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This week I mostly worked on creating my new character Lily! She is a catgirl who lives with Kirie! At this point though I am still trying to decide if she should be Kirie's maid or just Kirie's cute pet catgirl.

The images of Lily below I made when I was thinking she would be a maid for Kirie. So if she will be a pet catgirl, she will look and act quite a bit differently.

I am also trying to decide if I should work with a voice actress for this one. I found a couple of VA's that I could work with and one of them already let me know that she would like to work with me. Including voice work would pretty drastically change what the animation is like so I need to consider what makes the most sense.

If I do include voices then I would probably also include Kirie in this animation. I had an idea for an intro where Kirie is sitting in the library reading, calls for Lily, feeds her a mouse girl and then tells her that she needs help finding the rest of them in the library. (I think this idea would work best if Lily is a pet catgirl rather than a maid)

Just a heads up, since I am still deciding quite a few things, I will probably not get much animation done this week if any at all. I need to make sure I am content with the idea before I start, because I think this animation will be a longer one!

That's all for this week, let me know if you have thoughts!



Jeshua Paterson

I’m not gonna lie, Lily does look adorable as a maid. However, I think it would make more sense if she was Kirie’s pet catgirl since the library cleaning is going to involve mouse girls. That’s just my thought, personally.


Yea it would make more sense for her to be hunting down the mice girls that way! And I also really like the idea of Kirie giving her a mouse girl as a treat in the beginning of the animation which wouldn't make much sense if Lily was her maid lol.