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This is my first time I get to suggest a horror theme so I am not sure how to proceed, so I'll just suggest some sexy and non-sexy ideas :y  -Non-Fetishy: Hole People: Remember Amigara's Fault from Junji Ito? The one with the "This is my hole!" meme https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/001/480/Screenshot_168.png , I was thinking how about turning these person-shaped holes into stalkers?  They follow the victim from far away, often appearing in unlikely places like the outside of a skywrapper, or a tall tree. Nobody else seems to notice except the intended victim, who will find hard to look away from it. The more attention they get, the closer they'll appear the next day. This will continue until they appear in the victim's home where they can barely ignore it anymore, then will eventually end up going inside the hole.  Their fate is up to you, maybe they're eaten by some extradimentional predator, or a doppelganger comes out in their place, leaving the actual victim inside the hole before it dissapears, or maybe something even weirder...


Most creatures in the world of the unexplained are undefined. Sometimes formless, sometimes simply too hideous to comprehend... Rarely is an entity a combination of concepts so impossible and wrong that it's existence is hard to fully understand. Such is the case for the anomaly known as a Dimensional Stalker.

Also known as a Man hole, a Void man, A Carnivorous Hole, or simply as a Void Hole, these strange creatures hail from unknown reaches of reality. These entities appear as a vaguely human shaped hole in a wall that leads to an undefined dark place. They seem to be living creatures, though the definition of "Alive" is used loosely as this hole shares no qualities with any living thin, or any dead thing for that matter as it simply seems to be a sentient void in space. One would think it to be a simple hole rather than a threat, however it's behaviors show that it is indeed a threatening entity.

Dimensional Stalkers appear on surfaces at a great distance initially from the creature they intend to stalk. Though difficult, they can be noticed at this distance in the right circumstances, but this can be up to miles away. One may notice a man shaped hole on the side of a skyscraper or in the side of a cliff face or building miles away. Usually the target is the only one to notice, and often times they get a feeling as if they are being watched but also of extreme curiosity. Others can notice the hole, however they are known to stalk multiple creatures at once and so it may also be allowing itself to be seen by the others as well. As time passes, the holes get closer. They are never seen moving, but simply appear closer and in new locations whenever the creature spots them. As time passes the hole will appear everywhere. On the wall of the target's workplace, at the convenience store, in the back of a bathroom stall, or even in your home. The pitch black hole will appear and beckon, and you will feel the ever increasing curiosity. On the other side of the hole you see darkness, regardless of what would be there logically. A paper thin wall in front of a forest of oak trees would still hold a wall with a black tunnel that leads into what appears to be an old abandoned building, devoid of light and in disrepair. The longer you watch the hole, the more you wish to enter it, and the more it seems to be a perfect fit for you.

If you ignore it, the hole may go away, however those around you will begin to notice the hole, and it will begin effecting them. You may ignore it, but it will continue to stalk you and get closer. If curiosity takes these creatures, they will be drawn to the entrance. Some may toss something in first, and others may simply stare. But others still will become so enraptured by this hole of their own that they remove their clothes and enter the hole, stepping into the void and feeling the chill air on their skin.

What happens when one steps inside is... unknown. 

Others will mention the hole and point it out to others who most likely can't see it. They see a blank wall. Over time they will worry about the person and their hallucinations, causing the person to get more and more paranoid and upset. Some who step into the hole are never seen again, but if they step into it whenever others are watching, they will stand still and face the "Hole" staring blankly into space.

Some have seen what appear to be teeth in the edges of the holes as they close up. Others still have seen large eyes on the walls looking at them for a split second before closing whenever they notice them. And others still claim to hear quiet whispers of their name coming from inside.

On occasion... not only will something get drawn into the hole... but something will leave. 

It looks like you, but something is wrong. It's skin doesn't fit right. It's mouth is too wide and it's eyes are far too big. It smiles wide, it doesn't act right, but it can pretend, just a little bit. These occasions are rare, and it's unknown if the things exit the hole if a creature takes too long to enter, or if they only exit after a person enters. Regardless they are called Void Stalkers or Void Doppelgangers usually, but sometimes they're just called "The other people". They return to normal life for a short time, but will always result to violent behavior within several days. These people don't show up on camera, or in reflections, and for some they don't even appear to anyone but the one they are targeting and may drag people back to the hole. 

What these holes are is unknown. Some theorize that the dark corrupts anyone who enters and spits them back out like this, changed by whatever dimension they spent time in. Some believe they are replaced by these things. Some think the other dimension is just a creature's stomach, some cosmic thing, ripping gateways open through reality like hungry mouths, drawing in sacrifices to it's endless hunger. 

P.R.I.M.E. has sent the M.A.I.D.S. (Mysterious Area Investigations Dispatch Squad) to locations where these shadows have been reported, along with members of H.E.R.O. (Humanoid Entity Removal Operations) to learn more about these locations, and has sent several teams into the holes when the opportunity has arisen. Only a few of these members have returned without being changed, though many of them don't remember much of their time in the dark. They reported many people standing naked in the darkness, and that the area reminded them of an old basement that seemed to go on forever in the pitch black. These people would stand and smile silently, reacting to nothing, not even being shot or killed. Often times they are standing alone, but other times they stand hand in hand with someone that looks just like them who wears a more forced smile and is often crying silently. 

Some cults in parts of the world worship the dark. They praise the void of man, and pray for the holes to open for them or for their sacrifice, hoping one day they will find their own hole. 

What it is will most likely never be known...



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