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The Gallifrey Gals are back to finish the epic conclusion to this Christmas Special.

Get ready for cheers and tears galore as the Doctor and Astrid do their best to save those on board the starship Titanic.


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No spoilers, but get ready for an emotional series. But rest assured, there will be laughs. Couple of possible notes of interest. Russell Tovey (Alonso) is an amazing actor and really worth watching. He was recently in Years and Years, which was written by RTD and also starred Jessica Hynes and Anne Reid... so plenty of 'Who related reasons to give it a go. And as far as The Doctor kissing Astrid. David Tennant is the same age as me, and therefore went through his teenage years when Kylie was one of the biggest sex symbols in the country. He was already living out his childhood dream of being The Doctor, I imagine kissing Kylie was another tick off the list.

David Blau

It's amazing to me how the show is able to yank at the heart strings every. single. time. It's a testament to the strength of the character writing and the acting. And it only gets better! I'm really looking forward to series 4!