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To have access to this release, you need a Google account.

Send me your GMail address and I'll give you access to it.

This first release done through Patreon will not have patron's names in the credits, because it was developed before the Patreon was launched. It will feature the names of donors who have contributed to my previous "Please Save Our Home" campaign.

This release will be uploaded asap. I'll just implement a preliminary demos menu.

[edit] It's released now. Enjoy :)



Super, super excited for multi-core rendering. Recently upgraded my CPU to a 2700x and I can finally hit full framerates if I reduce the resolution... Will be cool to see what kind of performance gains can be made with more than 1 core working. Also, I'm too busy lately but if life ever lets me, I'll absolutely join the developer tier... I'd love to work on a game in this engine. (Need to learn QuakeC first....)