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Hey folks, it is that time again for the Insiders to vote on the next short story that I'll be writing. I'm trying something a little different here -- instead of using Patreon's built-in polling, I'm using Typeform. It might embed the survey here, but if it looks strange, you can access it off this link as well:https://e40y8c8lwli.typeform.com/to/mrzquLPt

[UPDATE] Whelp it looks like the service I used has a 10 response cap which sucks. I've been looking for another way to take your feedback here, but most have similar limitations. While I keep looking into it, feel free to comment with your top three options. I'll manually tally them up on Monday and get writing.

The reason for me trying this method is a suggestion someone commented about on the last poll: to give you guys the ability to rank the options instead of picking just one. So now you can pick your top story options you want to see by assigning each option a rank of 1 through 12. If you only want one or two, that's fine too; this way, it'll let me get a better idea of which stories you want me to write.

One caveat here is the option of the wife having to pretend to be single and having to hook up with someone. I have a plan for that one but I want to sequence it into my workflow to come out at the right time. So if it hits number one, rest assured I will write it, but it might not be the next short story that comes out.

Let me know in the comments what you think of this new way of doing a poll or if you prefer the regular way.



My new form

Turn data collection into an experience with Typeform. Create beautiful online forms, surveys, quizzes, and so much more. Try it for FREE.



How many chapters are you planning to have in the detestable liaison series?


Tainted Conception and TA definitely TOP 2