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Good morning Patreon peeps.

Just wanted to let you all know what I am working on.

1stly I have a mini Kickscammer video. Nothing too exciting but it will hopefully quite well...

All this is is a 15 minute interview with Graham Kenny who has been tasked with being the guy who will be looking into whats going on in more detail... Basically this video is a "calling all backers" kind of affair as they need to sign up at www.clivehelpus.website in order for this guy to become the... errrr... main guy!

Annoyingly after the video was made and uploaded (it was going to go live tonight) I got asked to hold back as something has happened?!?!?! what has happened... who knows!?!?!?!? wound me up a little if i'm gonna be honest as now I do not have time to do another midweek video :(


ANYWAY, on to more exciting things... and that is... The Complete History of TOEJAM AND EARL

i have been holding off creating this video for the longest time due to the 4th game. well, it comes out this Friday and hopefully that means this video will too!

Here is a preview on how far I am with the project so far... I best get on with it lol!!! 

Also... I got my YouTube 100,000 sub plaque yesterday :) pretty exciting stuff. with that in mind I am planning to take a trip down memory lane for the next Q&A. even gonna get my wife involved to answer questions with me. So, backers of $5 or more keep an eye out as I will be sending another Patreon post after this one 

Mucho love guys

-DJ Slope




A very well done for the award, throughly deserved. I hope you have space next to it for more to come! Thanks for really good update. Looking forward to the Q & A. Best wishes to you & your family.


Congrats on the award. Looks shiny