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First off - a poll will be coming later today as to which direction we will be taking our stories in the next months!

Secondly - how many of you get notifications when I post updates to a comic in the feed? I recently was talking with a friend who told me (even when I click the “notify patrons” button before posting) that he never gets a notification of updates.

The reason I ask this, is because I have had several people not know that an update is posted and leave their sponsorship, because they didn’t think I was posting.

For all of you - is it better for me to send a mass email every time there is an update, or continue to do what I’m doing?

Let me know in the comments below!





Greg Hancock

I haven’t been with you long. But I have been getting your notifications of new postings. As for your comics I enjoy which ever direction you wish to take.


As far as I can tell, I have been getting all of the notifications (including this one.) If it's happened, I haven't noticed.

Syon Arakis

I have no problems with the notifications.


I don't think I've missed anything from you.

Jason Mack

I've always received messages about every update, so no problem here.


Oh I thought this was just me! I haven’t been getting notifications when you update existing posts


As far as I can tell, I get a notification each time you do something new. That said, I am inclined to err on the side of caution, and encourage you to go ahead and do mass emails just in case.


I get an email with each new post and when a post is updated.


Just keep doing what your doing. They made need to check their notification settings.


I just started 3 months ago donating. I always get notifications by both email and from the patreon app. I agree what I've been reading from other people they might need to change their notification settings.


I get emails with updates. I feel like I get app notifications too? I think I just ignore them since the app itself is such garbage. Please keep with the emails though, I don't mind the inbox space


I dont get any notifications, even though my settings should allow them to pop up. But I do get emails. Maybe a mass email would be good for the big stuff only? Like the poll you are releasing later, the start and finish of a comic. But not for smaller updates. I feel like we know that once you start a project we should be keeping an eye out for progress updates anyway. But to let us know that a new project is starting and or ending, could be an idea.


I see the message notifications in email without any issues. Big fan of all your work!


I receive your updates via email.


I also receive updates via E-Mail


I'll check patreon everyday.


I receive your updates via email each time.


I receive emails and notifications via the app. Thanks!

Thomas Polk

I've found that notifications use Patreon messaging which also sends an email but with Patreon, being IT deficient, those emails sometimes do not come through so I have not received notices. And I sometimes think that the emails arrive late and therefore don't get noticed because I have already past that date in my reading.