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I've thought about it for a long time, and I'm going to implement interlacing in Retroquad's renderer.

I was always scared of the possible visual artifacts caused by interlacing, but after researching other 3D games that already uses it, the tradeoff should be acceptable. After doing some rough tests in Retroquad, I estimate that the increase in framerate should be around 75%.



I'm not super familiar with modern interlacing - would this actually involve putting the signal to the display into interlaced mode, or rather processing the rendered frame into a progressive format for display? Either way, I look forward to seeing how it looks and that performance bump sounds tasty!


Display performance isn't an issue, but frame composition performance is. Retroquad's interlacing will simply skip lines each frame, reducing the CPU impact and the framebuffer bandwidth nearly in half. The framebuffer will still be at full size, but only half of its data will be rewritten & sent to the screen on each frame. Particles should still be rendered at full resolution on every frame, but this won't be an issue because they're extremely fast to draw. Screenspace polygon clipping will also be performed at full resolution until I learn more about how it works.