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// UPDATE // Download link back up and running properly.

// Disclaimer // Through the first half of the new Fall season of each show, you may notice some changes in sets or on-screen layouts, and/or the occasional technical bump. Thanks for your patience with any new growing pains from our new studios and equipment. We are always tweaking things to bring you as high of quality of content in as timely of a manner as possible. :)


Welcome to "Fanning Out!", where you get your weekly dose of Saturday cartoons. Kyle and Mackenzie have swapped seats, with her being the resident animation expert! She's starting Kyle off with one of her favorite cartoons, "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic".  Does Kyle have what it takes to become a Brony alongside this longtime Pegasister? :)




Vimeo No More



I can’t download the episode :(


Sorry guys! The link is still not working, when I try to enter it sends me to the vimeo page and shows me the message “oops, something went wrong, please try again” with the buffering icon. The same case with all the episodes with link to Vimeo (Season 1 episodes 1 - 22). I’m watching on my iPhone X with the last iOS update. Can you check the link please or I should try it on a different device? I really love your reactions! 💕