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Hey everyone, its that time of the month again for more Toxic Attraction. This has been a chapter I have been itching to write for quite some time. Now that its here, I really hope you enjoy it as much as I have had a blast writing it.

I wanted to give a shout-out to the Insiders whose feedback helped improve this chapter (and provide a lot of good elements I'm bringing into CH19), Grandeman for his edits, and Roxy for help with the outfits (see attached for inspo for this chapter).

As a peak behind the curtain, I'm currently writing Toxic Attraction 19, Neighborhood Encounters 2, as well as a bit of Tainted Conception. I plan to get another short story done soon as well so there should be a lot of content rolling out soon.

Without further ado, here is Chapter 19 of Toxic Attraction. As always, I love to hear what you think so please don't be shy. Comment below, or feel free to DM or email me!



“Come on,” Sarah’s eyes flicked between her watch and the ascending numbers on the elevator’s screen as her foot tapped loudly. It was earlier than she normally arrived, but she had a mess to clean up. She’d been mortified at being late picking up her girls. That never happened. The rest of her night had been like a whirlwind. Getting the girls fed with McDonald's and then spending some quality time reassuring them that mommy wouldn’t be late again before putting them to bed. The whole night had made her feel like she was behind the eightball, but that’s how her entire day had gone.

In her rush to grab the girls she hadn’t had time to stop and grab the bottle of wine she had planned for. Her late-night bath hadn’t been nearly as relaxing without it. She just wanted to take the edge off a bit after everything that had happened yesterday. Learning she wasn’t getting the promotion that would pull her family from the brink of financial hardship, Dan lying, and Lester…

Well, Lester found the right buttons to push to cause her to open up her legs for him in her own office. Something she never thought she would entertain, blurring the lines between her professional life and her now wildly unpredictable personal life.

She felt like she was juggling all of these different aspects of herself. Her own different multiple personalities. The loving mother, the devoted wife, the stellar daughter, the badass professional, Lester’s slut…God maybe not that last one. They all felt like they were beginning to blur and meld together, but that wasn’t what she wanted.

Sarah wanted to be all of those things but be able to slide into one or the other when necessary. She couldn’t sacrifice her professional or home life to fulfill her desires for Lester.

The elevator chimed, and the doors opened, snapping Sarah back to the situation at hand. Sarah stepped out into the administrative area of the building and began walking towards her office.

<i>Her desires towards Lester.</i> She had been such a bitch the day before on the phone with Dan, telling him how much she enjoyed spending time with his troll-like roommate. She hadn’t planned to say it, but it had just come out. Dan hadn’t texted her all night, and her phone still hadn’t received a message from him this morning. She knew he was already up and heading to work, but she felt a lot better if he just reached out to her.

She hated being the one to cave first and apologize. But she had just reacted to the way the conversation went. Dan had still been the one who lied to her in the first place and needed to apologize. Sarah wasn’t even sure if she actually felt that way towards Lester, but something like a weight had been lifted when those words left her lips, as if she was revealing some unmentionable truth she had been suppressing.

Sarah wanted to think more about it and figure out what it was she was feeling but she’d have to do that later. Right now, she had to clean up the mess she and Lester had made in her office the previous night. She’d already left Lester’s phone in his cubicle on her way up. Now it was her office she needed to tackle.

She passed a row of empty cubicles, many of which would be occupied within the next half hour. Sarah noted the absence of the janitor’s cart that she’d spotted last night. That meant that the janitor had been up here sometime between when she left and this morning. She prayed that they hadn’t seen or heard anything that went on yesterday.

There was no point dwelling on what might have happened. She had to focus on what was right in front of her. Sarah dug her keys out of her purse as she neared her office door. She turned the handle to double-check that she had locked it last night. It didn’t budge.

Good. She used the keys to unlock it and slipped inside before closing it behind her. She locked the door before turning around and surveying the surreal scene before her. Overcast clouds outside the window made the office feel dark, so she flicked on the lights. The incandescent lights flickered to life, illuminating the remains of her broken desk. Garbage and other items lay all over the floor. Some personal items, like the broken picture frame, were on a side table where she left them last night.

With a heavy sigh, Sarah started to straighten up her office. There was no fixing the desk, and she was afraid to check the condition of her monitor and laptop. She focused on cleaning up the trash from the bin that had toppled over while Lester fucked her. Her mind couldn’t help drifting to Lester and how he’d power fucked her the day before. Each piece of trash Sarah picked up and put back into the bin was like another admission of guilt at just how good and thorough of a fucking it had been.

Seeing Lester’s lust-filled face transform part way through into something more hungry. That look he gave her. Its possessiveness. She didn’t know what to make of it, but she felt her body respond to its memory. She couldn’t explain it rationally. It almost felt like a biological reaction.

Sarah finished cleaning up the trash and turned her attention to the pens and other items previously set up on her desk. She took a few minutes to collect them and recreate the arrangement with her personal items on the table.

She caught sight of herself in the mirror. Even though she felt like a hot mess, her wardrobe was still on point. She loved the way her high-waisted cotton pants looked with the slim green button-up shirt she had chosen. Sarah loved to toe the line between professional and sexy.

She froze when she heard voices coming from the other side of the door. Holding her breath, Sarah waited for the door to open and for her to have to explain the carnage she was standing in the middle of. Thankfully, the voices moved on in the direction of the empty cubicles. Sarah checked her watch. It was close to the time everyone normally came in, and meetings began assembling for the day.

She cursed at herself for taking too long to clean. Daydreaming and thinking about the day before cost her precious time.

Sarah pulled her monitor and laptop to the side, away from the broken desk. She did her best to pull the cables out from under the desk, trying to keep IT things separate from building maintenance things. Even in her own personal mess, her professional side still wanted to demarcate things and compartmentalize them. Put them in order. There was still debris on the floor, broken pieces of wood where the leg snapped, but she decided to leave those, proof she’d pass on to maintenance - that one of the desk’s legs must have given out in the night.

Crossing her fingers, Sarah put her laptop on the table and opened it, hoping it would still work. Thankfully, it booted up normally. She quickly composed an email to the facilities team telling them about the desk and arranging for a replacement. She would stop by after the morning meeting to touch base in person. She’d do the same with her monitor and laptop, go talk to Jerry in person, and get a favor to send one of his team members up to check them out.

More noise outside her office signaled her coworkers were busy arriving and starting their days. She rechecked her watch. It was time for her to head downstairs for the department head meeting. Leaning back against the table, Sarah sighed and surveyed the room one last time. Despite her nominal cleaning, things were getting messy, and she needed to ground herself somehow.

She could try to reach out to Dan later in the day. He’d said something about some news regarding his freelance clients, but in her anger, she hadn’t let him finish the thought. Maybe there was something there she could get excited about. Besides, Dan was coming back to Middleton later this week, and she’d rather not drag out any awkwardness between them in front of the kids. Better to put it to bed now and try to move on. They’d get past this and back to themselves. They always did.

Sitting here feeling frustrated in her office wouldn’t solve her problems. Sarah stood up, gathered her things, and headed for the door. Get through the next meeting, get her office set back up, and then tackle the rest of the problems at the hospital.

As she made her way to the elevator, she made small talk with a few coworkers, trying to convey that everything was normal with her. Sarah was one of the last people to filter into the meeting room before the department heads began to run through their agendas for the day. No one noticed, but Sarah felt severely underprepared for this meeting. Normally, she would have reviewed her emails and touched base with a few other people in the meeting to fully understand the points being discussed.

Today, she had been so focused on cleaning up her office that she hadn’t had the time.

Before long, the meeting was wrapping up, but then John, the interim CEO, stood up. “Just one more thing,” He said, looking around the room at everyone. His eyes seemed to skip over Sarah as if he was trying to avoid looking at her.

Was that because he felt guilty about fucking her over for the job or because he saw her getting fucked from the window yesterday? Either way, Sarah felt herself squirming in her seat.

“I’m really happy to announce that the board’s CEO candidate has accepted our offer.” John smiled, likely happy to be relieved of his duties as interim CEO. He didn't know what those duties were since Sarah was doing most of them. “He is eager to get started. So eager that he plans to come in on Monday to meet all of you as he gradually gets onboarded.”

“Monday,” Marcie, the head of HR, said. “That’s so soon. We’re not even remotely ready to get-”

“Let’s make it happen,” John waved a hand at her dismissively, “We need new permanent leadership here, so there’s no point in dawdling.”

“Can we know who this new CEO is going to be?” Jerry said from the back of the room.

“Right. Sure,” John said standing up, signaling that the meeting was over. His name is Richard Thornhill. He’s joining us after 20 years in the industry, capped by turning around a disaster of a medical complex up in Aurora. I can’t express how lucky we are to have him join us. He has some bold ideas for the hospital that the board is really excited about.”

With that, John briskly left the room, and everyone else slowly began to filter out. Sarah stayed seated, pulled out her phone, and opened LinkedIn to see who Richard Thornhill was. She quickly found his profile. Richard looked like he was in his late fifties or early sixties, caucasian with gray and white hair. Sarah suspected it was likely white hair that he was dyeing with streaks of gray to look more distinguished as the streaks looked patterned. She read over his past roles and couldn’t help but feel small compared to the new CEO’s impressive resume.

She looked at this picture again and decided she found his smile insincere. She’d better get her head on properly before Monday. The last thing she wanted was to get off on the wrong foot with her new boss.

Knowing that she hadn’t been picked for the role was one thing. But now, seeing someone else who would be stepping into the role was something else entirely. He brought a ton of good experience. Would he come in here and question everything Sarah had built? Because she didn’t have the formal education for this role, would he look at what she’d done and see how much it screams ‘uneducated?’ He would probably come in and make sweeping reforms to everything she built.

She felt her stress levels rising. Sarah breathed and calmed herself, balling her fingers into fists and stretching them out. Sitting in here wouldn’t help her relax. She needed to keep moving, go talk to maintenance, and then Jerry in IT. All she could do was keep doing her best work.

A thought popped into her head. Before she realized what she was doing, she’d opened her texting app and sent a message.

S: What day is your birthday this week?

On the screen, she saw a reflected grin play across her lips.


“Alright, we wanted to go over some role changes here,” Walt was standing in the middle of the office. Dan sat next to a vacant office chair alongside what remained of his coworkers. As Dan looked around the room, there were probably less than forty other employees left. When he joined this firm, it was well over one hundred. Walt was standing in front of the group, a few other senior leaders flanking his side.

“From now on, we all need to act as business development people. I want you reaching into your networks, in line at Starbucks, whatever we have to do. From now on, the company needs your help to bring new business in. I don’t care if you are a secretary or an accountant. All of our jobs now include this duty.” Walt looked frailer than usual. Dan could guess what this rallying of the troops speech was about. They must have lost another client, and the pipeline for new ones was drying up.

Dan’s phone vibrated in the pocket of his blazer. A glimmer of hope spread through his body, hoping it was Sarah. They hadn’t left things on good terms yesterday. He wanted to call her and apologize again for his lie. It wasn’t that he’d wanted to keep the truth from her. It was difficult to admit to himself, let alone the woman he’d married. Sure, letting a guy watch her seemed fairly standard considering all the other wild shit that had happened over the past few months, but this time it made him feel exposed. Lester’s friend Eugene was the first person who’d actively seen Dan enjoy his fetish outside of Sarah and Lester. Maybe Jesse knew something, but not to this extent, not in person. It made him feel vulnerable, a feeling he hated. At least, that’s how he had begun to reconcile it in his head.

He had been up all night, tossing and turning in bed, trying to process his emotions. This is what he had landed on. The truth being exposed and making him feel small was part of why he had retreated and let the guy watch. Of course, it aroused him. Knowing Sarah was on display, but being seen for who he really was, that was something Dan wasn’t prepared to deal with.

He was just lucky it wasn’t someone from his personal life.

“Uh, sir?” One of Dan’s colleagues had raised his hand. Walt nodded for the man to speak. “Will these duties translate into a pay raise or maybe get us back to where we were paywise? Since it’s not in our current job descriptions?”

Walt sighed and looked at the ceiling as if the perfect answer to the guy’s question was written there. When he finally dropped his head and looked at the assembled group, “No. That’s not possible right now.”

