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First off - Apologies, I thought that I could post a poll last night using my phone app, and of course that option isn't available 😂. 

ANNNYway - Here is the poll I was referring to in the post yesterday.

This will give me the direction you'd like to see us take our stories for the new year. These are arranged in the order of the top three winners from the last poll taken  

NOTE: There is a new story already in the works, that will be published next, so these poll results will take effect after that.

Be sure to Chime in and cast your vote! the Poll will run until next week!



I’m always down for heroic muscle.


I'm really hoping for some antro and werewolf tfs! Minotaurs, etc!!


I'm loving every story you've done already but still waiting for Alien Antares continuation. Do you have any ideas for that story?


That is an option for the sci-fi category for sure!! I’ve wanted to continue that story but for reasons of storyline and technological limitations at the time - it got shelved. Now that I have my new computer with a better vid card - it’s definitely back in play


Grec Demi god all the way


Hoping for Sci-fi or Hero. The other option doesn't interest me at all, but know you cater to a wide audience, Keep up the great work.


More bear characters! Grow the muscles, keep the padding


I've honestly really enjoy when you adapt a current story in your style (i.e. Pollination). And Dodgeball really seemed to have taken some themes from the Yahoo group I mentioned there. Though all the options here seem pretty good :)


Omg can you do all three though


True that would be an awsome twist, and nice tbh. There is more to being muscular then just a 400lbs 0%body fat hulk. And the weight gain from the previous comic was REALLY WELL DONE!!!


Im for all of it!! 😍


All in for an Alien experience gone wrong 🙌🏻🤤🔥🔥🔥


What about Alien Antares ? Have you planned finishing the story ?


That would be in the realm of possibility for the sci-fi category. That story kind of fizzled out and I had moved on. I do however want to return to that. I may re-release the original and see how people feel about continuing 😊


Or how about a combo of 2 catagories? A young spartan soldier is forced to traverse a remote labyrinth to find a fellow war companion, only to be turned int a labyrinth roaming minotaur while his friend turns into....something else...a buff satyr, drunk on lust and wine. ....just an idea....maybe? Regardless, I can't wait to see what's next!!!!


How about the epilogue for Brandon: Devolution?