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Just finished the rendering process and finalized the last couple pages in photoshop to bring this comic project to a close. With the loss of my external drive (see previous post) I am going to spend the next couple days gathering together as much stuff as I can for the rewards packs and should have those out to you guys (JPG images as well as the PDF of the story - and other rewards tier stuff by next week some time. 

Thank you all again for your support! I very much enjoy getting to bring these stories to life and share them with you all!

Previously on: The Muscle Factory



Wow this is your greatest one!



Jeff Conser

Well, didn't see that ending coming!


because they always become something in the end, can not continue to grow in a human way? It would be great a comic where there are only humans and is as long as this one,

The Horseman

This begs for a sequel, or at least a continuation.

The Horseman

You are bloody brilliant. I'm looking forward to your next fable.