The man looked at Walt, wide-eyed, at the wall, then the floor.

<i>Another one gone.</i> Dan had seen the look before. His colleague would likely be the next to go.

“Will there be any more layoffs?” A female voice spoke from somewhere behind Dan.

“Ummm. No. Well. The future is uncertain. We can’t say for sure.” One of Walt’s senior managers piped in.

This meeting felt like the prelude to a slow circle down the drain. With Dan’s newly appointed business development duties, he felt empowered to reach into his blazer and check his phone. His heart dropped when he saw the call hadn’t come from Sarah. It was Bill, one of his new clients. Bill had also left a short text message, asking Dan to meet at a sports bar by his office for a drink later in the week to review the project.

Meeting for drinks or a restaurant to talk shop wasn't unusual. Dan would reply later, but he didn’t want to arouse too much suspicion now. Before, he didn’t think Walt would mind that Dan was picking up side clients, but now, after this meeting, it sounded like Walt was getting desperate. Dan didn’t know how Walt would react, knowing Dan was drumming up new business. He might force Dan to run the clients through the company instead of on the side, to himself.

But that would be a lose, lose situation. Walt’s company was a sinking ship that might fold in the next few months. Angering clients and blowing back on Dan, who was working hard to establish himself as an independent asset in the industry.

Dan’s hand automatically rose to pinch the bridge of his nose, but he stopped himself. He lowered his hand to the arm of the chair and made a fist. Walt and his senior managers were still addressing questions from the group but Dan was tuning out. None of this was relevant to him anymore. He could tell Walt was getting agitated from his body language, but Dan wanted to talk this all over with his rock, Sarah.

The last time they talked, she had driven a dagger into his heart when she said that she actually enjoyed her dates with Lester. Enjoyed them. Enjoyed being with him. The conversation was heated, and he had lobbed the first bomb towards her. She had just been lobbing it back. Maybe it wasn’t true, and she just said it was to hurt him at the moment. Things had gotten carried away in more than one sense. He knew that Sarah could get off with Lester, and it played into some of her fantasies, but she couldn’t actually like him.

Dan reluctantly felt his cock begin to stir at the idea. He tightened his fist, trying to will the thoughts out of his head. His nails dug into his palm, causing a tinge of pain that he focused on until the thoughts receded back to the depths of the depraved parts of his brain. Dan turned his attention back to Walt and tried to focus on every word the older man said.

After a few more minutes, Walt, looking exhausted, thanked everyone for their patience during this time of transition. The rest of Dan’s co-workers began to filter back to their desks. Dan took the cue to make a beeline towards his office, not wanting to engage with anyone after the disaster they’d all just been through. Closing the door behind him, he sat at his desk and closed his eyes, mentally preparing to call Sarah.

Ideally, he would just call her, and they would reconcile, but he knew it would be harder than that. It always sucked having these conversations on the phone - he wished he could just drive home and be there in person to talk it out. He would be home in a couple of days, but he couldn’t let this fester until then. But he still needed to work himself up to have the conversation. He knew his wife and how best to get through to her. He wanted none of the hopelessness at his workplace to filter through.

As a form of productive procrastination, he opened up the email account he used for his side business. He thumbed through his inbox. Several spam messages and a handful of new contacts were reaching out to try and set up meetings. Dan’s track record of closing new contacts into paying clients was pretty good, so some of these could actually be quite lucrative. He would just need to find the time somewhere in his busy schedule. Dan’s heart skipped a beat when he saw a new email from Martin with Sentinel Securities. He opened it, started reading, and felt his heart immediately drop.

They wanted him to visit their D.C. office this week. Martin said his team would take care of all the arrangements and pick up the tab for everything, but there were pertinent, sensitive items that could only be discussed in person. Dan reread the dates in the email. They wanted him down there on the same day he was supposed to return home.

Dan pinched the bridge of his nose, closed his eyes, and rested his head against the back of his chair. This wouldn’t go over well with Sarah, especially not at the moment. But he needed Sentinel. They were his life raft to pull himself out of the mess at his current company. He couldn’t say no, could he?

He thought of his little girls and how much he wanted to see them. But he needed to secure their future, too—the future of his family.

With a heavy sigh, Dan typed up a response to Martin, agreeing to the meeting in Washington.


Sarah hated feeling flustered. She tried to keep her head held high as she walked through the halls of the hospital. Her confidence usually came naturally, but lately, it felt like she was putting on a show, and everyone knew it.

With a brilliant smile on her face, she did her rounds, checking in with the different department heads and going over the lingering items on her list. The entire time, she was smiling and nodding; she just wanted to retreat back to her office.

The smile faded from her face as she entered the elevators, and the doors closed behind her. It was getting close to lunch, and now she could finally hide in her office for a little while. As she waited for the elevator to reach her floor, she checked her phone. Nothing from Dan or Lester.

Sarah put her phone away as the doors opened, and the smile rapidly returned to her face as she greeted a pair of colleagues waiting to take the elevator. The floor was busy with activity; thankfully, no one had started a conversation with her. She made her way to her office but stopped when she saw that her door was open.

Steadying herself, Sarah walked through the door and was relieved that a building maintenance worker was setting up a new desk. A large box sat on the floor, which she guessed was her new monitor. A janitor was emptying her trash bin into his cart and looked up at her with a knowing look.

Sarah vaguely recognized him. She had seen him before on their floor, but he wasn’t a regular. Her eyes darted to his name tag, which read ‘Otis’ in red cursive letters. His face was weathered with gray, unkempt hair and a permanent five o’clock shadow. Otis had a visible potbelly through his coveralls and looked like the kind of guy who might get caught drinking on the job. She made a mental note to circle back with Marcie about him later.

She didn’t want her eyes to linger on him too long in case he was the same janitor whose cart she had seen the previous night. She nodded to him, “Thank you.”

Oddly, he didn’t nod back, just kept his eyes on her. Sarah moved past him to the table with her belongings and grabbed her car keys. It looked like the solitude of her office would have to wait. Sarah turned to thank the worker from maintenance and felt the room begin to spin. The sun had broken through the clouds, shining through her office window. A smudged outline of her body from the previous day was on the window. Sweat and the oils from her body were left on the window, showing her hand prints in several spots, as well as where her firm breasts had been pushed up against the glass. A blurred smudge where her head had been must have been from her forehead or cheeks.

It didn’t seem like the maintenance man had noticed. The sun faded behind the clouds, and her outline softened, but she could still see it. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed it earlier, but the morning had been overcast. Mortified, she turned and walked out of the office, wondering if the smudge was the reason for the knowing look on the janitor’s face.

Sarah took the elevator down to the main floor and walked out to the parking lot. She could feel the smudge of herself looking down at her from the building behind her. She didn’t dare turn around, afraid that the smudge would be visible to anyone who looked up, or worse, that the janitor and the maintenance man would be up there, looking down at her, smirking.

She got in her car and, in a daze, drove herself to the nearest Costco. If she couldn’t hide in her office, she could at least get out of the hospital and do some shopping. Dan always joked that shopping was one of her hobbies, but it just felt good to her—even if today it was going to be shopping for food instead of clothes or other kinds of retail therapy.

When Dan came back this week, she wanted to be ready and make something nice for him. One of his favorite meals as a peace offering from their argument earlier. She wondered how he would react when she told him what had happened with Lester in her office yesterday. Should she wait until he got back or tell him about it over the phone? Sooner was probably better, or else it might look like she was trying to hide something from him.

Pushing the oversized shopping cart, Sarah navigated the wide aisles of the local Costco. She filled the cart with produce, meat, milk, and other items to stock in their fridge, as well as the different ingredients for her meal for Dan. She planned on making him a grilled lemon herb chicken with a side of roasted potatoes, something he always remarked how much he loved.

When she was done filling her cart, Sarah wheeled it to the far side of the store to avoid the busy interior aisles and come out near the pharmacy. She hoped to grab a new body wash or something to feel refreshed and relaxed tonight.

As she made her way closer to the front of the store, she began passing by the large, oversized bags of chips and snacks tucked against the wall. She smirked as she saw a giant bag of Cheetos. She took out her phone and snapped a picture of the oversized snack bag while thinking of something to text Lester to rile him up. As soon as she pictured a riled-up Lester, her idea to taunt him was gone, replaced by the feel of his pressing weight upon her and the feeling of his long co-

She realized she was frozen, daydreaming about getting laid while in Costco. She noticed that the line to get out had now extended beyond snacks, where she was. Without another thought, she grabbed the Cheetos and put the bag in her cart.

Sarah grabbed the body wash and some additional items in the pharmacy area before checking out and loading up her car. The overcast clouds had broken, replaced with a bright blue sky. She’d still had time to drive home and put the groceries away before returning to the hospital. There weren’t any new messages from Dan or Lester on her phone. Sarah tucked it back into her purse and headed inside.

Getting out had done wonders for her mental state. As she rode the elevator up, she felt more at ease than when she’d left. Walking across the floor to her office, her smile didn’t feel as forced as before.

Thankfully, her office was empty. Sarah closed and locked the door behind her and assessed her new desk. It was bigger and sturdier than the old one. This was a nice upgrade, actually; perhaps breaking it had been a good thing. IT must have come in while she was out as well. The box was gone, and her new monitor was set up alongside a new docking station for her laptop.

Sarah’s eyes lingered on her new desk before remembering to address the smudges on the window. She had some Kleenex and water she could use to clean it up. Her eyes flicked to the window, but she couldn’t see where the smudge she’d made was.

The sun shone through the window like earlier, but she still couldn’t see her imprint. She walked closer, but still nothing. She stepped back and forth, trying to look at it from other angles, but it wasn’t there.

Someone had cleaned it.


The constant buzzing of the employees in the IT department was starting to get to Lester. Jerry had mentioned that some of his team might come to Lester with questions, but lately, they were trying to wean information and new skills out of him.

He didn’t care to train the hospital’s staff, so he didn’t. He would give them vague responses, but he wasn’t there to help the hospital. His purpose here wasn’t their success.

That’s why he’d gone out to grab Taco Bell and was taking an extended lunch break in his SUV. He needed to get away from the IT drones scurrying to curry favor with their boss while hoping to achieve a fraction of the skills that Lester possessed.

They were all peons. All of them. Everyone in the hospital. Just pawns to serve his ultimate goal.

Lester bit into his steak taco, juices squeezing out onto his fingers. Lester lapped it up before taking another bite. He was parked at the back of the lot. Normally, he wouldn’t park so far away. The walk alone was tedious and might wind him. But he didn’t want to be disturbed by the spineless little men in the IT department. And from here, he had a great view of Sarah’s office.

He couldn’t see much. It seemed like the window up there reflected a distorted image of the parking lot. But he could imagine what happened up there last night. What had Sarah done about that broken desk?

He smirked, thinking about how he still took her from behind after they had collapsed onto the floor. <i>God, that woman is something.</i>

She was unlike any woman Lester had ever possessed before. He never wanted his trysts with her to change. He was enjoying himself too much. Having a woman like her fall down to his level willingly was too sweet of a prize, especially combined with one of his other favorite pastimes. Putting someone like Dan in his place. Having Dan watch Lester fuck his wife as she moaned out for him. God, that was invigorating.

But Dan had been a little cagey lately. Lester almost hadn’t noticed since he was so preoccupied with Sarah. Dan hadn’t been taking any more job interviews at the apartment. Likely because of Lester streaking nude into the last one he’d had there. But Dan also hadn’t been applying for new jobs. When Lester looked over the network traffic through the apartment’s router, Dan’s browsing habits had become pedestrian. Netflix and other run of the mill sites. He wasn’t applying to jobs anymore, at least not while he was in the apartment.

Did Dan suspect Lester of tampering with things? Was he really that clever that he would catch on? Lester wasn’t sure either way, but he knew he needed to think up something to knock Dan down a peg or two and put him in his place. Preferably, it would be one that would lessen his image in Sarah’s eyes as well.

The Eugene situation had been a surprising and welcome development. One Lester was currently weaponizing to move the goalposts further with Sarah.

