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This week I got to work on the scene and planning for my next animation! If you look at the images below, you will see that I am working on making a sort of vintage style luxury bath tub room for my newest pred character Kirie! You can see Kirie in the 3rd picture relaxing in her bathtub!

Kirie is a very powerful vampire who can cast magic, which I am planning to show in my animation! Now, even though Kirie is a vampire, I am not planning to have her biting people for blood like what most people think of vampires doing. She will just be swallowing them whole like my other preds!

Alright, so I am still working out the details of my animation plan, but in general here is what my animation plan will be:

Kirie will be relaxing in her bathtub maybe sipping some tea at first. After a little bit of that, Kirie will sit up and easily cast some magic that will open a portal or two that will drop tinies into the bath near her! The tinies summoned from these portals are all willing preys who want to be eaten very badly. Kirie will grant their wish and swallow them, making both her and the tinies very happy!

So that is the general plan! I will be working out the specifics over time. I also want to try and add some background music to this animation as well, since I think it could add alot to the animation if I can do it right!

I also found ways to improve the look and control of my characters last week. I made some adjustments to how they are shaded, and it will make them look a bit better with the realistic lighting I use. I also found a way to greatly improve the rigs of my characters, giving me much better control over there movements, especially the finger movements!

Ok, this post is getting long now, ill save some of what I want to say for next week's WIP. But for the last thing this week, I just want to let you know that I am planning to spend more time on this animation than my previous ones. I like this idea alot, and I want to try really going all out on this one without being as concerned about how long it is taking to complete. 

PS For the VIP supporters, if you didn't see, I just uploaded the VR version of Sneaky Cat Girl 2 to the VIP gallery, you can find the link on the same post I used for the 4K version!



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