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I'm still having some symptoms, but I'm good enough to resume working on Retroquad. Right now I'm going to refactor lots of GUI code to simplify it.

About the filtering issues at the edges of the 2D images, I'll actually have to handle each 2D image in a different way:

  • For images that should be tiled vertically and horizontally, there's nothing special to do.
  • For images that should not be tiled and that should not merge with any neighboring images (e.g. text characters), they should be padded horizontally and vertically with transparent texels.
  • For images that should only be tiled across one axis (e.g. sliders), they'll have to be padded with transparent texels on the non-tileable axis.
  • For images that should not be tiled in any way, but that needs to be connected to other images (e.g. slider's edges), the side(s) that will be connected to other images must be padded by repeating their last texels.

There's no way to auto-detect which of those methods should be applied to each image, so I'm going to hardcode it.

I dislike hardcoding special cases, but Quake's 2D images are full of special cases like this thanks to hacks such as storing the GUI slider images in the text image atlas (conchars).


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