Lester wolfed down the rest of his tacos and licked his sticky fingers clean before pulling out his phone. He hadn’t responded to Sarah’s message yet. He enjoyed making her wait and knew that Sarah was used to getting immediate responses from most men. Being the outlier would result in dividends.

The fact that she had dropped the phone off on his desk this morning spoke volumes. He didn’t really need it. His backup phone would do just fine, but her leaving it on his desk told him a few things. One: She had seen the call he’d faked from Lizzie. Two: She had arrived early. Early enough to drop off his phone. She was probably coming in early to straighten up her office. Three: She wanted to drop the phone off - she didn’t want Lester coming to her office or hunting her down for it.

Lester felt like Sarah was beginning to teeter on the brink, and he would gladly pull her over the edge.

Instead of messaging her back, he opened Discord and read through several of the messages waiting for him there. There were messages from the gaming servers he was a part of and messages from his group. More of Ned seeming to plead his fealty to Lester and a few private messages for Lester’s side business. One was from Cronos, who had been increasingly impatient with Lester for not sending videos or updating him on Sarah.

Even though he was one of Lester’s best clients, Cronos was becoming a nuisance and wasn’t taking ‘no’ for an answer. His messages were beginning to border on, sounding threatening. Lester wasn’t ready to share Sarah with his world. He wasn’t sure he ever would as long as things continued progressing as they had been. Cronos had left several messages demanding Lester. Instead of responding, Lester had chosen to block him.

Sure, Cronos paid well, but Lester wasn’t hurting for money. He could always make more, and the hospital standing in front of him was the perfect example. Lester focused on Sarah’s office window and decided to message her back.

L: Thursday. And thanks for my phone.

His birthday wasn’t on Thursday. It wasn’t even this month but he hoped that the idea of spending his birthday alone in an unfamiliar town as a result of helping Sarah would gain him some leverage with her. The fake call from Lizzie, which he was sure Sarah had witnessed should also be playing in her head, making her wonder if they were still in contact. Women were naturally possessive and jealous creatures, it wasn’t his fault they were so easy to manipulate.

Lester was surprised to see the three little dots on his screen, indicating that Sarah was typing a response.

S: Sorry. Dan is coming back on Thursday. I can’t do it then.

Lester’s nostrils flared out, and his face grew a shade of red. He didn’t like being denied.

L: I’m sure you can make time for me. Just like you did yesterday.

S: That shouldn’t have happened. My schedule is packed for the rest of the week. I’m sorry about your birthday.

Lester wasn’t about to take no for an answer. He shimmed out of his pants and took a picture of his flaccid cock, and sent it to Sarah.

L: Are you really going to let me be alone on my birthday? You can blow on this and make a wish.

S: Good one. I’m sorry, Lester, but I just can’t come this week.

Fucking Dan. What could Lester do to keep Dan out of the picture this week? He wanted to push the envelope with Sarah, and his birthday ruse was a great way to take that next step. The pieces were set on the board for something Lester had never experienced before. He needed it.

<i>Patience. Don’t be rash. You’ve planted the seeds, let them bear fruit.</i> He hated being patient. Lester wanted Sarah now. Still, the little voice inside of him was right. She would be his soon enough. He just needed to set the table and take the opportunity when it appeared.

L: You’re going to have to make it up to me.

S: Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?

L: I’ll let you know next time I get you alone. For now, send me a sexy picture to stroke myself to.

The three little dots appeared and then disappeared. Sarah was trying to think of something clever to say. Or maybe she was stopping to take a picture somewhere in the hospital. God, imagining her stepping into a patient’s room to take a picture for him. Pulling down her top and snapping a picture of her amazing tits.

Lester’s eyes narrowed as a picture finally appeared on the screen. She hadn’t sent him a picture of herself. Instead, it was a picture of a giant-sized bag of Cheetos.

<i>What the fuck?</i>


Sarah smirked after sending the message while swiveling around in her office chair. Her office door was locked, and she was finally getting the peace and quiet she had been craving. Emails were still coming in, but her office phone was off the hook.

Opening her phone again, she took a long look at the photo Lester had sent her. His large, flaccid cock filled her screen, and she felt herself begin to heat up. The photo would have been better if his cock had been hard for her. But what was she thinking, him taking it out and stroking it in her hospital? That sounded like an HR nightmare with a blowback on her. <i>Would he have been hard sending a pic to Lizzie?</i> She shouldn’t dwell on the girl, but she wanted to know why she was calling Lester. God, she needed to stop thinking like this. Like some kind of teenager.

She just needed a few moments of quiet to gather herself and figure out how to navigate the rest of the week. Between her work and personal life, things felt like a mess. Sarah just wanted to take a few small moments for herself before figuring out her next steps.

Part of her just wanted to retreat from it all and get lost in something else like she had the night before with Lester. Just a release to let go of all her worries and just focus on getting herself off.

But that wasn’t real life. She couldn’t just abandon everything and give in to her hedonistic desires. Her mind thought of Lizzie’s number on Lester’s phone from last night. It would be so easy to be a younger woman like that, with no strings and no attachments. Just the ability to go and do whatever you want, whenever you want. Sarah wasn’t sure if it was envy or jealousy, but she missed that freedom. She would love just to walk away from the stressors of her job, but that would mean her kids might not be able to eat or have a place to call home. The stress of providing just compounded everything, and it felt like Sarah was becoming handcuffed to the stressors of her job, maybe like the whole country was.

Her cell phone ringing snapped her out of that train of thought. She felt her heart start to beat quickly, and nervous energy filled her body. Was Lester calling her? How did he take the teasing picture of the Cheetos?

She looked at her phone screen and felt nervous energy replaced with anxiety. Dan was calling. She knew she had to answer, but she wasn’t looking forward to the awkward conversation that would follow. She wanted to reconcile with him about yesterday’s events, but she hated having these painful conversations.

“Hi,” Sarah said after clicking the answer button. She tried to make her voice sound indifferent, not letting her emotions seep into it for Dan to hear. She wanted him to apologize for what happened before she had to give in and do the same. He still didn’t know everything that happened yesterday after their conversation.

“Hey, Sarah,” Dan said back. Hearing him say her name sounded so clinical for some reason. “Look,” Dan continued, “I’m really sorry for how things ended yesterday. The Eugene stuff was fucked up, and I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. It’s just still weird for me to process, you know? All of this stuff. Lester and you, well, I guess I didn’t know how to deal with it, and then it just sort of spiraled from there. I’m sorry.”

It sounded rehearsed, but she did appreciate him making the first move to call her. “I just don’t get it, Dan,” Sarah said, “The whole Lester thing has been going on for months now. What do you mean ‘it’s weird for you to process?’”

She heard Dan sigh from the other side of the phone. He’d clearly hoped his rehearsed words would be the magic bullet to get things back on track. “Like, there is the part of me that understands it but another part of me that is still coming to grips with everything that happened - that happens.”

Sarah didn’t say anything, hoping Dan would continue and finish his thought.

“So, like, that part of me that is still in the process of accepting what happened,” Dan was speaking quickly, “Maybe I’m still a bit ashamed of everything. You know, as a man, I’m supposed to be tough and strong, but then to let some other ugly guy fuck my wife, it doesn’t quite click. And then this other guy comes into the room and sees me staring at the peephole. Really seeing me as I watch. Seeing my desire to watch you with someone else. I felt exposed and vulnerable, I guess.”

Sarah nodded and understood what Dan was feeling, but some things still just didn’t sit right with her. “But did Eugene even know we were together? He didn’t know you were my husband in that moment.”

“No,” Dan said quietly, “But it didn’t matter. It just felt like I was exposed, and I wasn’t ready to be seen like that by anyone else.”

Sarah shook her head. Dan’s choice of words was terrible. He wasn’t great at banter and kept leaving openings for her. “Did you ever think that I might not be ready to be seen like that? Yes, in the past, other people have watched me or watched me with Lester, but I chose to let it happen. I consented to it. And I knew that the people were strangers. You let someone watch me without my knowing, and not only that, but it was someone who knows Lester. Only a few degrees of separation between us. I don’t know that guy, and he is in the apartment. What if he tried something else? What if he was dangerous, and now he knows where we are? Or, jeez, what if he messes with Lester or something now? You didn’t think about those things when you let your own fantasies control you again.”

Dan was silent on the other end of the phone. At some point Sarah must have stood up because she realized she was up, looking out the window. She knew the power of silence. Sarah was a talker and could easily have a one sided conversation with Dan but she needed these things to sink in so he understood them.

Eventually, he responded, “You’re right. I didn’t think of those things, and I am such a piece of shit for allowing you to be seen like that.”

Being exposed didn’t upset her. Sarah had actually come to realize she got off on being exposed to others, especially men she considered below her, like Eugene. Knowing that he saw her like that had actually turned her on to a degree, but she was still upset with Dan for taking away her choice in the matter.

“Did you know what I was doing on the other side of that peephole?” Sarah said, “When I thought it was you?”

“No,” Dan said.

“I was staring into the peephole thinking I was looking at my husband. Putting on a show for you. Licking my lips, blowing kisses towards the hole. Giving my best ‘fuck me’ eyes, even standing right in front of the hole to give you an amazing view of everything that was happening. I thought it was you there, Dan, but instead, it was some old wizard-looking guy jerking off on the other side.” Sarah rested her forehead against the window and immediately stood back up, not wanting to make another smudge. The question of who had cleaned the window still plagued her. Did they recognize what the imprint was? If they noticed the smudge when they were close to the glass, there was a chance they wouldn’t.

“I’m sorry Sarah. I didn’t know. You’re right about it, about everything. My fantasies did get in the way, and I guess I crumpled under the idea of having them exposed like that to someone else.” Dan said.

“But it didn’t bug you that you exposed me like that? Without me knowing? I feel like such an idiot for putting on a show for you and you not even being there.” Sarah felt tears forming at the sides of her eyes. She wasn’t sad, but her body automatically responded to her frustration.

“Yeah, it bugs me. When I look back on it, I want to kick myself in the head over it. I just…in that moment, I wasn’t thinking clearly or with the right head.”

“I’ll say,” Sarah said. She didn’t want to drag this out and by agreeing with him she was at least communicating she was on the same page, even if Dan was being critical of himself.

“And what about after?” Sarah asked. “You lied about who left the mess on the wall. I know you never said it was you, but you didn’t say it wasn’t. You omitted the truth even after you knew I lapped up the cum. That night, you could have said something, or the other night on the call or anytime in between, but you didn’t. Why not?” Sarah said.

There were noises in the background from Dan’s side. She couldn’t quite place them, but he wasn’t somewhere quiet. Who else was hearing this conversation?

“I don’t know why,” Dan said, “I think it has to come back to being publicly exposed like that. I just felt, I feel shame at someone seeing me like that. I’ve always been able to keep this part of me tucked away in a box. Private. Something you and I take out and play with, but now, with someone seeing me like that, it’s like that part of me was becoming public knowledge, and I felt ashamed. A paralyzing shame that people would see me differently. Like I’m a different person from who I thought I was. That you would think of me as less than, see me differently. Like one of those weak, ineffectual men that put their cocks in cages and allow themselves to be called a sissy while their wives get plowed by some more manly guy. That isn’t who I am but it felt like that’s how you would see me or how others would see me. I guess I just retreated into myself and hid behind my silence. I’m really sorry that the silence hid something from you, too.”

Sarah hadn’t been expecting that response and didn’t realize what sort of things were going through her husband’s head. That wasn’t at all how she viewed him. He was her strong, smart, capable, caring husband. He would never be like that to her, and it felt so strange to hear him think of himself like that, even just for a moment. Sarah began to feel guilty for not being there for him. She still felt embers of anger, but they softened. She didn’t want to keep fighting. Maybe this was a good time to apologize for what she said and to let Dan know about what happened with Lester.

“Look, Dan. I love you, you know that. I’m still upset about being lied to. Both for letting me think it was you but also for how you just stepped aside at the peephole. But you’re an idiot if you think any of those things about yourself. I don’t and never will think of you like that, okay?”

“Okay. Thanks, Sarah, I needed to hear that.”

