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How we all doing Patreon peeps :)

Just wanted to let you know that this Thursday's "THE UNOFFICIAL DONKEY KONG SPIN OFF" video is finished :) it can be found here 


On top of that, I am very excited to let you guys know that I have a proper (hopefully long time) sponsor.


This shop not only dishes out rather awesome looking custom tees and caps but they will also (in time) become the official home of Slope's Game Room merch :D


I should be getting my 1st samples in the next few days or so including (at long last) a brand new Slope's Game Room hat which will eventually be released to the public!

here is a preview of the new hat being made

And here are a few early prototypes of the final design

So yeah, for me this is all very exciting and before I tell the world I wanted to let you guys know about it 1st :)


In other news, as you all probably know by now this weekends video will likely be California Games: The Complete History (which will follow on from this Thursdays video)

Fingers xd I can get that finished in time.


Regarding, next week... I am in 2x minds on exactly what I will release... as it stands right now I think you will be seeing a new QuickShot and a new KickScammers too :)


And finally although this week I have indeed spenta  little longer than expected on the above 2x videos, I have managed to find time to add a few more pages to the ever growing PAC-MAN: The Complete History mammoth video :P 

Thanks for all your support guys, mucho love

-DJ Slope


P.S. for those interested, here is the old titlecard for the 10 boring jobs video that I made before changing it up




Love the cap! Good videos too thanks.