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Hello everyone!

As of the other day I sent out rewards to everyone who had previously been pledged during the creation and final of the Devolution Story. 

I am finishing getting my new computer set up and software situated so I can start creating the next story for you all.

This next one will be much smaller in scope - kind of give myself a breather after the big 70 page epic that was Brandon: Devolution.

I will be developing and posting behind the scenes character boards and sets here this weekend and will hopefully have those for people in the Hunk tier and above soon!


If there is an issue, question, or concern - PLEASE please please, reach out to me before just "walking away" A lot of times I see peoples exit surveys and their comments are things that could have easily been remedied, had they just messaged me. I am here to make art, but that is only possible by having patrons - if I can help in anyway, I will try!

Ok, that's all for this update!

Again Thank you sooo very much for your support of me and my art work!

Talk Soon!



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