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Hey All!

Had a little bit of a scare last Friday with my computer and its external drive (where I keep ALL my 3D renders and files). 

While I was working I noticed that the external drive was getting squirrely and taking more time than it should have to complete tasks. I decided it would be best to transfer my finished comic pages to a new 4TB drive...

It's a good thing that I did, because shortly there after the drive died, and I lost ALL my stuff. 

I was able to get my 3D programs all set back up by mid-day Saturday and everything re-downloaded again... I spent the better part of the weekend re-creating the characters for the Muscle factory, and have been working all day today to get back on track.

Scenes 7 (8 if need be)  will be the final two to wrap up this story. I haven't posted any updates from this part of the story during last week, as I prefer to save the best for last... 😈

The plan is to work on finishing up these two scenes this week and work thru the 4th (holiday here in the states) to get this all wrapped up and rewards to you by next weekend!

Stay tuned!



The Horseman

Ah yes, the love / hate of technology. Sometimes I want to take my PC and toss it through my plate glass window.

The Horseman

We all out here appreciate the work you do.


Sucks when ones computer world crashes. Hope you take some time to enjoy the holiday. All work and no play.... Much as I selfishly want to see what you have "fleshed" out, I have no doubt that mine and everyone else's patience will be well rewarded when the story is completed. Thanks again for your great work!


Sorry to hear about your computer issues but glad you were proactive. Appreciate all of you hard work and effort.