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In a few hours you will be able to print this exclusive variation of the baby axolotl!!!

I'll let you in on a secret, Tower of Creation has been making a Ghost variation for a while, and it's getting ready!




OMG! I love it!


You just made my wife VERY happy.




Is this going to be a color separated model or require painting after the fact?


From what I can tell nearly all the Zou models are painted after printing. This is not a bad thing but you need to understand matching the colors of the posted pictures can be difficult when they initially rely on just painting.

Don Fief (aka SwagDad)

I have never had to paint, but then my printer does multi-color. The last two models, they posted the parts seperatly, to make it even easier...


I was just asking because its so easy these days to 3D Print in more than one color. I have 3 Cheap Ender-size printers (Lotmaxx Sharks, 2 Kickstarter V1s and a NEW V3) that can print it 2+ colors and are AMAZINGLY reliable Production workhorses. Wish I had 20 of them in my Octo Print Farm but only have the 3 atm. I also got myself, we my Company, an Air Brush for XMas so gonna start painting these models with Custom Screens for the eyes, shoes and other small parts. So versatile but it would be better if they came out in Colors right off the Printers if, like me, that is available. I understand not everyone has a multi-filament printer and some people find it hard to do reliably. I find my Lotmaxx Sharks (they also have Lasers and ABL modules or integrated in the V3) are very versatile and reliable. Working on getting them to 4+ Colors now before adding MORE of them to my Production 3D Print/Laser Engraving Farm. If the parts were flatter, I could Dye Sublimate instead (which I am trying with the Juice Box (flat surfaces) for Company Logos and Marketing Messaging for my Corporate Clients.


@BlueSkyCreativesAL here and on FB and all the socials except Instagram (disabled by mistake and horrendous to get activated again).

Richard Moore

More than a few hours have passed…. :)


I can't sleep. i need it already...


"Easier" perhaps but still quite a bit of work vs a Model CREATED with multi-color in the design from the first. Not a model that can be Colorized after the fact by the "user", kludged together adding colors with something like PrusaSlicer. As a fledgling designer, I can create multi color models with effort. A more seasoned designer should be able to do it with EASE. Just sayin'.

Leigh Johnson

any time now would be good :)