“Good. Look, we aren’t out of the woods yet, but I hate having these conversations on the phone,” Sarah was getting ready to apologize herself, hoping that Dan wouldn’t be too upset with her since he’d just revealed that truth about himself, it was probably a good time for her to do the same. “This week, when you come home, we need to have a long conversation about things, preferably with a lot of wine. I’ve already got my parents to watch the girls again so we’ll have the house to ourselves to work through things. There’s a couple of other –”

“Uh, yeah,” Dan interrupted her, “I know, um, this week isn’t going to work. I hate it, but something has come up again.”

This time Sarah stayed silent, letting Dan fill in the details. How could he not come home this week? After their blow up yesterday it was vital that they reconnect and clear the air. It just felt like he wasn’t prioritizing her.

“That new client I signed yesterday. The one I started to mention. Sentinel Security.” Dan continued. “They’re based in D.C. and need me to come out there ASAP. They didn’t mention everything, but they said there are things they need to discuss that they aren’t willing to discuss over email or on the phone. I don’t know what it is, but they are flying me out to discuss it with them.”

“Can’t you put it off until next week? If it’s so important why can’t they fly out here to talk to you?” Sarah heard the sharpness in her voice and immediately regretted it. It was the tone of someone looking to pick a fight, and she knew Dan wouldn’t respond well to it. But what the hell? She was juggling her career plus taking care of the kids and the house. Dan just had his career to worry about and was struggling to bring money in for them.

“That’s not how it works, Sarah. They’re my client. They don’t fly to me. I fly to them and help them. That’s what they pay me for. For being there and doing my job for them.” Dan snapped back.

“But they haven’t even paid you yet, have they?” Sarah said with an edge.

“No client pre-pays, Sarah. They pay at the end of the month for the hours you bill them for, that’s how it works in business.” Dan chided.

Sarah wasn’t an idiot. She knew how contracts worked, she’d handled dozens of them for the hospital. She felt like Dan was talking down to her, belittering her experience at the hospital like it wasn’t a real business. Like she wasn’t a serious person. The same way John and the rest of the board did.

“I’m not an idiot Dan. I know how business works. You could have asked for a retainer up front and gotten more specifics on what the project would be. You can always negotiate terms. You just chose not to. Did you even try to negotiate this trip? Let me ask you this: when did they ask you to fly out?

“A few hours ago,” Dan sounded like he was speaking through gritted teeth.

“So you knew that you were supposed to come home this week and you knew that we had issues to resolve, but you didn’t even try to negotiate a new time with them? Do you see how I might view that as you choosing to work over me? Over us and the kids?”

“That isn’t it at all,” Dan’s voice sounded upset. “I’m doing this for you. For us and the kids. Hell, I’m the one who actually called you to try to make things better. My company is circling the drain here and I need to make a move. Sentinel Security will pay us a lot of money that we need. The timing fucking sucks, but we need this. I can’t just ignore them. I’m trying to build up a new business here, and it’s so frustrating that you’re immediately trying to tear it down.

Sarah felt her chest growing flush, “I’m not trying to tear anything down, Dan. I’m the one holding every fucking thing together. Your job right now is paying peanuts compared to mine. And I know you’ve never thought seriously about my job, but it’s the one paying our mortgage right now, and I’m basically covering your rent by giving it up to Lester. It isn’t just about the money, Dan. It’s about being here as a husband and a father. Supporting the family is more than just financial support. It feels like you’d rather be out there playing businessman than being here with us.”

“That’s not fair,” Dan said in a hushed tone, trying not to be overheard. “All I do, I do for our family. You know that. I don’t want to be here. I’d rather be home with you and the girls. That’s not fair at all.”

“Then come home,” Sarah said. “Call them. Tell them something came up. Reschedule.”

“I can’t,” Dan said quietly.

“Why can’t you?” Sarah said.

“I’m already on the airplane. Boarding is just finishing up.” Dan sighed.

Sarah closed her eyes and rested her head back against the window. Tears welled up in her eyes but she pushed the sadness down. “I don’t understand how you could cancel on us without even telling me. You’re calling from the airplane Dan. It’s like you didn’t even give a shit about coming home this week. Do you know I ran out to Costco during lunch hour to get the stuff I need to make your favorite dinner for you? I’ve been having a real tough time at work lately but I still managed to find the time to do that for you. And you’re just jet-setting off to D.C. without even caring enough to inform me about it?”

“Sarah, I know it’s bad timing. It sucks. I hate it. I know. I really fucking sucks, but I’ll make it up to you. I promise,” Dan’s voice was breaking from the other end of the phone. “I’m trying to make everything work here. I’m trying to rebuild things to make a more stable life for us. I’m doing the best I can, but I’m not always going to get things right.”

“You should have called earlier, Dan, not when you’re boarding a fucking plane,” Sarah said.

“After yesterday I didn’t even know if you wanted me home this week,” Dan whispered.

“That’s not the point and you know it,” Sarah felt like kicking the legs of her desk but thought better of it. “It’s like you didn’t even consider us.”

“After how we ended the call yesterday, I didn’t even know if you’d pick up earlier,” Dan said.

“So you’re a coward and just called now since your plane would be departing soon,” Sarah said.

Sarah could hear an announcement over the plane’s speakers but couldn’t quite make it out.

“That’s not fair. That’s not it at all. You could have called me too, but you didn’t. You’re too prideful to try to reach out and make things right between us. I always have to bend and try to mend things.” Dan said.

“I can’t do this right now Dan,” Sarah was holding it together as she felt a tear run down her cheek. She needed to hold back the tears, or else the dam would break, and she would be a mess in the office, which she’d just spent the morning reassembling. “I’m still stuck here at work while you get to jet-set off to D.C. I can’t fucking do this at work, Dan.”

Dan didn’t reply so Sarah added, “Maybe if me and the girls were clients of yours you would come back to us this week.”

“That's not fucking fair, Sarah,” Dan sounded exhausted, “You know I’m doing all of this for you. For them. All of us. I’m trying my best here but I’m getting stretched thin. I can only do so much.”

“Well, you need to pick which things are worth doing. You can’t do it all, Dan. It feels like we are constantly being chosen last.”

A female voice was saying something to Dan.

“Fuck. Listen, I have to go. We’re taxiing on the runway, and the stewardess just told me to hang up. The timing sucks, I know but when I land I’ll call and we’ll talk the rest of this out okay?” Dan said.

“I don’t know,” Sarah said back, “I think I just need a break from it tonight.”

“Okay,” Dan sounded defeated. “I’ll call you in the morning before I meet these guys.”


“I love you, Sarah.”

“Bye, Dan.”

Sarah stared at her phone until Dan ended the call, feeling more exhausted than she had before. Nothing seemed to be going her way lately. She hadn’t wanted to get into another fight with Dan, but she just couldn’t take being put second anymore. Sarah wished he’d never left for Chicago, even if that meant losing the house and moving back in with her parents.

As humiliating as that would have been, at least they could have tackled things together. Now, it just felt like they were both pulling in different directions, both trying to reach the same goal but taking different routes away from each other.

The conversation had soured so quickly. She hadn’t even had a chance to tell Dan about everything going on with her at work. That she didn’t get the promotion and that John had passed her up in such a humiliating fashion.

<i>But he hadn’t even asked about it.</i> Not through text or on their calls this week. It was always about his job and his clients. What about her? It’s like he didn’t even care. Hell, he probably wouldn’t even bat an eye hearing that Lester had fucked her in her office last night.


Fuck. Maybe he could at least take her mind off of all this shit for a little while. She knew it was a bad decision. It was one of those self-destructive ideas, but she couldn’t stop herself. Sarah needed to bury all of this down deep and replace it with something else. Something that would let her forget it all for a little while.

She opened up her conversation with Lester on her phone. She read it over and then grabbed some Kleenex off her desk and wiped away the tears from her eyes before unbuttoning her blouse.

She opened the camera and held the phone slightly above her, capturing the amazing cleavage of her bra-clad breasts. Sarah bit her lip and hoped her eyes looked seductive and snapped the pic.

After pressing the send button. Sarah wrote:

S: How about you open your birthday present tonight? Whatever you want.


After his conversation with Sarah, Dan felt like he was between a rock and a hard place. He should have known better than to get on the plane without telling Sarah but he had been so focused and obsessed with building his business and taking action, it just seemed like the logical step forward.

The truth was, he hadn’t considered the consequences of taking the trip. He had assumed Sarah would have been thrilled about the new client and would have supported his sacrifice, but he had completely forgotten that Sarah was making sacrifices of her own.

“I’m such an asshole,” Dan closed his eyes and rested his head against the seat. The airplane was taxiing on the runway, and everyone around him seemed to be absorbed by their phones or tablets. Dan just wanted to shut the world off for a bit and try to figure out how to fix things.

His biggest mistake had been the timing. If he hadn’t lied about Eugene, the conversation with Sarah yesterday wouldn’t have gone as poorly as it had and maybe she would see what a big fucking deal landing Sentinel Securities was. She was right about him being a coward. He could have called earlier with this news and talked it out then but he waited until the last minute. Hell, if the conversation yesterday had gone better, maybe Sarah could have joined him on this trip, just like she had to Minnesota.

When he got back, he needed to find a way to get back to Middleton to see Sarah and the kids. Find a way to make it up to them. But he’d have to figure out a way around Walt.

As far as Walt knew, Dan was still going back to Middleton. He wasn’t flying to D.C. to land a new client for himself. It would be hard to return to the office and ask again to return home. Dan would need to think of something else; otherwise, he would be caught between Walt and Sarah. After their conversation earlier, there was no way he couldn’t go back and see her. He needed to prioritize fixing things on the homefront.

Did Sarah end up hearing anything about her promotion? The extra cash would be great, and he loved the idea of her finally being recognized for all the years and work she put into that place.

He wanted to see her. Hold her and smell her golden hair. Just talk to her like they had a few weeks ago when they seemed to be on the same page. Dan thought about texting her but held off. Letting things lie for a little bit might be better so she could cool off. Hopefully when he called her tomorrow morning, things would have settled down and not be so heated. He’d have a plan by then to try to get her on board with.

Still, he hoped she might, for once, try to reach out and mend things. If she had just texted him, he would have felt a lot better about being on an airplane traveling thousands of miles away from her. His eyes felt heavy, and they shut just as the plane lifted off, an event he usually would have paid closer attention to.


Dan’s eyes shot open again as the jet’s wheels thudded against the runway at Reagan. As if on cue, his phone rang. He immediately answered it without even looking at the screen. Protocol be damned.

“Hey,” Dan said in a hushed tone.

“Hey Dan, it’s good to connect. Thanks for answering my call,” A young male voice said from the other end of the phone.

“Jesse?” Dan was puzzled. He was expecting Sarah, but now his old protege was calling. Dan pulled the phone away from his face to check the number, partially worried Jesse was somehow calling from Sarah’s number. He wasn’t, the call was coming from a Chicago area code he didn’t recognize.

“That’s right. Good to hear from you.” Jesse chuckled, “I wasn’t sure you’d pick up my call after how we left things at the nightclub.”

Dan glanced up and saw the buckled seat belt sign still illuminated. His seatmate seemed a little too interested in the call he was on, so he turned toward the window for some privacy. The image of Jesse grinding his crotch against Sarah’s ass and kissing her neck was seared into his memory. He felt himself getting worked up.

“What do you want, Jesse?” Dan said flatly, trying to stay in control of his emotions.

“Well, I wanted to reach out because I need your help. We have a new client with some aggressive sustainability requirements on a project. Based on your LinkedIn posts, I think you might be doing freelance work?” Jesse half asked in his annoyingly overconfident voice. The same voice that had tried to blackmail Dan a few months ago. “Honestly, I’m a little out of my depth here and could really use your expertise. We pay really well. What do you think? Can we meet to discuss it?”

The idea of extra money in his pocket sounded great to Dan. And Jesse was right; he had an extensive background in sustainable buildings and projects. Maybe Jesse was stroking his ego a bit here. Still, Dan wasn’t sure this was a good idea.

