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Heya patreon peeps


It's not exactly late but I'm going to bed because I am tired. However, that's not the exciting part of this update (THANK GOD)

As you know I am currently working on the California Games Complete History and I worked my ass off on it today. So... even though it's not finished I wanted to give you all a look into exactly how I do what I do...

Essentially what you are look at is the entire video audio wise and about 50% visual editing complete. However, as soooooo many clips get added some of which are huge for simply just a few minutes (and in some cases seconds) of footage it really does start to slow down the whole process. It gets to a point when what you are waiting for is mostly just imports of footage.

So, when a video get's like this (and it doesn't happen too often) I always make sure get to a good end point and render the whole thing... I then can easily find areas that need cleaning up and then with another instance of Vegas open I can continue on top of or after what I have already done and when finished i can paste it all together and voila you got 1 fully edited video :D

What you see above is exactly that... about 50% (more like 70% actually) finished version of the final video.

I'm sure it comes to no surprise to all that the hardest editing section is the earlier bit before I get to the games... and all of that is done so the rest is quite simple and shouldn't take more than 4-5 hours to finish :D

Everything up to the Atari "Sweat" footage (besides a few tiny bits) is pretty much fully finished. so if you don't want it spoiled you might wanna stop around about that point.

Hope you like this little inside look and I hope you are all looking forward to the final product

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope

and btw, here is a super early version which is almost exactly the same besides a few tiny differences :D 

O and 1 final thing... I started a script earlier in the week which was going to be a quickshot simply called "What happened to EA Sports BIG" but... the more I wrote down the more I realised... I was writing a complete history for SSX :) so, expect to see that at some point in the future. However, because of this I'm still not 100% sure what next week's mid week video will be... #WatchThisSpace

Actually... 1 more thing... The next KickScammers will be... "5 failed NINTENDO SWITCH Kickstarters" (or something to that effect :P) <-- this will be next weekends video





Are you putting little shout outs in these vids now? during say, quick transisions? lol. nice