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Reminder - Comic production begins this week and will post next Sunday January 31st

Stay tuned!!!


Ok, Here we go! 

Here are the first development images for our next story called "The Reformation"

Again - these are the first images of things that Im producing - in order to produce the comic. Here you will find test renders of characters, Settings for our story and other things and details you might not catch when the comic is put together. 

My plan is to spend another week in development of some more characters as well as a few more sets that are needed to make the story come to life.

For now though, Please enjoy what we have so far!


Welcome to the Penitentiary... A large high security Prison where our story takes place.

Here is our Warden

And a few of the Confinement Officers

Here is the Cell Block - Textures will probably change between now and next posting - as I want a grungier feel.

Here is our Protagonist:

And our Bad Guy - More to be revealed later. ;)

--------Original Post Below---------

This thread will be the posting ground for further updates in the production of the newest comic (before actual pages begin production)

The Work in progress updates are a specific tier perk reserved for $10 + patrons. This area will be locked down as of this Sunday, when the first updates are posted.

If you are interested in seeing the development of the newest comic (characters and sets etc) please be sure to upgrade to have access!

Otherwise - look for updates this weekend!

See ya soon!





Oh shit these guys going look hot getting huge!


Looking forward to seeing whether officers or inmates be reformed with muscle growth!!

The Horseman

Great to see more Patrons are discovering you. I tell as many people I know about your incredible artwork. Kudos to you,


Dang that beard on the antagoniste looks legit!!! Cant wait to see how these guys are gonna turn!