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As I look to dive into a first big animation project for you guys - I‘ve narrowed down, based on what I think I can accomplish, the two subjects I‘d like to poll on.

The first being a continuation of the promo animation I did in January with the muscle man in the box. This animation was a segment of a story that I had in my head. Similar to the creation of androids in the show West World. Only in this case it would be the creation of a muscle man.

The second poll choice is an explorer who journeys into a cave full of magical crystals - they begin to effect him and as he comes out of the cave/Temple on the other side, he finds that he’s not the same anymore  

Both of these options lend to some hot sequences of growth and tf. Let me know below what you think. Since this is a different medium - I will also be updating the rewards packs based on the animation and showing work in progress etc. as I create. 

Let me know what you all think by voting it below! I’m looking forward to finishing The reformation comic this week and getting those rewards out so I can dive in to this new animation short story!

Talk soon!


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