Putting Jesse back into his orbit didn’t seem like a positive. He wasn’t sure if Jesse knew what went down with the email Dan sent, but you never know. And the way he’d looked at Sarah last time in the nightclub. It was like there was a longing there or some debt he wanted settled. It was probably best just to let that can of worms stay closed. Dan also didn’t want to give Jesse any information about his freelance work either. Jesse could use that to burn him with Walt.

Besides, he shouldn’t even entertain this proposal without Sarah’s input. She’d want to know who he was getting in bed with, so to speak, in case she got dragged into it as well.

But the idea of being able to network at a prestigious firm like the one Jesse was at was intriguing. The new contacts he could make. He could potentially secure new clients and projects.

Just like everything lately, it all came down to the timing. His timing with Sarah had royally sucked lately. Adding another client to his growing roster was precisely what Dan wanted to do, but he still didn’t know what working with Sentinel would entail, not to mention Bill and the half dozen other clients he was just starting to make inroads with.

There was a real chance Dan was starting to spread himself too thin between his day job, his side clients, and the mess that his personal life was becoming.

Sarah had just berated him for choosing work over her and their family. He shouldn’t add to the issue right now. Besides, fuck Jesse.

“Sorry, Jesse,” Dan said as the plane began to pull into the gate. “No can do, my friend. I wish I could help, but I can’t. I’m sorry.”

“No, uh, are you sure?” Jesse’s confident voice seemed to break, not expecting this response, “Like I said, we can really make it worth your while.”

“Sorry Jesse,” Dan said worrying he was attracting the attention of other passengers as his voice got louder, “I can’t do it right now. Sorry, I gotta go. My plane just touchdowned. Take care.”

Dan hung up and tucked his phone back into the pocket of his blazer. That was weird. Jesse calling out of the blue like that. He hoped he’d made the right decision turning Jesse down.

He knew logically it was the right call but in his heart a small part of him wondered about the money. Jesse said he was out of his depth, which he probably would be even writing a basic email. It could have been a simple project for which Dan could have billed a lot of money.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t for him. Dan had enough plates in the air he was trying to juggle. He got his bag together and waited for the row ahead to clear. Then it was off to baggage claim and whatever else awaited him in Washington, D.C..


She knew this was a bad idea. A therapist would probably call it self-destructive, but luckily for Sarah, she didn’t have a therapist. She suppressed the alarm bells and warnings going off in her head and the accompanying voice of reason telling her to reconsider her plans.

<i>It’s just dinner.</i> She told herself. It would be a waste to have bought all of these groceries at Costco and not use them. Dan wasn’t coming home this week. He’d made other plans, so she would make plans of her own too.

Sarah slipped the lemon herb chicken onto the barbecue grill before going back inside to check on the potatoes. She peeked into the oven before grabbing a wooden spatula and lightly stirring the small cubed potatoes around. Lester would probably just prefer that big bag of Cheetos, but Sarah wanted to cook something.

She shook her head as she poured another glass of white wine. Before, all she’d wanted to do was make amends with Dan and cook her man a nice meal. Now, she was cooking a meal for Lester instead. After all, it was his birthday this week, so she might as well do something nice for him. Sarah hadn’t had time to change after work, rushing to get everything ready before Lester arrived.

He was here in Middleton because of her, the least she could do was make him something to eat.

<i>And what about after dinner?</i> the small voice inside her said. After dinner, it didn’t matter right now. She took another long sip of her wine. All she wanted was to focus on making dinner delicious. Whatever happened after would be figured out then. Sarah knew she was lying to herself, but the charade got her through. She’d make dinner and then just see what happened afterward.

Her parents had been able to take the kids on short notice. They’d gotten used to it. She knew her mother regretted that her own mother hadn’t lived long enough to get to know her daughter.

The house felt too quiet, almost like the calm before a storm. Sarah felt goosebumps spreading over her arms in anticipation of what might come next. Her eyes moved to the door, picturing the fat man with his greedy eyes running over her body as he stood in the doorway. Then she looked up the stairs, remembering. She blushed in the empty room, recalling how many times she’d been with him in the bed she shared with her husband.

Guilt started to creep in at how quickly she had rationalized dropping her kids off at her parents. Sarah was able to distract herself from that thread by heading back outside to the barbecue. The chicken breasts were due for a turnover.

The intrusive thoughts continued to creep back in when all she wanted to do was focus on cooking the meal. She wished something would distract her. Dan didn’t know that she had fucked Lester in her office yesterday. Sarah still hadn’t admitted that to him. Part of her desperately wanted to, but the other part felt it was something he should just expect at this point, given everything that had happened. Still, she didn’t like feeling out of control. Getting fucked by Lester in her office was something she had vowed not to do. But even today, she still took that picture for him.

She wasn’t sure if she did that because of her argument with Dan or because she wanted to rile Lester up for later. Her mind was a mess, but it felt like both reasons could be true. God, if she just had some time alone to stop and think her feelings through, maybe she could –

The doorbell rang as she made her way back inside.

She paused, and instantly felt butterflies in her stomach, quickly through the house to the front door. On the other side, as imagined, was Lester,standing with a slouch and wearing a pair of black sweatpants. A faded oversized t-shirt hung loose and low, covering his hanging gut.

“Hey, come on in,” Sarah quickly ushered Lester inside, eager to get him out of the eyesight of any neighbors. She closed the door behind Lester and turned to head back to the kitchen, “I’m just out back cooking the chicken for dinner. It’s almost ready. There’s beer in the –”

Lester’s hand closed around her wrist, pulling her backward towards him. Sarah’s body jerked awkwardly in response, spinning around until her body was pressed against his. She could already feel his cock pressing against her thigh. Her leg moved of its own accord, rubbing against his until she could feel the heat of his shaft against her crotch.

“No kiss for the birthday boy?” Lester snorted before his hand cupped Sarah’s ass pulling her harder against his crotch while his head dipped down, and he pressed his fat lips against Sarah’s.

“Heymmmm,” Sarah’s lips parted as Lester’s tongue crept into her mouth, running over hers. Her knees seemed to buckle at the surprise kiss. The house suddenly felt very warm. A pleasurable moan escaped her lips as her tongue worked against his, welcoming him.

When Lester released Sarah from his grip, she stepped back to steady herself. Her mind still catching up with the endorphins flooding her body. She’d known he would be here tonight but still felt underprepared and overwhelmed. She took a moment to see him, now in the privacy of her home. A second went by as she stood unmoving, almost waiting for him to grab her again.

“This way,” She said, straightening her blouse out and turning back towards the kitchen. Lester’s plodding feet followed Sarah across the hardwood floor. She crossed to the sliding door on the kitchen's far side to check the chicken's state out on the patio. She put the meat onto a plate with a pair of tongs before turning the barbeque off and bringing it inside.

“Go sit at the table,” Sarah said, waving toward it as she removed the potatoes from the oven. Lester’s eyes lingered on her body.

“What’s for dinner? I’m starving.” Lester walked over to the table and unknowingly sat down in Dan’s spot. Sarah wondered how Dan would react, seeing Lester in his spot. In his house with his wife. Almost as if Lester was trying to supplant him.

“Grilled lemon herb chicken with roasted potatoes.” Sarah slid the tray of potatoes onto the counter and started plating their meals. Lester’s stare never left Sarah’s body. He licked his lips, imagining what he wanted to happen tonight, “What did you end up doing about your desk?”

“I went in early and sent a message to the building team that the desk had broken overnight.” Sarah set a plate down in front of Lester, who started to dig in before Sarah could take her seat. It was amusing watching Lester eat. His mannerisms at her family table were not far from those he’d played as his barbarian character in their Dungeons and Dragons adventure. “Thankfully, they were able to replace it with another desk today. And my monitor was cracked, but Jerry and IT managed to replace it early today as well.”

Lester shoved a large piece of chicken into his mouth, and its juices ran down his chin, “That’s good. I was wondering all day what would happen. It all worked out in the end. Definitely one of my most memorable fucks.”

Sarah felt her face grow flush. She didn’t respond. Instead, she put a fork full of potatoes in her mouth. She hadn’t thought about it, but now that Lester had mentioned it, having sex like that, especially in her office, would definitely also rank high on her own list of memorable sex. Her mind started to wander as she slowly recalled each of her own sexual milestones and how they’d played out in her head. She was somewhat surprised at just how many of those sessions had included the man sitting across from her.

She looked up at Lester, who was focused on finishing the food on his plate.

<i>What is he thinking about right now? Is he thinking about what might happen after dinner? Why did his ex-girlfriend call him yesterday? Why hasn’t he mentioned it yet? Why should he have to mention it? It’s not like we’re dating or anything. He didn’t need to clear that with me.</i>

Lester finished his meal after a few minutes and another glass of wine. Sarah quickly finished hers and cleared the table. As Sarah tossed the bones and put the dishes in the sink, she looked over at Lester, whose attention had shifted to his phone. He was typing something on the screen, but Sarah didn’t know if he was texting someone or doing something else.

<i>Stop it.</i>

Ignoring the voice, she began to think about Lizzie and whether or not Lester was beginning to start something up with her again. Sarah’s mind wandered as she moved around the kitchen on auto-pilot, loading the dishwasher and cleaning the counters. She didn’t hear Lester leave his chair and move towards her.

She only became aware of his presence when she felt him push his crotch into her backside, pinning her against the kitchen counter. Sarah drew in a sharp intake of breath as Lester began to grind his growing hard cock against her ass. Her hands braced herself against the counter as she felt Lester’s gut pressing against her back, feeling the heat radiating from his body.

“I’m ready for my birthday present now,” Lester’s hands came to rest on Sarah’s hips, beginning to guide them back and forth until she was grinding her perfect ass back against him on her own. Sarah moaned with her eyes closed, focusing on the feeling of Lester’s cock pressing into her.

“Mhmmm, what do you want?” Sarah groaned, her nails clicked, pressing into the granite countertops.

Lester took a step back, dislodging his heated cock from Sarah’s ass. She looked over her shoulder, disappointed at its absence, and saw that ugly, shit-eating grin spread across his face.

“Take it out,” Lester grabbed his crotch and shook it towards Sarah. Raising an eyebrow and looking around her empty kitchen, Sarah casually lowered herself to her knees. She raised her manicured fingers to the waistband of Lester’s pants and lowered them and his ratty boxers in one motion, unleashing Lester’s cock. It sprung out and brushed her cheek, the musty smell of his sweaty crotch filling her nose.

“A birthday blowjob? I can do that.” Sarah licked her lips and eagerly leaned forward and took his bulging cock into her mouth. Lester grunted as Sarah’s hand started working his shaft while the other braced herself against his meaty thigh. She ran her tongue up and down the bottom of his considerable shaft, twirled it around the head of his cock, and opened her mouth, taking half of Lester’s entire length in. Sarah was now used to having this large part of Lester in her mouth. Her tongue pressed against the bottom of his shaft, delighting in the primal, musky taste of his cock.

“This is just an appetizer,” Lester grabbed a fistful of Sarah’s hair and pulled her mouth further down on his hardened shaft, forcing her to take more of it. Sarah stopped stroking his cock, instead bracing herself with both hands against his thighs as Lester started to thrust is hips forward, fucking her mouth while holding her head in a still position. His wild brown and gray pubic hairs tickled her nose.

“Mhmmfffff,” Sarah’s muffled moans filled the kitchen as she tried to breathe through her nose. She held on for dear life as Lester fucked her mouth with abandon in the same spot where she made her children’s breakfast every morning. Sarah felt her entire body prepare itself for the extremes of what Lester would do to her. It was as if a switch went off inside her, changing her from hostess to slut.

Lester picked up his pace, relentlessly fucking the young mother’s mouth. Sarah tapped his thigh, trying to signal to him to let up. But he just continued to fuck her mouth however he wanted. Sarah couldn’t breathe; the angle wasn’t helping her, but her body continued responding to Lester’s aggressive nature. Tears shot from Sarah’s eyes, and her breasts were heaving; a familiar warmth grew between her legs.

Lester let go of her hair, letting Sarah pull back and get some relief. He looked down at her, saliva and pre-cum still connected to his cock by two strings, running together on her cheeks as she took deep heaving breaths. He grinned. “I had a surprise call this week. My ex-Lizzie. Nothing interesting - checking to see if I remembered a restaurant we used to go to. She’s seeing someone else now, so...”

