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Was discussing with my boyfriend some of the lesser known or less popular Disney movies (post renaissance) and Atlantis came up. I was looking at the artwork, and I love how they represented the industrial period. Very Jules Verne-esque. 

Then my mind went to thinking about how scrawny Milo is... and of course I leaped head long into MGTF land in my mind 😂

If any of you have any cool Atlantis style MG story links you'd like to share - I'd love to take a look and maybe get some ideas for future work. Part of this whole adventure is constantly thinking of stories that we could do!

Leave a comment and link if you like! I love hearing from you!

Comic Update tomorrow!

Talk Soon,


P.S. Second image is an alternate version - and all the Special Image Releases will be in the rewards pack once the comic is finished!




Atlantis is my favorite Disney film so I absolutely LOVE this! Thanks for making this!


I remember drawing for fun a job class based on Disney's Atlantis Atlanteans years ago.


I'm hoping this means a Kronk rendering is only a matter of time! I'll dig around for Atlantis stories


An Atlantis story would be great. Those crystals not just powering some ancient machines but buffing Milo himself


Milo with huge pecs is beauuuuuuuutiful!! fuck ya

Eric Johnson

How about , in the inside of story Atlantis MILO FINDS THE ANCIENT STONE OF GROWTH , on a island on there other side of Atlantis he share the growth with some of the guards who followed him to the island and they shared the growth among the other men from their own bodies.