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Morning Patreon peeps,

Just wanted to let y'all know that I was falling asleep at my desk around about 11:30pm last night, I got up, ate some chocolate, made a very strong coffee and before you know it 2:30am rolled around and the video was finished :P

HAHAHA I do not suggest this way of life and I keep telling myself that this is only temporary as my daughter finally starts with the child minder within the next few weeks and then... I finally get my full 5 day week back (as in 9-5ish) and I won't have to make up time at stupid hours in the morning!


Regardless, the important thing is that the above video (my next big KickScammer) is finally  here, it's early and it's advert free!!!


About the video...

I been holing on to this story for a little while and in my opinion it sort of plays out a little like the VEGA+ video (albeit a lot shorter of course)

  • It has campaign owners blatantly fibbing
  • Deleted comments
  • Fake updates
  • Even more money stolen from outside investors
  • but best of all... It has a community behind it of angry backers/followers that painstakingly looked at every update/comment in detail and pulled it apart!

I love creating videos like this and I really did push myself on this video with sound/video editing and a little extra on camera stuff as that seems to be going down quite nicely.

Here is an earlier title-card I created btw in case you wanted to see it...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video. as stated this is advertisement free (including the outro) and the final video will have a rather big NEW sponsor! hence why there's a short pause after the intro sequence.

Let me know what you think and I will get to work on my next mini video which MIGHT go live tonight, It's a simple review of Horizon Chase Turbo.


Anyway, I gotta work on the advertisement now for this and hopefully that Horizon video today too. So, I best get on with it.

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope


P.S. OOOOOOOOO BTW, I went to Numskull's offices the other day to check out a few new things (some of which I can talk about, some of which I can't) and I wanted to show you some close ups I took with my DSLR of the upcoming Galaga quarter arcade cabinet. OBVIOUSLY DO NOT SHARE THESE IMAGES. A proper review will go live...mmmmmmm.... Next Thursday I believe!



kickscam patreon early access


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