“O-Oh?” Sarah couldn’t help but feel relieved, knowing that Lizzie wasn’t coming back into the picture. Lizzie wasn’t going to be competition after all. She scooped some of the mess Lester had made off her cheek. She also felt happy that Lester had told her the truth, even though she already knew. She couldn’t help but think about how her husband had lied to her, but Lester was being completely open and honest with her now. Sarah reached up and started idly stroking Lester’s cock again. “So, why are you telling me this?”

“Well,” Lester started thrusting his cock into Sarah’s hand. “It relates to my birthday gift. I don’t regret getting my operation, even if it led to me breaking up with Lizzie. But there’s been an itch I’ve wanted to scratch ever since. Especially knowing it’s not in the cards for me now.”

“And what’s that?” Sarah bit her lip and looked up at her husband’s troll-like roommate standing above, her hand never stopping in its duty to maintain his erection.

“Tonight, for my birthday, I want to do a bit of role-playing and plenty of dirty talk,” Lester grunted.

“And what role am I going to play?” Sarah raised an eyebrow, “Am I supposed to be Lady Val again? You don’t want me to be Lizzie, do you?”

“No way. No. Never. I want you just to be you. Sarah Williams. And I’ll be your husband’s roommate, Lester Marshall.” Lester clumsily stroked her cheek in an attempt to comfort her.

“I don’t get it then.” Sarah said, confused, her hand’s motion slowing, “ Where does the roleplay come in.”

“I want to roleplay a scenario I’ll never be able to do now,” Lester said. “Let’s role-play me knocking you up. You, begging for it. I want to hear those words. I know it’s messed up, but I just need this. I need this experience. For my birthday.”

That idea was so fucked up, Sarah couldn’t help but laugh, ‘You want to role play knocking me up? Making me beg for your cum so you can get me pregnant? Knock up your roommate’s wife? Is that what you want for your birthday? For me to give you what Lizzie can’t?”

“That's what I fucking want.” Lester thrust his cock forward, catching Sarah by surprise. She released her grip on his cock. The horny wife looked up at him and sucked his meaty cockhead back into her mouth, savoring it. She slowly kissed down his shaft until she reached his heavy balls, gently sucking one into her mouth.

“MMmmmmm” her eyes were closed as she tongued his balls. “Your balls are so full, I think you’re going to fill me up.” Then she stood up to look into Lester’s beady eyes. She leaned into him, pressing her ample chest against his, and whispered in his ear, “Wait five minutes, then come upstairs.” She licked his earlobe as she parted from him.

Sarah turned on her heel and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her bedroom. Part of her couldn’t believe the kinky scenario Lester wanted her to do, but another part of her trembled with anticipation. Two of the top sexual experiences on the list she had been toying with earlier had been the times she and Dan had tried to have a baby. Those sessions always felt so raw and primal, knowing that they weren’t just having sex but that they were trying to breed. Even after the girls were born, she and Dan would often engage in impregnation dirty talk. It was at its most exciting when he roleplayed as other men.

Sarah entered her closet and stripped out her clothes. She thumbed through the rack of hanging items she’d set aside only for Dan’s eyes looking for something specific. Something she hadn’t worn in a few years. Soon her fingers felt the black material hanging on a garment hanger near the back.

Sarah took it off the rod and stared at it. On the surface, it wasn’t anything too out of the ordinary. She had worn outfits designed to arouse Lester in the past, but this outfit would enhance the fantasy in her mind. It was a black chemise mini teddy with thin spaghetti straps. The lacy material around her breasts dripped down into a V in the middle of her chest that put her ample cleavage on display. It stopped high up her thighs, showing plenty of leg. She loved the satin black robe and the lace accents that went along with it.

Sarah quickly changed into it and looked at herself in the mirror. She shuddered, recalling a few years ago when she wore this on the night her youngest daughter was conceived. She and Dan had been trying for weeks without success, but when she wore this, she saw the instant hunger in Dan’s eyes and knew that night they would be successful. An image of Lester’s hungry look and stiffened cock entered her mind as she ran her hands down the curves of her hips.

She dimmed the light in the bedroom and positioned herself on the bed the same way she had for Dan a few years ago when they were first trying. She lay on her side, propped up on her elbow, and stared towards the door. Lester’s fat feet smacked the hardwood steps as he climbed the stairs. Sarah felt herself growing wet, thinking of the right words to say to Lester when he opened the door.

His footsteps grew closer until slowly the door opened, and Lester was standing there naked, his clothes over his shoulder and cell phone in his hand. His hard cock was fully erect and lined with dark veins, pointing right at her. Sarah couldn’t help but run her eyes over his entire body. God, he wasn’t her type at all. Pudgy, bordering on fat, with thick hair covering so much of his body. His ugly, greedy-looking face and thinning hair. Sleeping with someone so beneath her always turned her on, but now the idea of mating, breeding with someone like that. She was surprised by the fire she felt inside of her.

“Happy Birthday, Lester. I’m ready for you,” Sarah stared hard into the fat man’s eyes, “Get over here and come knock me up with that fat cock of yours.” She then put both feet on the bed and spread her bent legs open, further enticing the slovenly man.

The biggest shit-eating grin spread over Lester’s face, and Sarah swore she saw his massive cock twitch and grow larger as she spoke. He walked over to her dresser with his back to her and set his things down. Then he quickly closed the distance between them and climbed onto the bed beside her. The hunger in his eyes looked more intense than ever before. His lips smashed against hers, and his weight crushed her as she turned herself onto her back, Lester’s mass pushing her into the mattress. Lester’s cock poked at her thigh, seeming to involuntarily thrust up towards her pussy.

His kisses were desperate, hungry, and full of passion. Lester’s tongue danced with hers, and Sarah eagerly reciprocated the kiss. His hands were pulling at her ass while hers pulled down on the back of his neck. They felt each other’s moans as soft vibrations in their mouths, communicating their desire to mate.

Lester’s hands ran all over her body, stopping to deliberately caress each of her erogenous zones before pausing to yank at her robe, trying to pull it off.

“You’re going to be calling me daddy for real soon,” Lester said before licking and sucking on her neck, lowering the straps of her teddy.

“God, take off my panties and fuck me,” Sarah moaned. Lester pulled her teddy down her body, over her hips, where he hooked his thumbs into her panties. Sarah thrust her hips off the bed impatiently, hoping he’d hurry. Lester grinned at the horny wife’s eagerness before swiftly pulling the silky lingerie down her legs.

Sarah couldn’t wait any longer. She grabbed onto Lester’s cock and tried to pull it into her glistening pussy. As his cock head began to part her lips, he stopped and held his hips firm, and looked down into the young mother’s eyes.

“I’m not going to fuck you. Not yet. I want to make love to you when I put a baby in you.” Lester said.

“Do it,” Sarah breathed as she tugged on his cock impatiently, desperate to feel the large organ thrusting inside of her, “Do it, Lester.”

“Not yet,” Lester said slyly, “I want you to beg me for it. Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

Lester was running his cock up and down her wet slit, but he wasn’t pushing forward, no matter how hard Sarah tried to pull on his cock. Sarah moaned as it ran over her clit, “God, Lester just put it in me. I need to feel your cock.” She pushed her hips toward him, and he pulled his cock back, denying her any penetration.

“Beg,” Lester said firmly, his eyes narrowing.

“Oh, Lester,” Sarah moaned, “God, this is so wrong. I want you to make love to me. I want you to cum inside of me. Lester, I want you to put a baby inside of me.” She delivered these pleas while frustratedly casting her eyes about her bedroom. But as she finished, her eyes locked on his. She kissed his lips tenderly and awaited his response.

The fat man stared back at her, the expression on his face hungry, as always, but the other, softer look was back, one that she had seen before. One that she’d thought might be-

Lester grunted and briskly dipped his hips, sinking his weight onto Sarah as his pulsing cock slowly pushed into her. Sarah’s words had made him harder than he could ever remember being.

“God,” Sarah moaned into the hair on Lester’s shoulder as more of his cock slowly pushed inside of her. Sarah had become ridiculously wet for Lester, but his penetration still took time for her body to adjust to. “I - I love your cock, Lester. Oh, oh my God.” As the hilt of it came to rest against her entrance, he stared down at Sarah, whose eyes were closed, the muscles on her neck tight as her body trembled around his cock. Slowly, she turned her head and opened her eyes to look back up at him, a tear leaking out and running back down the side of the gorgeous wife’s face.

Her hips were slowly rising off the bed, begging him to continue thrusting, fully open to him, offering herself. Instead, he held still inside of her while staring down at her. With one hand, he cupped her cheek and kissed her delicately. A soft, sensual kiss, the way two lovers would with mouths open but not ready to go further. Sarah responded. He wasn’t sticking his considerably large tongue in her mouth. It was just their lips tasting and exploring one another. Occasionally, their tongues would meet as they licked and danced on each other’s lips.

Slowly, Lester started to pull back and push in. Pull back and push forward. His slow, deliberate thrusts were igniting a fire within Sarah. It felt like all the nerves inside of her pussy were being stimulated by Lester’s girthy cock. Needles of fire translating into a blazing ecstasy. She now knew well the early signs of a first orgasm with Lester.

“Dan said I wasn’t allowed back here. In your house,” Lester whispered in her ear. “And yet here I am, back between his wife’s legs, ready to knock her up. What do you think he’ll say?” Lester pressed and held himself deeply within her. His hands groping her supple ass.

“If he wanted to stop you from knocking his wife up, he should have been here,” Sarah moaned back. She kissed him again, deeply, wantonly signaling her growing lust.

“Do you really want me to knock you up?” Lester whispered directly into her ear.

The idea of Lester’s illicit cum exploding inside of her, flooding her, exploring inside her. Seeking out a fertile egg. It was too taboo so far beyond the line in the sand she had established with her absent husband. It couldn’t have turned her on more. She was fully committed to this roleplay, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

“Yes,” Sarah nodded and stared into Lester’s eyes. “I want you to put a baby in me.”

“What do you want me to put inside of you?” Lester huffed as he increased his undulating pace. Sarah’s legs were wrapped around his hips, her arms hooked under his, nails on his back trying to urge him forward. To keep fucking her with his massive cock.

“A baby,” Sarah moaned at the admission. Feeling herself say the words were so fucking dirty.

Lester grinned, feeling Sarah’s pussy gripping his cock as she talked about having his baby. He couldn’t wait to explode into her tonight as she begged to carry his child.

“Whose baby? Whose baby do you want inside of you?” Lester sneered.

“Yours,” Sarah moaned as she felt an orgasm start to dial up out of nowhere. This dirty talk was really pushing her over the edge tonight. “Lester’s. I love your fucking huge cock. I want Lester’s baby inside of me. Give it to me, Lester. Knock me up.”

“Not Dan’s?” Lester teased.

“If Dan wanted to put a baby in me, he shouldn’t have flown to D.C., leaving me here with you,” Sarah grunted as she thrust back onto Lester’s cock, begging him to break his slow pace and just fuck her relentlessly.

<i>What is Dan doing in D.C.?</i> Lester filed that nugget of information away for later exploration. “Well, daddy Lester is happy to give you what you need.”

The overweight man stopped and breathed deeply, steadying himself for the next round. Sarah, keeping her eyes on his, raised her knees until they brushed against Lester’s arms. Seeing what the young, well-fucked mother wanted, for her ankles to rest on his shoulders while he fucked her, put a glint in his eye. He gathered her legs underneath him and pushed forward, enjoying the new angle and how much more open Dan’s wife was to him with her heels on either side of his head. He spent a few minutes slowly exploring Sarah’s tight pussy through careful pelvic movements. Sarah seemed to be almost sobbing with pleasure, her pussy overfilled with his perfect cock. Lester couldn’t hold back anymore and started to increase the tempo of his thrusts, much to the delight of Sarah’s body. “God, fuck, just like that. Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop. FUCK!”

Sarah’s body was thrashing against Lester’s, trying desperately to pull every bit of his cock into her as her body rapidly approached an orgasm. Lester knew his words were turning her on. She loved this. Loved the impregnation talk. She loved it when she and Dan tried for a baby, knowing they were playing with something primal. Lester moved onto his forearms and started to power thrust into her as he savagely licked and bit at her neck.

