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Soooooo... Yesterday, I was able to get my hands on a NEW Desktop computer with a Wayyyyy better Graphics card! I have been setting this up to get my programs and files situated to be able to continue my comic production. I apologize for the delay! It is absolutely worth it! Rewards and retooling to be completed this week to move on to the next story!





Wow! Looks awesome!

Thomas Polk

So what are the spec requirements for your production process?


I have been working on a MacBook Pro - and that doesn’t support the NVIDIA Graphics Card that my 3D programs use. So render times are running off of the cpu and AMD Radeon Pro. In turn - the renders take a lonnnng time. With this new computer, where an image once used to take me hours to render, it will now take 10-20 min at most. This was a huge investment towards being more productive in my business for you guys!


The Ryzen 9 though.... so worth it.