at the woman in shock, Miranda’s mouth was completely open. The silence hung for a few moments, as the girls looked at each other. Renee shrugged and pushed the button.

“We came in here, and we had a fantastic meal.” She released the button, again, silence. After a few seconds of the three just standing there waiting for something to happen, Ashely spoke up.

“Hey listen lady, I don’t think you can just fool us or something. This isn’t funny, either give us something to eat or we’re fucking out of here.” Ashely shot at the woman, crossing her arms as she did so.

“Well you’re not done yet.” The woman said plainly.

“What?” Renee said back.

“Think about when you came in here, and instead of meeting me, you had a delicious and fantastic meal.” The woman said again, her devious smile still on display. Renee just shook her head again, but followed with what the insane woman said anyways. She started to close her eyes, but was cut off by the woman. “Oh, and one more thing, this device won’t go away.” She said pointing at the gray object in her hands. “You’ll always know what this device does, so don’t go try wasting your time forgetting what this does. It’ll be like breathing, you can’t go back and change your memories to when you learned how to breathe. So get used to it.” The woman said smiling, keeping her professional composure, as Renee slowly nodded and closed her eyes. She thought about coming in here. She just thought of the first thing that came to mind, they sat down, and ate fantastic Mexican burritos from Chipotle. 

The girls just stared at Renee, smiles began to grow across their faces. They tried holding in laughter as it looked like Renee was really falling for this woman’s shit.

“Ah… Ahah… ahahah, oh Renee, come on she’s just messing with us. This isn’t actually-“ Miranda was cut off as her mind began to swirl. She could see insider her mind, as the memory of them coming in her started to play out. Gone was the blank space, instead was a crowded Chipotle. The three of them went in and ordered their usual, but this time the food seemed much more delicious.

“Damn this burrito is fucking bomb!” Ashely said, as the two of them chowed down on their meals. 

“What they put in this thing? Extra guac maybe?” Renee said, as she wiped her face.

“I don’t even know dude, but it’s brilliant today.” Miranda said around a mouth full of burrito.

The three of them laughed and ate as the memory of them coming into Modern Tastes slowly faded. Replaced by their fantastic Chipotle trip. The movie in her mind faded, as Miranda blinked back into the world, the three of the walking out of the Chipotle. 

“Damn what a great time” Ashely said as they started piling into the car. 

“Yeah, better enjoy this memory girls, probably won’t be this good for a long time again! Haha” Miranda said, as she closed her car door.

“Might wanna punch it on the gas Ash, class starts in like 10 minutes.” Renee said, as she put the silver device into her bag.

“I got it! When have I ever let you guys down!” She said, as the three of their heads hit the back of their seats from the car’s sudden acceleration.

The silver device clinked and clattered in Renee’s bag.


“Shit, Shit, just throw your shit in your locker, we never take notes in his class anyways.” Ashely said, as the three rushed into the school. 

“Fuck you Ash, why did you have to take so long!” Miranda said, as she put the combination into her locker.

“I’m sorry! I can’t control the fucking traffic lights!” Ashely said, as she swung her locker open. The three of them shoved their backpacks in, slamming their lockers shot and raced toward class. Renee didn’t try to position her backpack in way that made it fit, instead it was squished awkwardly against the wall and the locker door. The device’s red button was being pushed by the books in her backpack, waiting for a command.

Candy started walking by with her gang. The blonde hair bimbo was one of the most popular kids in the school, simply just because of her good looks though. Her crew stopped by Renee’s locker as the device listened in. 

“Uh, can you like, believe those dumb dweeps.” One of Candy’s friends said.

“I know, those idiots think they’re sooo much cooler than us.” Another one of them said.

“What was that shit George showed us in homeroom today about those weird fetishes?” Candy said, her crew perking up at the chance to impress her. 

“Oh! It was that list of fetishes in the U.S. You said you thought the diaper one was funniest!!” One of the ditsy girls said to Candy, beaming within herself that she got to impress Candy. 

“Ahaha yeah! I bet Renee has one of those fucking diaper fetishes! Ahaha” Candy laughed, the rest of her crew followed suit with her. 

“She’s probably lesbian with one of those girls too! Ahaha” another one of her posy members said. Candy smirked and started thinking of Renee, diaper clad and sucking from a bottle in her room, all the while getting turned on by it. She giggled to herself as she thought of Renee rubbing the front of her diaper while moaning, “Ashely… Ashely… oh Ashely… Where’s your diaper Ashely…?” She shook her head and busted out laughing. The group started making it’s way to their own class rooms. The device heard every word, as it started to hum.


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