His tongue trailed up to her jawline before moving to suck on her earlobes. Lester wanted to feel her cum on his cock. He wanted to push her over the edge. He whispered, “I’m going to make you pregnant tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll wake up with Lester’s baby in your tummy. Get ready for it…”

“Ah FUCK. FUCK,” Sarah grunted as an orgasm rocked her body, emanating out from her pussy and stretching itself over every inch of her body. The idea of letting Lester impregnate her. Someone so accomplished and attractive as her stooping down to let someone like Lester breed her. Just that idea seemed to throw gasoline on the bonfire raging inside her.

“Gaa fuuu-” Sarah’s orgasm was still going, causing her legs and arms to stiffen. Even the muscles in Sarah’s neck felt tense from contracting for so long, and her face was red. She felt a cramp form in her right foot, making her immediately aware of how severely she’d flexed it. Finally, the intense orgasm began to subside, and Sarah took a deep breath for the first time in what felt like more than a minute.

“Oh shit. God. Lester,” Sarah’s mind felt flush and exhausted, but her hips kept thrusting up off the bed to meet Lester’s cock. She was nearly folded in half, but any discomfort she felt was forgotten by the incredible sensations the hairy man’s cock was causing inside her.

“Hmmmm, Sarah Williams is going to have my baby,” Lester grunted. “Going to have Lester Junior growing inside of her.” Her calves shook, resting against his upper body as he pressed forward, drilling her roughly.

“Mhmmmmmmm give it me to Lester,” Sarah bit Lester’s ear, “Fuck me till I’m pregnant.”

“That might take all night,” Lester said, sweat running down his face.

“Whatever it takes, baby. I’m yours,” Sarah closed her eyes and moaned. Her hands slapped down onto the bed, and she grabbed the sheets with a tight fist. Lester turned his head and sank his lips back onto hers as his hands slowly caressed her skin, her legs caught on either side in his arms. He slowed his pace and let his hands lightly brush over the skin of her hips, rib cage, and Sarah’s arms. The tension she felt from the position she’d been put in, mixed with Lester’s tender touch, affected her deeply.

Sarah’s body was on fire, and she just wanted Lester to keep thrusting into her and make her cum again. His slowing down was driving her crazy. His light touches sent shivers through her body, wanting more and more of him.

Lester released Sarah’s legs and grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head against the bed. He held them down firmly as Sarah’s hips tried desperately to fuck back on Lester’s still cock as her legs urged him on. He dipped his head down again and whispered in her ear, “I can’t wait to explode inside of you, knowing I’m going to impregnate you tonight. Tomorrow, you’re going to have a new reason to call me daddy.”

“MMMmmmmnnn. Ah, god,” Was all Sarah could muster in response, her eyes fluttering in mounting pleasure. Lester’s words danced around in her head, plucking the cords of another orgasm that was rapidly building inside of her.

“God, give it to me, Lester. Knock me up. Put a baby inside of me. Give me that hard cock. I want it. I want you to explode.” Sarah moaned as she tried and failed to escape Lester’s grip.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Lester tightened his grip on her wrists to accentuate his point, “You’re not getting up from this bed until I make sure my baby’s inside of you. Even if that takes days.”

Spending days in bed fucking Lester. Screaming hoarsely as he repeatedly filled her with his cum. Fucking him until she was pregnant. Lester’s child growing inside of her. Just being his personal slut in her marital bed, giving her body to the ogre until she walked out barefoot and pregnant by someone other than her husband.

“Lester, please,” Sarah begged, “Stop toying with me and just fuck me. Fuck me good, baby.” There was a whine in her voice that she might have cared about if she didn’t need what only Lester could give her. Then she whispered to him, “Daddy.”

Lester smiled and released her hands, which immediately went around his thick torso, grasping him down onto her. Sarah’s heels dug in around his waist as the fat man started thrusting faster into her.

“God, I love it. I love how you fuck me hard like that,” Sarah moaned into Lester’s ear. “So big, so good.

“Better than Dan?” Lester grunted through short breaths. Sarah could feel the sweat on Lester’s back as she tried to hold onto him. Sarah’s chest was rapidly rising and falling, her breasts mashed down by Lester’s chest. With each thrust, her nipples dragged against the thick, coarse hair on his chest.

“Uh, fuck. Yes. So good Lester. You fuck so good, I really do love your cock.” Sarah moaned, “Mhmmmmmmhmmmm.”

“Once I knock you up, what’ll happen? Is Uncle Lester moving in, and we kick Dan out to the guest bedroom?” Lester sneered.

“God, you’re so fucked up. I can’t believe I’m letting you knock me up.” Sarah’s hips were up off the bed at the perfect angle, allowing Lester’s massive cock to rub past her G-spot as it stimulated the rest of the sensitive nerves in her pussy. “Right there, Lester. Don’t stop. Don’t you fucking dare.”

“I’m not stopping,” Lester grunted through gritted teeth while pawing at her ass. He was starting to get winded from fucking Sarah for so long and changed up his pace. “And I’m not just knocking you up.”

Sarah could feel her second orgasm of the night creeping up. It felt like a slow flame washing over her body, ready to burn everything to the ground.

“I’m breeding you. Soon my cum is going to flood your womb and breed you.” Lester huffed with narrowed eyes.

“Oh shit,” Sarah’s nails dug into Lester’s back. His words. The idea of being bred by Lester was too much for her to handle. Her orgasm hit her like a truck hitting a brick wall at full speed. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, FFUUUCK! OH MY FUCKING GOD!”

Sarah’s mind seemed to detach from her body for a split second as an intense wave of pleasure enveloped her entire being. She felt her pussy vibrate and spasm as it tried desperately to milk the cum from Lester’s plunging cock. Logically, she knew it was all just roleplay, but logic was tucked away into a small box in her brain. Her body was in control, and it desperately wanted to be full of Lester’s cum.

“Mhmmm, ohh god,” Sarah’s body cradled back and forth as she held Lester. The muscles in her pussy clutched like a vice around his cock, not letting him move a muscle until she’d thoroughly ridden out her bliss. When her muscles finally began to relax, her pussy lips eased the grip on her troll-like lover.

Lester was breathing hard, and he felt sweat dripping from his forehead. Sarah licked her lips as some sour drops dappled onto her face and neck. She opened her eyes from her orgasm and stared up into his bloodshot eyes with a look bordering on mania.

He was successfully breaking down her barriers. Dan had been such a success, an unknowing wingman for Lester. Each step he seemed to take was another angle Lester could use to crawl between his roommate’s wife’s legs, where he basked in his accomplishment.

“Come here,” Lester abruptly grabbed Sarah’s hips and rolled them both over until Lester was on his back and Sarah was above, straddling him. She pressed herself down as far as she could go, taking as much of Lester’s big cock into her as possible. She gripped the headboard with both hands and began to slowly work her hips from side to side, playing with Lester’s cock inside of her, forcing herself down on his pole.

“God, you feel so good, Lester,” Sarah moaned absentmindedly. “I love it.”

“Just think of how good it’s going to feel when I cum inside of you,” Lester said. “Aren’t you glad we ditched those stupid condoms?”

The condoms were a rule Dan had insisted on, which Lester had promptly disregarded. Maybe that should have been a red flag for her, but right now, she couldn’t help but agree with Lester. “Mhmmmm, so good. So much better without them.”

With a firm grip on the headboard, Sarah began to ride Lester enthusiastically. Slowly increasing her pace, now entirely in control of Lester’s cock and its tempo. Lester just lay there staring up at the goddess riding his cock, fully appreciating the culmination of his months-long conquest. Everything had worked out perfectly. Now Dan’s wife was riding his cock, begging for Lester to knock her up. Nothing had prepared Lester for how sweet this victory would be to savor.

Sarah had been his most daring conquest and, by far, his most rewarding. He never wanted to let her go. She would be his no matter the cost.

“You know how much I usually cum. How big my loads are?” Lester was staring up at Sarah’s naked chest, swaying above him. He ran his grubby, fat fingers up her body until he was cupping both breasts, his thumb and index fingers teasing her nipples.

Sarah tightened her grip on the headboard and threw back her head, “Uh. Oh. Mhmmmm. Yes. Fuck. Mhmmmm. Your loads are massive, Lester. You make so much cum with your giant cock.”

“Think my loads could knock you up? All that cum I put inside of you?” Lester’s hands started to move more roughly as he played with Sarah’s tits. Each time he slapped and tugged at them harder, it elicited excited moans from the young mother.

Sarah tilted her head down and opened her eyes, staring down into Lester’s, “Oh. Yeah. Fuck. God. Yes. I know your cum could knock me up. You cum so much, I love it. There’s no way I wouldn’t get pregnant.”

Lester grunted and lifted his hips off the mattress to press hard into the young wife. Sarah tightened her grip on the headboard, which slammed against the wall, hurting her fingers. But she didn’t let go, she just held on as Lester continued to thrust up off the bed, pushing deeper into her.

He let go of her tits and grabbed her hips, pulling her body down as he continued to fuck Sarah. Sarah closed her eyes and focused on the sensation of Lester’s cock embedded deep inside of her. She loved feeling in this position, hell, in any position with this cock but she loved to ride it and be in control of it. Having control over something so large and powerful made her feel strong – a feeling her life had lacked lately.

Everything else in her life was on the back burner right now. Her mind was clouded by the pleasure Lester was giving her; she could barely even think about what had been stressing her earlier.

Lester’s cock touched every sensitive spot inside of her. She just needed a minute or two and she could cum again. Sarah desperately wanted to feel that again. Sweating and gulping down air she steadied then stopped herself. Then she moved each of her legs so that her feet were planted on either side of her lover, his cock embedded fully inside the lustful mother. Then using her hold on the headboard, she pulled up and pushed her full weight down on his cock, her ass slapping against his upturned waist.

Lester had a maniacal smile on his face seeing Sarah’s wanton movements. “When you first met me, did you ever think that I would put a baby inside of you?” Lester was looking up at the goddess above him, riding his cock. The smooth skin of her legs to either side of him, her hefty breasts swaying and flopping above him, her mouth curving in pleasure from their fucking.

“Heh. Mhmmm. No. No, not at all.” Sarah groaned, opening her eyes to look seductively down at Lester. “I would have said, ‘No way. Don’t let that loser anywhere near me.’”

Lester hated that word. Loser. Her comment echoed, simmering below the surface, stoking his anger. Ultimately, this loser was about to deposit a big load into her. “And now you’re letting this loser fuck you raw and cum inside you. What changed?” Her ass slammed down against him with a clap. A high-pitched yelp escaped Sarah’s mouth in response.

“I didn’t know that a loser could fuck me so well,” Sarah said, breathing in Lester’s thick scent, “Fuck me so well that I’d be begging to have him put a baby inside of me.” She threw her hips down on the older man, grinding down on him in a circular motion.

“Tell me what you want, Sarah. I want to hear you beg.” Lester licked his lips, both of them shaking from the repeated impacts.

“I want you to fuck me, Lester,” Sarah grunted loudly as she rolled her hips on top of Lester. “Fuck me so hard and give me your cum. I need your cock to cum. I want all of it. Give it to me.”

“Why do you want my cum Sarah? Tell me. Fucking tell me,” Lester raised his hands again to maul her breasts. Sarah pushed her chest out into his fat, meaty paws.

“I don’t want it,” Sarah breathed. Her breathing was growing short. “I need it. I need your cum, and I love your cock, Lester. Give it to me. Knock me up, Lester.”

“What about Dan?” Lester snarled. He could feel his balls beginning to tingle. It was only a matter of time before he emptied his balls into the young mother. As much as he wanted to flip her back onto the bed, there was something sweetly sinister about Sarah taking his load in this position. Where she had all the control and still let it happen.

“Ugh. Don’t worry about Dan. Just fuck me, Lester,” Sarah moaned as she felt Lester’s cock again roughly slide against her G-spot. She could feel her body working itself up toward another mind-bending orgasm. She couldn’t control her breathing anymore. Her body seemed to be riding Lester’s cock on overdrive, out of control, seeking pleasure. Her ass almost bouncing off the man beneath her.

