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It's finally out!

By the way, a patron told me that when the "notify people" option is enabled while sharing files through Google Drive, the entire list of e-mails is shared, so from now own I'm sharing the files without notification. I hope that solves this privacy issue.

To find out how to configure the weapon switching animation, type cvarlist r_viewmodel in the console. The list of cvars should be self-explanatory, except for the one that controls the movement to the side: By default, positive side values moves the weapon to the right side, and negative side values moves the weapon to the left side. However, if the Weapon Position option in the Gameplay Menu is configured to position the weapons to the Left, the side movement will be inverted (so you can change the weapon position without needing to reconfigure the switching animation).

Raytraced dynamic lights are enabled by default, but can be toggled by the cvar r_light_tracing.

There's an issue where lightmap coordinates whose center is beyond the polygon's edges can't be reached by the tracing (e.g. concave corners where two brushes meet), and there's no simple way to fix that.

Only the world can cast raytraced shadows from dynamic lights. BSP entities can't cast raytraced shadows from dynamic lights yet, but I'll see how to implement that.

For performance reasons, entity shadows (with negative self.glow_size values) doesn't use raytracing. However, now they're skipped on backside surfaces, so you won't see the enemies' shadows from behind the walls anymore.

By the way, the main reason for me to implement raytraced dynamic lights is that when adding dynamic light effects to the pickup items in the gamecode, I had to use very small radius values because otherwise it would be easy to find out secret items behind thin walls. With raytracing, we can now add bigger dynamic lights to any entity without disrupting the intended visual perception of the game.

Some crashes and bugs were also fixed. Mods with skyboxes in subfolders of the gfx/env folder won't crash the engine anymore, and there's also a fix for crashes caused by the non-crushing buttons gamecode I released a while back.



I really like your reason for adding ray tracing. Not because it's the thing to do or some gimmick, but because it fits with your vision of what Retroquad should be.