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How we doing Patreon peeps.

Sorry I been a little quiet at the beginning of this week. I went and did a "Metal Jesus" and got a leak in my game room didn't I :P

However, it's nothing too serious, I'm not asking for monies or anything. the problem is now fixed (I think) I just thought you might like to hear what happened!

The long and short of it is... I have a big rain butt (hahaha) outside the garage on top of some decking in a corner between my garage and the back end of my living room! it collects the water from my roof into a tank with a tap on it that i can then use to water my garden!

Well turns out the drain from the roof was indeed going in the rain butt! However  when the tank gets full the rest should continue down the rest of the tube into... well wherever the water goes (drainage of some sort) :P

Problem was that bottom half of the tube had come lose so it was splashing up MOSTLY against my garage and back of the living room... pretty much everywhere besides the hole it was supposed to go in...

^look how dry that hole is^

This became apparent very quickly after we put up some drywall over the top of brick in the garage (eventual games room) as seen here.

which basically meant i had to rip the whole wall down that had only been up for a couple of days to try and breath air to the wall in an attempt to dry it out... thankfully we had a massive heatwave for like a week after this so it dried up nicely...

I fixed the drain, reconnected the water butt and got the wall put back up inside the garage after getting charged loads at the local tip for disposing of the old wall ARRGGHHHH!!!


Anyway... that's all old news! Even though this is very annoying its actually a little bit lucky it happened when it did! because if we didn't put that wall up and not found the leak... it would only had been a matter of time before it started effecting the living room! then we would have had some real problems!!! 

Regardless, it looks like we got it fixed at a decent time before it got out of hand!

Anyway, I had the wall in the garage put back up... started sanding it all down nice n smooth like and then...

The leak came back! <---this was how the beginning of the week started :@

So, technically it didn't come back... I fixed the main issue. However as seen here in this same picture...

...that black matt which is supposed to catch water and divert it away from the ground was obviously not long enough to attach to the wall and whoever put all this down before we moved in obviously thought... "ahhhh fuck it!" 

Basically, a good amount of the water being collected under the decking would slowly trickle down to this area were the black sheet wasn't long enough to securely fasten to the wall. In all fairness it wasn't a lot... but it was enough to turn the mud you see above into slush.

So, even though I fixed the drainage problem, the new problem wasn't the wall... it was the new floor.

It was at this point that I lost my shit... started ripping up the decking in my garden... purchased loads of waterproof membrane (basically heavier duty stuff than the black sheet that was already underneath) purchased a stupid amount of gravel to soak up extra water. went a little OTT with water proof paste to be extra sure not a single drop was gonna make its way underneath and did this...

Quick DIY tip... when using waterproof paste, use gloves... I didn't and then spent then next 20 minutes discovering just how water proof it was!

Yes it looks messy, but its done the job and ya not gonna see it anyway cos its under the decking! 

The leak as far as I can tell is now fixed, the floor has started to dry up (even though we have had quite a lot of rain) and i'm finally on the last bit of sanding down on my new wall before I can turn my double garage into the game room/ studio/ cinema/ bar that I have been aiming for it to become for the last several months!

Woop woop, that light at the end of the tunnel is blinding me I been looking at it for so bloody long. However, that light does exist and within the next week or 2 you will (hopefully) finally get to see what I have been working on for so bloody long!


Sorry I been a bit quiet this week, ya got 2 new videos coming THIS WEEK (a kickscammer and a review which i cant talk about until tomoz) so you will see more about those vids in the morning as I been working on them quite a bit :D

Now if you don't mind... I got 1 can of "The Complete History" beer calling my name in the fridge.. I'm gonna go chill out chuck some shit TV on and play some Horizon Chase Turbo on my switch!

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope


Slope's leaked footage



It's literally watching the sequel of "Metal Jesus Rocks: Mould in my basement". Hope everything will be ok, Daniel!


My god man! That’s pure madness! I’m sorry that happened to your home.. I’m glad everyone is safe and that none of your valuables, (well, besides your home) were permanently damaged. Things like that can spiral out of control quickly. I had a similar situation like that in my bathroom a few years ago. Had no idea a seal had broken under the ol’ porcelain throne. Over the course of however many weeks, the tiles of my bathroom floor started to lift up from the floor itself and break. The leak destroyed all the wood around the toilet and near the tub.. Had to cut out the soaked wood under the tile, replace it, buy new tiles and replace that... ugh.. I can fully relate to your stress, my friend! Just glad you and your family are ok! Enjoy that beer! On a more positive note, is the Horizon game you’re promoting coming to the States? You mentioned it was releasing in Europe, but I didn’t know if they had plans to release it in the US? Take care my friend and rest well. You definitely deserve it after all that mess.

General X

Flooding is awful, I had it for months before finally getting a line repair I didn’t know I needed! Glad things are better

Slopes Game Room

That all sounds a lot more extreme than what I have had to deal with! Thankfully mine is all based around bricks and concrete so it's not tooooo bad. Regarding Horizon... I believe it was released by another publisher in the states before numskull games released it here in the UK. Regardless it doesnt matter what region you get because the switch is multi region :D

Slopes Game Room

Yeah... thankfully we got in before it became too stressful and too big of a problem. Thanks for well wishes mate... Hope your flooding wasn't too bad


Oh man that flooding is awful. Not good at all. Hope something can get sorted. It reminds me of what happened to MetalJesusRocks even he is american he had a flooded room too and that was bad. Hope things get better Slopes. :)


Flooding is awful to deal with. I'm glad to hear it's better!