“He’s not going to be mad when a gang of little Lesters is running around your house?” Lester teased. Sarah thought back to the dinner table. How Lester had taken Dan’s spot and seemingly was now trying to take another thing away from her husband.

“He’ll learn to live with it,” Sarah said absently, her mind focused solely on the wall of pleasure built inside her brick by brick, ready to crumble and crash down at any moment.”

“Sarah, I’m going to put a baby in you tonight. You know that, right? And this is just the first one. I plan to knock you up over and over again.” Lester struggled to push himself up into a seated position under her onslaught.

Sarah grimaced at Lester’s awkward movements to sit up. It took her out of her flow for a second, and she needed to workself back up to where she was, “As long as you keep fucking me like this, you can do whatever you want to me.” She got the right leverage again and began to experience the wonderful insertion at a perfect angle.

Lester was leaning against the headboard, a pillow sandwiched between his lower back and the headboard. Sarah’s arms and knees were on either side of him, bracing her against the fucking she was delivering to his body. His fat gut pressed against her stomach, Sarah’s magnificent breasts resting on the top of his gut.

His hands grazed her legs, running over her body until they snaked around, and each roughly grabbed a handful of her flushed red ass cheeks. Sarah’s body started to undulate faster on his cock in response.

“Mhmmm fuck,” Sarah moaned. She loved feeling how rough Lester could be with her body. The way he just did what he wanted. He took what he wanted. Her body responded to that energy. She couldn’t help but love the way he touched her.

Lester gave her left ass cheek a hard slap. Sarah felt the sting and knew his handprint would be visible in the morning. Lester’s hands left her ass and roamed up her body, grazing over her back, sliding between her tits, pinching her nipples until he was cupping Sarah’s face. He pulled her face down towards his and mashed his lips against hers.

Sarah reflexively opened her mouth and let Lester’s tongue in. She pushed her tongue back against his, wrestling for control of the kiss. Both of them eventually gave in, and their wrestling became a dance, pushing and pulling, sucking and licking, blending to create something explosive.

She could feel her orgasm right on the cusp of exploding, washing away all of her stress in a tsunami of pleasure.

Sarah continued to suck and lick Lester’s lips until he broke the kiss. His forehead pressed against hers, his eyes staring deep into hers, “What if I never got that operation and was about to fill you with my virile cum?”

Sarah stared back into Lester’s eyes before closing them and kissing him again. When she finally broke the kiss, she pressed her forehead against his. In a desperate voice, she said, “I’d say stop talking and fill me, Lester. Give me your cum.”

Lester’s balls tightened at the comment. He almost couldn’t hold back anymore. He was going to do as she asked. Unleash a torrent of cum inside of her and hopefully knock her up.

“Fuck,” Lester grunted as Sarah’s pussy tightened around the base of his shaft. Her body riding up and down, milking him for everything he was worth. “Fuck Sarah I’m going to cum.”

“Don’t stop. Almost there. Don’t. Ah. Uh. Ah. Mhmmmmm,” Sarah moaned.

“Fuck,” Lester breathed hard, “I’m gonna cum. I’m going to fill you with it. You’re gonna get fucking pregnant with my baby Sarah. I’m going to breed you.”

His words lit a match inside of Sarah that ignited her orgasm. The wall that had been building up exploded into a million pieces as a radiating power cascaded out of her pussy and over her entire body, “Ah fuck. Fuck. Lester! God. LESTER!! Breed me. Fuck Lester BREED ME!”

Almost out of breath, he wanted one more thing. “What about me, Sarah? What about Daddy? You love my cock, but do you love me?”

Sarah looked at Lester as their faces almost touched hearing what he’d asked. Both could sense they were at the edge of completion as their expressions twisted into masks of sheer pleasure. As she considered the question, the massive orgasm she’d been building swept her away like a sudden undertow.“I- AhhHHHFFFUUUCCK!”

With a squinched-up face, Lester grunted and felt his balls begin to empty and spray. His cock twitched in Sarah and started to throb with the pressure of its output. Sarah could feel the head of Lester’s cock expanding inside of her then a massive flurry of hot cum began squirting into her, drenching her insides, seeking out every inch of her.

As each blast of cum hit her sensitive nerves, Sarah’s body responded, dialing up the orgasms that were wracking her body. She felt another larger orgasm looming about to crash down on her. Sarah’s nails dug into the headboard. She threw her head back and yelled, “FUCK A BABY INTO ME LESTER.”

Every nerve in Sarah’s body seemed to light on fire at once. She felt her toes go numb and her body tense. Sarah held her breath as a powerful orgasm made her body tremble and visibly shake as she slammed herself down on Lester. Her vision went blurry, and her eyes rolled back in her head.

Lester’s cock kept spurting into her, drenching her with his hot, potent cum. His sperm eagerly swimming into Sarah’s fertile womb, seeking to accomplish Lester’s goal to breed Sarah Williams in her martial bed.

“Ah fuck,” Lester groaned as he sunk back against the headboard, wholly spent as his cum continued to ooze out of his cock as Sarah’s pussy milked every last drop from him. This was easily his most memorable fuck ever. Having a woman like Sarah Williams ride him until she begged to be bred by him. He couldn’t help but feel like a man completing a mission. Not the loser he’d been called. There was nothing he couldn’t do.

Sarah came down from cumming slowly. Her senses started to return to normal, and she finally remembered to breathe. She had been holding her breath so long and tensing the muscles in her body from that orgasm that she felt a light headache and a faint dizziness. She blinked her eyes to get her vision back. Her first post cum sight was the troll-like man, exhausted and spent below her.

With her mind clearing from that earth-shattering orgasm, she couldn’t help but reflect on what she saw. Lester was ugly, out of shape, and unattractive, but she couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming desire for him. His face looked ugly, but she just wanted to kiss it. His body was flabby and hairy, but she wanted to feel it pressed against hers. It was like all of his bad features were just quirks that she had learned to love. She loved that satisfied look on his face, knowing she was responsible for putting it there. He looked almost surprised when she leaned down and planted a soft kiss on his lips, a ‘thank you’ for the stress he’d relieved.

Gently, she pulled herself up and off of Lester. His semi-hard cock plopped out of her as she shifted her weight on the bed. Lester’s cum immediately began to leak out of her, copiously flowing down her leg. Sarah shimmied herself to the side of the bed and put her hands between her legs. It felt damp, Lester’s cum dribbling out of her, the flow making a stain on her sheets.

Sarah swung her legs off the bed and walked unsteadily to the bathroom, her legs not yet ready to walk. Lester watched through one open eye as she shut the door behind her. He wasn’t planning on going back to his hotel room tonight. Besides, Dan’s side of the bed was too comfortable and he planned one more crack at Sarah in the morning.

As sleep tried to overtake him, Lester got up and checked his phone. He grinned. The recording wasn’t set up at the optimal angle but it looked like he’d caught enough of their session. He put the phone on Dan’s bedside table before taking his place in the bed.


Sarah looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She looked tired, and her hair was a mess. She looked like she had just been fucked multiple times. After splashing some water on her face, she sat on the toilet.

Her mind still felt all over the place but at least she could bask in the warm afterglow of the several orgasms that Lester had given her. Finishing her business, Sarah flushed the toilet and wanted to shower. She was surprised how much cum was still oozing out of her. She wanted to clean herself, but she just felt too tired. <i>If Lester hadn’t had that operation, he could knock a girl up.</i>

Instead, Sarah brushed her teeth and used a makeup wipe on her face before finally reopening the door to the bedroom. There, in the dim light, Lester’s obese body looked utterly out of place, lying in her marital bed. He was snoring away, already fast asleep. Sarah made a mental note to talk to Lester about getting a CPAP machine.

It was too late for other arrangements, and her exhaustion was too great to wake Lester up and kick him out. Sarah quickly put on a pair of flimsy pajamas and got under the covers next to Lester. She could have gone and slept in another bedroom, but this was her bed, and she hated sleeping anywhere else. Besides, Lester’s body heat seemed to keep the bed warm, which felt pretty nice. It felt like she was falling asleep, wrapped in a warm cocoon. She could smell his musky sweat drenching her sheets, but she was too tired to care.

Parts of her brain were trying to tell her something, to remind her of something important. But the distant alarm was no match for the heaviness of sleep, which quickly pulled her under.


Dan tipped the Uber driver on his phone and pushed through the rotating doors at his downtown D.C. hotel. The short flight had taken way longer than expected, with slow ground crews delaying their deboarding. Thankfully, he hadn’t had to wait for luggage since he was traveling with just his carry-on.

He made his way over to the concierge desk and checked in. The clerk gave him his keycard before Dan rode the elevator to his floor. As he pushed the door to the hotel room open, his phone started ringing.

It was late. No one would be calling at this time unless it was Sarah. Dan fumbled with his carry-on while closing the door and reaching into his pocket for his phone. The way he entered the room, he felt like a bumbling idiot, but he was eager to speak with his wife.

They had left things in a terrible place, and the fact that she was calling meant there was either an emergency or she’d had a change of heart. Dan furrowed his eyebrows when he finally pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw who was calling him.

It was his boss, Walt. Not exactly his favorite person at the moment. Dan double-checked the time. What was Walt doing calling him at this hour? Worried, Dan answered it.

“Hey, Walt, what’s going on?” Dan said.

“Dan, thanks for answering. So sorry to call so late. I hope I didn’t wake the kids,” Walt said. Dan set his carry-on down on one of the room’s two beds. As far as Walt knew, Dan was back in Middleton visiting his family.

Whispering to maintain the illusion, Dan said, “No. Nope. You’re good. The girls have been in bed for a while and are pretty solid sleepers. What’s up?” He tried to hurry the conversation along, not wanting to linger on the phone.

“Again, sorry for calling so late. It’s just that I got some exciting news that will impact you, and I, well, I wanted you to hit the ground running with it tomorrow.” Walt was clearly excited about something.

“Well, that’s great. You know I’m up for anything. What’s the news?” Dan asked.

“Funny enough, it comes from your old protege. You remember Jesse, right? Apparently, he has linked up with a new company and isn’t holding any grudges against us. He has a client over there who has a sustainability project, and they don’t have anyone with that expertise. Jesse wants us to subcontract for him and Dan. They are going to pay us quite well for this. Quite well.”

Dan sat on the bed and hunched over, pinching the bridge of his nose. Walt continued, “It could really turn things around for us. Given your background and experience working with Jesse, it’s a no-brainer for you to lead this. I’ve already contacted some of our senior management team to help you pick up the slack from your other clients, okay? You’ll still be managing most of the day-to-day, but I want you to know we are here to support you. Jesse should be your number one priority going forward, though.”

“Sounds great, Walt. Can’t wait to get started.” Dan gave a curt goodbye, wrapping up the conversation, and hung up the phone. He flopped back onto the bed and sighed, staring at the white stucco ceiling.

He should have seen this coming, but he was surprised Jesse had thought of going around him and engaging with Walt directly. It seemed more calculated than Jesse usually was. Dan thought that his ‘no’ earlier would have ended it.

Hopefully the project with Jesse wouldn’t be too difficult. He checked his watch and, for the third time, confirmed how late it was. He needed to get to bed so he could prep for his meeting with Sentinel Securities in the morning. Dan didn’t need anymore on his plate at the moment, he just prayed that working with Jesse wouldn’t be as bad as he expected.

Dan needed to focus on building up his side business and not get dragged back into workplace games with his old protege.



Antonio Roldán

Hello everyone. Something I've been thinking about. It would be very exciting to have a new session with Lester's friends. Although this time around, the friends will end up, with or without Dan, surrounding Lester and Sarah while they fornicate in front of them.Greetings.


I have a theory The new Janitor “Curtis” that possibly witness Lester and Sarah in her office. Who the following day cleaned all the evidence of Lester and Sarah’s sexcapade. What if he is one of Lester’s men from his group of clients or henchmen who helps Lester break women into their sex slaves. Lester has planted him within the hospital to help Lester advance his goals with Sarah.