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I was wondering, and wanted some feed back from all of you... As I have already begun the process of the comic for our next project, this would take place in the future but

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As long as the tier settings don't change, and I'm able to see the comics and the animations, I'll be happy with whatever you want to make.


Both 😁


I like comic better mostly because you can do more with it and animation is very time consuming . I have an idea how hard you would have to work on animation. Because I don t want you to be overwhelm on the long run. I think comic is the way to go. Mostly so you can be consistent. .


Oh most definitely! I totally get that. These animations would start as mini stories or scenes. I have a much faster render engine now - that’s why I wanted to see what everyone thought. Definitely taking this into consideration.


Yeah - tier structure wouldn’t change much. Residual rewards would be the extras on top. Creation and test renders animatics etc.


That’s hard to answer. Your comics do a great job of projecting emotion and energy of the scene. So, as much as I would love to see some animation, I think your comics have so much life in them I wouldn’t want to miss one in place of animation. If it’s you feeling a need to explore your limits of creativity then by all means I understand that. So my answer would be however you feel your creations going then follow it.


I wanna explore for sure! I also wanna just mix up what I’m doing so that we have a plethora rewards 😊


I think animations would be a great way to break up the feed between comics


I don t think there is an option to both . It s one or the other.


It would be a featured animation in place of a comic and then I would make a comic for the next project - and so on.


I’m always a big fan of animation!


I mean just going from the one you made of spiderman turning into Thanos, that was hot as hell I know I wished for a long time that it would be finished, but again, everything you make is amazing and very immersive, so at this point I know I'll be happy either way!