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This week I worked on setting up an environment for my next animation. I wanted to make something that might resemble a room in Kirie's mansion, and I ended up going with a kind of library type room.

My current idea for the animation is to have Kirie's Catgirl maid go in there, clean up and probably dust the books or something like that. When she is doing that she will see that there are tiny mouse girls living behind the books or elsewhere in the room!

That's the basic idea anyways, Kirie's Catgirl maid will find and catch a bunch of mouse girls in here! See the images below for the WIP of the room!

I also did some character testing stuff this week. Hopefully next week I will be able to show off Kirie's catgirl maid!




Would be interesting if at the end the maid found out the mouse girl's were allowed to be there lol

Jeshua Paterson

Ooh, off to a start with Kirie’s Library, I see. Such an amazing idea. Can’t wait to see who this Catgirl Maid of Kirie’s is and how she’s going to deal with the tiny mouse girls.


That would be a funny ending! I'll keep it in mind, if not for this animation, that would be a fun ending for another animation as well!