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For some time now I’ve been looking at wanting to add new character models to my repertoire for using in my stories. I’ve found most recently that creating character likenesses from life lends to the most intriguing design and development. Plus it really mixes up who is being featured in the stories.

I’m toying around with the idea - of making it available to the highest tier the ability, if they so choose, as one of their rewards to be a character model of their likeness - that could be featured in a mainline story.

I’m still figuring out logistics on this. But it’s something that I’d like to implement on or around the next billing cycle.

Also - I’m thinking, and there will be a poll put to everyone for this, of beginning work on an actual animation as the next reward after The Reformation wraps up here in the coming weeks.

I’m working this week in updates for that story as well!

Anyway - CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts and comments on this post topic are always welcome!

Talk soon!




Greg Hancock

Nice concept. But for me would love to see a celebrity who I find hot and sexy. Little morph a little imagination and have fun. So collect info and go wild. Always enjoy your work.


I think it’s a great idea


Oh yes! there could be some of that. Celebrity likenesses can get tricky - in that I don’t wanna do something that gets me bad press for a likeness I did. This is more so a value added kind of thing for higher tier patrons as well as adding variety to the character line up.


Sounds like a great idea! Especially since you could also reuse the characters in the background of other stories if you wanted to. I'd certainly be down with it. Especially if there was a chance of getting to be the character that gets transformed. ;)


Maybe more superhero types. I could see a puny man turning into Hulk


I know it’s not really your style but if you would be able to put more height size difference in your story or play more with skinny hung dude vs big muscles tiny dick would be cool


Soliciting patrons to volunteer doesn’t sound too different than an artist asking friends to be life models for painting, sculpture, or ohotography projects. I say go for it. Would also be neat to see your repetoire expand with the experiments in animation.


Oooo I would be interested 👀


I would love to be a morphed up version of myself and a recurring character in your universe.


Creating new “models” from interested upper tier members is a terrific idea. Using celebrity likenesses, dead or alive, is a tricky business. You would have to meet certain conditions but it would mean lots of legal maneuvering that may not be worth the cost. I don’t know if the late artist ManOfSteel had any legal troubles but he got away with his Superman/Chris Reeve model for years


New character idea with a story. A middle-aged mountain biker went on a tour in the mountains. He is slim, has muscular legs, medium length hair and is shaved all over. He is in full cycling gear, sweating and taking a break by a stream. He undresses and takes a sunbath and dozes off. Then he is attacked by a wolf who fucks him. He turns into a hairy, muscular, bearded and bald guy after the wolf comes inside him. He continues his tour and when it gets night and the full moon rises he turns into a wolf man....


That’s a great idea!

Robert June

I have a idea for you. Have a fat guy that gets some thing done to them, that they turn in to a muscle god.


I love to see a lean track athlete(black) become a massive muscle God


I'd love to see more devolution, like the one you've previously done! Maybe a smart-witted scientist building a time machine that reverts himself instead of time! Could also go well with anthro, or role reversal in case that he had a meek assistant that he looked down upon before!


How about doing a comic of Spacevlad's stories, either Tank the Bouncer, Chuck the Size Thief, Ben Gets Huge, Summer Research, etc? You've done one of FanTCMan's stories, I also love Brad's Big Change, would be great to see that one come to life! Spacevlad: https://www.coiledfist.org/stories/index.php?mode=user&uid=4526


A continuation of Catfished where the protagonist find himself losing the "magical effect" and get a refill by making some love ( or maybe he can convert other people during a passionate encounter). Another lovely classic idea is the venom symbiote that make Eddie Brock growth when it "enter" and/or cover him.


Catfished part 2: what a great idea. I would like this too!


More muscle growth with catfish part 2 or another guy getting catfished by both of them and transformed as well