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Thanks again for joining us for the launch of Symmetria Season 10 - It all went as smoothly as we could have hoped for and it has been exciting to see builds pop up all over Town in the last few days. I’ll be working on and off on my Town build design on the Creative Server till it’s complete - but will see you on Survival now and again too!

For those new to Symmetria, we have a post like this one that goes up most months, detailing any events, games and server shenanigans that are going on for that particular month. And since we’re at the start of a new world - there is plenty coming up!

As always, if you have any questions - be sure to ask in Discord #✋│get-help



As with every Season of Symmetria, we reserve the Dragon Fight as a fun group event - usually killing it with anything but a sword. You’re welcome to join us above the End Portal in Town located West of ‘Town Hall Island’ and marked by the purple pillar. Any prep work such as a staircase, beds, chests etc can now be added in preparation - see you there!!

Suggestions on how we can kill the Dragon are more than welcome - previously we’ve used fish or sticks for example. The funnier the better! So meet us there at the date/time below.

MINECRAFT SERVER: Symmetria Survival & Discord

DATE / TIME: Saturday 19th August @ 8pm BST



Symmetria Creative is now open for Season 10 Designs - Specifically focusing on Nether Tunnels as these need to be priority. As in previous seasons, we have an area marked out which can be warped to via Spawn. Once there you will see the sizes marked out to build your designs within. Once we have enough entries they will be put to a vote and built on the Survival Server.

As the Nether Hub is being designed as a group project this Season (it is too big of a project for most solo), this will allow inspiration to go both ways and enable the designs to work together well. This will be happening mid-September, so we want all tunnel designs to be complete and a winner decided before this!

LOCATION: Symmetria Creative

DEADLINE: Saturday 2nd September



As the Iron Farm Redstone is being prepared on Symmetria Survival we’ll be in need of a fun design to go with it. So as with last Season we’ll be hosting a few group design sessions in late August to design this around said redstone. The location will be Spawn Island as this will keep the farm loaded and accessible for all once built.

I believe the redstone is designed - but reach out to the helpers if you’d like to help with gathering materials etc. We'll also need these once we have a creative design too!

MINECRAFT SERVER: Symmetria Creative & Discord

DATE / TIME: Late-August

MORE INFO: Check #symmetria-announcements in Discord for updates nearer the time



We are prioritising Nether tunnels over Town Roads this month - but I did want to mention that the area for this on Creative (via Warp) is already open, so if the other Creative projects don’t interest you as much, you have a great idea or just have some time to design a road, then feel free!

There is currently no deadline on these - so there is no urgencyfor August, but will be fully open for designs in September. So don't feel the need to rush!

MINECRAFT SERVER: Symmetria Creative



Symmetria Livestream Weekend is starting back up - it works similarly to a Hermitcraft one, except it’ll be for you guys! So if you livestream, sign up for the weekend of 26th / 27th and join the group with this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10xrRTX6zBd1g8Z7LRROHAlXeq4_7k8wKI_ojz5bgzrY/edit?usp=sharing
Any questions etc. - be sure to reach out to Sterben / Helpers!

Games Night will be back with more Raft in the next couple of months - I wanted to give the Survival Server a bit of extra attention with the launch - this is the same for any UHC / Other Events Server based things also. They’re just on pause for now!

False Update September is going to be a busy month for me, so if you don’t see me around as much, that would be why. I’ll be trying to prioritise getting content out, so my Symmetria progress may be a little slow, but the helpers will be around as always to help, so don't be afraid to reach out. 



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