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I have found that this is a good practice for those who may have just joined after an update to see what I have put in the emails, as well as hit the ground running with where the rest of us are in a given project.

New Patrons - WELCOME! See below for the email update I sent out earlier


Hello All!,  

Below you will find the link for the latest update for our current story!  

It was brought to my attention again during the last update that the Patreon UI wasn't handling loading the images very well again. For that I am sorry - I have tried my best do get them down in size as best as I can. The resolution is still high - but I have them compressed to 6mb each or less. (Patreon states they can be as large as 256mb) However - it appears that Patreon still has trouble loading.  

A couple recommendations for viewing (although not convenient) Using a laptop or desktop computer seems to work well. The phone app is practically useless for this kind of thing and that is disappointing.  

In an attempt to help this situation, I have also provided a link to the Dropbox location of these files so you can go there to view them as well. I will update this link weekly and resend when more pages are added until I am ready to compile final rewards for the package.  

Also this week - I am going to be working on my first vlog post for you, so stay tuned for that!  

OH important thing/disclaimer - the first several pages of this update ARE NOT in the comic.   In the FanManTC version, Brandon is given a shot, and passes out. He then wakes up already transformed. However - part of my schtick is that I do MG, sooooo I took the liberty, as it were, to be more artistic in the showing of his growth during the time he is passed out. When he wakes up in the house is officially where FanManTC's story picks back up.  

Ok - I think that covers it. Next update will be this coming Sunday 08/09/20  

Talk soon! 


Link to Post: patreon.com/posts/newest-comic-08-36438438  

Link to files dropbox.com/sh/ali0q47bszx7l6u/AADQJy9uVs-NVybE9uyPIg4ua?dl=0


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