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After much more testing, I've fixed a bunch of other problems since the last release.

The menu options for lookstrafe, auto-center view and slope look works properly now. Auto-center view and slope look only looks in vanilla Quake when mouse look is disabled, so they had stopped working when mouse look became enabled by default. Now they work normally with mouse look enabled.

Several savegame-related crashes were fixed.

A bug in the music playback when playing demos after entering a game was fixed.

The keyboard commands for look up/down and roll left/right stops at the neutral point when the player is not moving. This eliminates the need for the "centerview" and "force_centerview" commands.

Now the scrolling skies also uses the smoother dithering matrix used in the rigid and liquid BSP surfaces.

Several other minor fixes and improvements.

Lots of testing were done. The engine seems to be rock solid for vanilla Quake now, and everything for the upcoming public demo is ready, minus the readme file.

The upcoming public demo will also serve as an update for both the "Retroquad Assets_Q1.7z" and "Retroquad Textures.7z" archives. It is much better fine tuned than the  previous archives. After the upcoming public is released, I'll update both archives properly.

It should take a little while for me to write down the readme for the public demo, so I don't have a certain date for its release yet. But it shouldn't take long.


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