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Hows it going Patreon peeps.

Firstly before going ahead please can you go ask me a question for my next Q&A here if you have access


Right, on with the update...

Yes, as teased a little while ago I will be doing a video based on the history and the games of The War of the Worlds.

This is me trying something new. Yes, I have done videos similar to this in the past but never to this extent. In this video expect to see more music that's from movie scores, movie soundtracks and of course the musical opera version, movie clips and comic clips... and plenty more. It's risky doing videos like this for obvious reasons which is why you can expect to see plenty of mini uploads of my work in progress over on DISCORD  where I test out what if YouTube lets me get away with it :P

Here is the 1st upload... and yes... it has already been flagged. Thankfully the flag is only showing up within the 1st 30ish seconds of the video and I can fix that by recording the famous War Of The Worlds intro in my own croaky deep voice :P

I hope you like the style of the video (or at least the audio currently) its one of those franchises that has fans all over the world and almost every single person tends to like something completely different about it than the other and its my job to make sure I please everyone! its not gonna be easy...


Anyway... in other news. I am also working on a mini review of some cables... check me out this isn't something I have done before! 

I recently got sent some HDMI leads for both the PS2 and the SNES which finally means I am able to eventually do another SNES related video that I have been stuck on for the longest time... more info on this will follow soonish.


What else? ... errrrrrr ... O yeah... ToeJam and Earl and Beavis and Butt-head both did brilliantly :D... in fact Not to brag or nothing but Greg Johnson the guy who made ToeJam and Earl even retweeted my work... something he hasn't done for any other video :D very chuffd!!!!!


O yes... also, as you may have guessed the Toejam and Earl video was obviously timed to be released as the newest game was released and I plan to do this with upcoming movie releases too. The next one will probably be DUMBO at the end of the month and eventually Aladdin whenever that's released :)


And... I think... for now that's it from me... hopefully I didnt bore anyone with my rambles... :P A huge thank you to you all for your support and of course please fell free to drop some feedback below regarding the upcoming video :)


Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




Your updates are as excellent as the content you chose to do. So looking forward to them. You could easily narrate War Of The Worlds. One of my favourite musicals. Best wishes & thanks.