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How are we doing Patreon peeps,

So, first things first... I was out doing a bit more painting in the new garage on Monday morning when I noticed the leak had come back... spent most the day trying to fix it... freaked out cos I couldnt work it out and then... went outside in the rain and finally saw the problem (click the video above)

Not gonna bore you with more game room leakage nonsense for too long but the real problem is...

That little square you see in the video has a filter in it which is supposed to filter the crap so that only clear water goes into the water butt and the rest (the majority) should go down the pipe! Well, that filter which basically looks like a big fat soggy sock (insert your own joke here if needed) was in the wrong place... it was filtering the water going down and sending the rest through that little tube out the side! obviously the water butt fills up rather quickly doing it this way, However, the remaining water just spilled over the edge because there was too much for the poor little sock to deal with!

And even though my hardcore DIY bodge job that I managed to do in the last update has helped it!!! it didn't stop all of it!

Thankfully, now, hopefully, finally... the leak issue is sorted because... i moved the sock thing! 

Well... its rained since and i have not seen it do it again... THANK FUCKING GAWWWWD!!!!

Anyway... enough of my DIY DISASTERS!!!! Let's talk about some genuine Slope's Game Room stuff shall we :P


Right, so as you all have no doubt seen, I have taken on a few sponsors of late... one of them was skillshare and as part of the deal i got to try it out for free! I been looking up social media coaching stuff (which i will share with you soon) and I have also been looking up time management stuff because...

...I know I can do more!

I thought it was about time that I worked on a massive COMPLETE HISTORY as its been a while! and in the past the big ones have taken about 2-3 weeks of planning whilst doing smaller videos and then 1 week of hardcore editing to get it finished... I WANTED TO TURN THAT PROCESS INTO A 6 DAY PROJECT FROM BEGINNING TO END!

surprisingly, I think I worked it out! annoyingly the whole garage leak thing slowed me down a little and because of that I am slightly behind schedule by a day or 2 but fingers xd I SHOULD be able to release my next big video (SLIGHTLY OVER 40 MINS LONG) COMPLETE HISTORY THIS WEEKEND!!!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY!!!!! This is one (and i know i say this a lot but...) this is one I have wanted to do since the beginning!

I wish I had got a little further by this point but I think with a couple of late nights and my new time management formula... I SHOULD be able to finish it by Saturday.... possibly Sunday

Be sure to come back and see what I have done as I do it.


Audio + a little on camera footage 

A little more 


A little more than that 


More updates will show here when I finish them!


Anyway, hope you are all excited for this one... It's gonna be a real stonker! I bloody love twisted metal!

Mucho Love guys, keep an eye on this post cos its gonna get busy :D







Excellent! Love this series! Plus, there’s quite a story involving the release of the last game for the PS3. It got quite messy, if memory serves me correctly? Either way, greatly looking forward to this one. Glad to hear things are getting better on the DYI side! Hang in there, Dan. It never ends. But it gets easier to handle it all with each passing disaster! Life, it’s something, isn’t it? Be well! Hope to hear from soon.