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Taster: This one is simple: Imagine a person with an overgrown tongue, to the point the jaw has fallen off and they now have to push the tongue throught the floor to even move. the contact with the hard surfaces keeps eroding the tongue, leaving a trail of blood, yet it barely slows down it's growth.  The carrier of the tongue is now obsessed in finding new tastes, so they'll grab any piece of food and rub it against the tongue. Extrangely enough, they don't seem to need to consume the food anymore, as long the tongue gets to taste it, they'll stay alive. The rest of the body might start emanciating thought. This obviously will escalate to the point regular food won't do the trick anymore, so they'll go after pets, stray animals or even people, crushing them against their tongue or just scrubbing them against it's surface, which is as dry as sandpaper.  The reason they are like this? Maybe it's the embodiment of their obsession over food/gluttony, or maybe a parasite made their tongue into it's host.


This was another from the list of high concept horror ideas that were unlike anything I already had prepared for my universe, but was more than happy to come up with something that could be used in my lore as I loved the idea. Plus it fit with some of the others I'd used...

We've learned about the curse of Skincalling and the Mukhomor Blight which flay your flesh and transform you into a mushroom man, however today we'll learn of the Curse of the Bloody Tongue.

Creatures afflicted with this curse are known as Bloody Tongues, or Tongue Walkers, and sometimes comedically called Taste Testers. 

Another of the Humor spells that originate from a place of madness, the Curse of the Bloody Tongue is a horrid affliction that causes one's tongue to slowly grow and bloat, filling their mouth and suffocating them as it grows larger and larger. Their jaw will unhinge and break away from their head as the tongue stretches, and the body will be in a constant state of near suffocation as the desperate creature will rub things across it's tongue to seek flavors and satiate the tongue's need for taste. As the tongue grows, and the afflicted creature loses it's mind from the pain of it's drying and chafing tongue, it will begin cracking and bleeding. It will move on to animals, crushing them to lap up the blood, and even grapple people and begin to constrict around them, crushing their bones and rubbing itself across their mangled body as the body released muffled cries and whines. The tongue has a dryness like sandpaper and grinds creature's flesh as it's rigid taste buds rip across it's prey's flesh. 

This curse can be afflicted on a creature through a curse of sin. Many curses can greatly affect those whom have become overcome with sins. Sins gluttony can transform people into hideous things, dragons, werewolves, or simply creatures that eat until their bodies give out from the overindulgence. However a curse of gluttony can also come in the form of the curse of the bloody tongue. Also afflicted on those who speak too much or tell the secrets of others. 

Necromancy can also cause this affliction, with dead or sick bodies prepared with the necromantic magics invoked through the mouth or through necromantic foodstuffs, causing the tongue to become it's own cursed entity, slowly taking over the creature's mind and forcing it to shamble through it's town, crushing and twisting whatever it gets it's greedy tongue on. 

The bodies of the tongue seem to continue on, despite looking bloated and strangled from a lack of food and a retention of liquids and injury, their eyes showing a horrible fear and often pleading for help. 

The affliction can be ended early on by cutting out the afflicted tongue and burning it to keep it from growing. Only through the sacrifice of ones' tongue can the curse be lifted, though if it gets too large it can no longer be safely removed and to do so means death. Bloody Tongues are occasionally utilized by Necromancers and other spellcasters as minions.

In some strange circumstances, creatures can cause this affliction, with some ancient, alien entities causing tongues and other organs to bloat and free themselves with minds of their own from a creature's body to do violence against the masses...



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