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The text reader is substantially better in this release.

Besides the improvements mentioned in the previous posts, there where several bugfixes, and the behavior of the Home & End keys was improved:

  • When not in the left edge of the text, press Home to scroll to it, and…
  • … when in the left edge of the text, press Home to scroll to the top of the text.
  • When not in the right edge of the text, press End to scroll to it, and…
  • … when in the right edge of the text, press End to scroll to the bottom of the text.

This allows easier scrolling to the top and the bottom of the text by double-tapping the Home and End keys instead of holding Ctrl. But Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End are still supported.

Also, due to that, the Home and End keys will always scroll directly to the top and the bottom of the text when there's no horizontal scrolling available, which happens when word wrapping is enabled, or if the non-wrapped text is not wider than the text box.

And there still are some bugs in the text reader, in increasing order of significance:

  • Trailing spaces aren't ignored by horizontal scrolling, allowing it to go more to the right than needed.
  • In word-wrapping mode, the lines are wrapped 1 character earlier than they should be.
  • Tab stops are unsupported, and tabulation characters are rendered as regular spaces.
  • Centered alignment is wrong by 1 character to the right on lines created by word wrapping (the line remainder after the split).
  • Text alignment to the right is extremely buggy.
  • The code is not compatible with smooth scrolling, so there's no smooth scrolling yet.

Anyway, now the focus will be on developing the dummy menu code to get a new menu system running.


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