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This week I mostly worked on further planning for the animation, and from the picture below, you can see that I also made one of the prey's! (I am thinking of having 2 preys for this animation) You will also notice, Kirie has brown hair in that image. I am still figuring out what hair color she should have. I thought the white glowing hair made her look a bit too powerful, and maybe a bit too strange as well. I would like to stick with the glowing red eyes though, I think that looks cool and is very fun to work with!

To tell the truth, I have actually been having quite a bit of trouble planning this animation out. I keep going back and forth between ideas, getting somewhat far into the plan and then deciding to change it again. I don't want to work on animating an idea I am not very happy with for the next 2 or 3 months so its important I spend the time here to plan well.

I also spent a lot of time last week trying to plan the music design out before starting the animation, but it hasn't really been working since it just makes it harder to decide what the animation plan should be. I think I just need to animate first and think about sound/music later.

Anyways, even though its important for me to plan carefully, I would really like to finish the plan this week, and it would be nice if I could start animating as well. I am really looking forward to using the new rigs I have for my characters!

I also spent a good amount of time working on the public release for Sneaky Cat Girl 2 this week. So now that I released Sneaky Cat Girl 2 publicly, I put my full focus on Kirie's animation!

Update: Fixed the image, Kirie's face had weird shading on the lips I didn't notice at first. 


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