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How's it going Patreon Peeps,

I have been a busy boy this week prepping for what will be an extremely manic few weeks ahead. Basically, as you may already know, Thursday's and Friday's are my day off with the kids whilst my wife is at work. This results in Saturday and Sunday sort of being half days in the office working on Slope's Game Room... However, those half days normally end up being full days :P

Well, coming up this weekend is a sponsored run that my wife is taking part in on Saturday and a trip to Disneyland on Sunday-Wednesday! Then only a couple of weeks later I'm off to Norway for the Retro Spilmessen convention were I will host a panel and Slope's Game Show!

There's a couple of other bit's in the middle of all this too but the long and short of it is... I am seriously trying my hardest to get video's prepped so that there is no downtime on the channel...

...and with that in mind here is the rough schedule for the next couple of weeks...


This weekends video is "Sonic Team's forgotten LOVE SIMULATOR!"

CLICK HERE TO SEE IT I have wanted to cover this for a little while... it's essentially a complete history. However, simply calling this Project Rub: The Complete History won't exactly pull in the views as it's simply way too obscure! yep... Sonic Team's forgotten LOVE SIMULATOR should do much better :D

Please keep in mind that this episode is about 90% finished, after looking back I need to add in a couple of extra edits just to help it flow slightly better (a link will be added in the comments once done)


After this is a possible midweek video... if I get the time... I may release an un-boxing of a new vinyl I got from DATA DISCS a few weeks back.

Obviously, I am only gonna do this video if I get time... It's not hard to make (and it's already shot) I just always like to do these "filler videos" AFTER i get the big weekend ones done and dusted!

HAHAHA Here is something for ya... I have actually uploaded the raw footage that I recorded of me unboxing this record so you can see me prepping the scene and stuff... It's quite funny tbf CLICK HERE TO WATCH! 


So yeah... as stated, I only do those smaller Quickshot / Record Un-Boxings when I get the weekend ones done and as of right now!!! I haven't even started that weekend's one lol

Yep, It's KickScammer time once again... and so far all I have is MOST of the campaigns that I plan to cover! what's this one going to be themed around???? PRISON!!!! #WatchThisSpace


After this... currently I am not sure if I will do a midweek video... but for the weekend video (yep, we are talking 3 weekends ahead now 22-23rd June). I have a huge project I have been working on for the last week-ish...

I am super happy to properly announce that Ren & Stimpy: The History and The Games is mostly finished in the scripting department... and it's a long one!

I actually plan to clean it up / finish off the last few paragraphs at Disneyland lol

This script went crazy! not only because it's a history of the popular nickelodeon show but it also goes deep into the not so great history of John K and on top of all that it even ends on the 1st thing I ever backed on Kickstarter!!! So, it's essentially a The History and The Games / Kickscammer cross over video! 


And by this point I will be in Norway and you guys will no doubt have had plenty of updates by then!


So yeah... It's been a crazy week or so prepping all this and I got a crazy couple of weeks ahead too, but hey ho... that's the name of the YouTube game in my eyes!

I hope you guys are all enjoying these updates... I got more to chat about regarding the long overdue Q&A, Slope Crates and exclusive Patreon Tshirts info to share but I think I waffled on enough in this post... So, until next time, thank you all ever so much for the support as always... seriously... I couldn't do all this if it wasn't for you guys!

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




Brilliant updates thanks. When you said "project rub" I honestly heard Beavis & Butthead repeat that then snigger in my head! Love the raw footage, a professional homing his skill. I found it calming seeing you lay out the LPs. Best wishes.

Slopes Game Room

Thanks matey :D always like to give you guys as much as possible


The Okami vinyl is absolutely stunning. I may have to pull the trigger on that release. Is it available yet? Price? I know you work with them in some way, so I figured you may have the information! My gosh.. What did Sega do now? Lol! I’ll be watching that here in a moment. Prison and Kickstarter? I can’t see in any known universe how or why those 2 places should be related at all! Lol! This one sounds like a real doozy, Dan! Can’t wait! I’ve been out of the loop for a bit as you know, but your official hats are being sold on a site? I’ll need to grab one to rep ya here in the States! Everything looks excellent as always, my friend! Keep up the stellar work!

Slopes Game Room

Heya bud... yep the hats are made to order and can be purchased from player1clothing.com... again a huge thanks for the honour :) The kickscammer may have slightly changed now to be something a bit more morbid :S... time will tell And sadly that okami vinyl is long bit sold you.. + it was like $80ish