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How are we doing Patreon Peeps :)

Just wanted to let you all know that the next complete history is well under way... in fact I expect it to be finished tomorrow :D Be sure to come back here for the full thing! as for now... here's a mostly completed version with a few errors included that I still need to fix, clean up and finish (all very easy stuff from here on out)


Also, regarding... Patreon Q&A's I am finally gonna catch up within this next week but please do ask a question if you have not already as very few patreons have so far.


Next thing I want to finally start doing is a monthly movie night! and to start us off I am thinking that next Wednesday night at about 9pm (uk time) we could all watch the BBC movie length documentary "Micro Men"

It's a little crazy that I have still never seen this! for those that don't know it's a very popular (in our scene) documentary talking about the rise of the home computer age in the UK!

The movie night is for all Patreons paying $5 or more and a Patreon only private message will go out with a link to the site were we will all watch it together! No netflix/amazon account is needed for this one. just your good self! :D


And finally, GAME NIGHT! I have been struggling on how exactly I plan to do these monthly game nights in a way that let's as many people as possible to play together at the same time and I think I finally have a way we can do the 1st one together!

Awesomenauts is a free to play platformy looking moba! we should be able to all connect with each other and play on steam (here's the store page) will need to test this out at some point. but unless anybody has any better suggestions I am happy to go with this!

I think this will be likely next Wednesday too but I will of course send info on this to everybody that is a part of that tier and above once I got it sorted!


There's probably more to update but I feel I have gone on to much already so I will save it for another post!

Mucho Love guys and thank you all for being Patreons of mine... you guys really are teh backbone of the channel :D

-DJ Slope
