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How are we all doing Patreon peeps

Coooooor, do I look tired in that thumbnail above :P


Yep, from here on out I am starting the month with a big update video. That was recorded super late/early (whatever you wanna call it) which will hopefully help you guys out with updates on the channel and possibly even give some advice in this case regarding my Marketing of Slope's Game Room on social media channels :D


It is also a good way for me to explain why I had a bit of a crap weekend in regards to my video output and why it's gonna be all over the place moving forward for a few weeks.

For those of you that want the short version...

Basically we have had some bad news in the family mid last week... the kinda bad news that's gonna take a long time to get over! I don't wanna get too into the details as I don't really like sharing that kind of personal stuff but what i will say is that it has involved me being away from the PC A LOT!!! and spending a lot of extra time with my wife to comfort her!

It's the reason I uploaded a couple of unboxing videos over the weekend (which obviously I love to do) but they are of course normally very much filler midweek content!

What does this mean moving forward... not a whole lot! I will still aim to get the same amount of content out but it may be a little all over the place, uploaded at random times of the week rather than specifically at the weekend!

It's gonna take a few weeks before I am back on track and I really do appreciate those sticking by me during this tough time :D


Anyway... sob story over... onto the good stuff that involves you!

Let's get back on track with everything Patreon (as it's the one thing I forgot to talk about in the video hahaha)

Here are a few updates and opinions on what I will be doing with certain tiers and rewards moving forward... I say opinions because I would very much like your voice to be heard if you have a better idea/don't garee with a certain change


Starting at the top tiers $60 up... Slope Crates... I FUCKIN' LOVE MAKING THESE BOXES and the response has been incredible!!!

So far I have made 3 or 4 and the next batch will be going out tommorow or the next day (look out for them) in other words this is staying exactly the same :)


$25 UNIQUE T-SHIRTS... I am quite a bit behind on these but as you may know already every single one of you is getting all your rewards sent at the same time (basically within a weekish!

this will stay the same moving forward!


$20 1 ON 1 CHATS this will continue the way it is.. However, most of you do not have this 1 on 1 chat with me. some of you I have never had this 1 on 1 chat with let's try and get this going... I will send you a DM shortly


 $10 GAMING NIGHT This is something I need help with! I am more than happy to just turn this into a private live stream but I would much rather actually play a game with you guys!

The best option is for us all to choose a game on steam (free or less than $1) for us all to get and play once a month (or more if its good) Heck, in time I could even record it and upload it as a Patreon only video :D

Does anybody have any good suggestions on what to play on steam?


$9 SHOUT OUTS - staying the same


$5 tier this one has quite a lot to talk about

1stly the name shown at the end of the vids will stay the same

2ndly slopes movie room, is coming back and I will send a message in a week (roughly) on what we will watch... however I can tell you now it's going to be on the 18th September in the evening (uk time)

3rdly PATREON Q&A's these have sadly fallen down a little this year but I want to bring them back in a different way that should promote YOU the people that ask the questions a little more! from time to time I will do a video like I did for my trip to Norway, but I am also going to take full advantage of using the YouTube stories app (as the last time I used it I actually got more views on that than I did on the norway video hahaha) I also plan to add the odd question at the end of certain big videos too where I shout out your names!

This way, the people that ask the questions should be able to be seen in multiple ways on the channel :D



-early access to videos (when i can)

exclusive rooms in discord

script area

random updates etc

HOWEVER, as a nice big extra for you all if you sign up to discord (CLICK HERE TO DO SO) you can actually watch me edit my videos live!!!! which I do quite a lot... make your way over and feel free to join in whenever you see me doing just that!!! :D (I will tag the people that are online to watch if they wan't to join in)


And that's all the updates for Patreon...

On top of this just so you know I am working on the following videos

  • and I am also toying with the idea of a few different complete history videos but not actually started them yet #WATCHTHISSPACE!

AND THAT'S IT... HOPE YOU LIKE THE UPDATE :D Fake you so much for your time guys and of course all your support :D

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope


A very important update from Slope's Game Room



Thinking of you & your family at this difficult time. Thank you for the updates. Best wishes.