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-Will be able to stop at several drive-thru to eat a lot to deliver these orders.


A romantic dinner with Vishanni at a fast food joint. (Lots of messy eating)


Another thing I can think of is Vishanni having the time of her life in a Hooters styled restaurant


Followup to the last pic! Here's Vahndark (The purple haired cyborg guy) and Vishanni on their date.

As promised, it seems he stopped by a few other fast food places before they went to Vishanni's favorite restaurant this side of the Milky Way, Zero Gravi-titties.

Zero Gravi-titties is a Hooters styled restaurant that serves Earth style (Mostly American) cuisine. It's owned by a company on Earth, and there are quite a few of them out in the galaxy, on or near planets or various moons, though a few of them float freely in orbit around planets or in frequently traveled star highways (Though these tend to be pretty dangerous to work in). Zero Gravi-titties is a bit more raunchy than Hooters, in that the girls working there are not only waitresses but strippers, and will often entertain guests between serving food. The name derives from special shows in which they enter zero gravity chambers, usually topless, and entertain guests. Often times the gravity is still relatively low within the establishment, allowing for the waitresses to bounce and hop more often than in usual locations, and causing jiggling to be a bit more exaggerated. Beacuase of this they can move around rather adeptly, and patrons like Vishanni tend to eat a bit more than usual due to the ability to move after doing so, and less gravity pressing on her overstuffed middle. 

She's had a few mishaps where she eats too many of their Zero-G Wings and she couldn't fit through the door. She's also filled in for a few of the girls there on occasion when she was in the neighborhood. This particular one is located at the edge of the milky way, on the way to the andromeda galaxy, and is one of Vishanni's favorite stops as she often passes by here when shipping cargo. Because of this she's quite friendly with the staff and she always tips well since she runs them ragged bringing her so much food some days.... She's definitely also had some relationships with a few of the girls here. 

I worked hard on the background for this one, and I'll actually post an extra reward of the separate pics on the wall and give some info on the alien species back there~ Until then, hope ya have as good of a time as Vahndark here....

I will give some info on Vandahrk, or well... cyborgs. Cyborgs in the future are pretty common, and it's almost strange to find humans who don't have some sort of cybernetic tech in their system. Vandahrk has a somewhat rare implant here though, as he has a cybernetic spine. This means that his neck bones, collar bone, and most likely his hips and parts of his arms and legs are also reinforced with titanium. This allows him near superhuman strength, and allows his body to adapt to it, and also allows him to basically control adrenaline in his system, and eliminates lactic acid for the most part, making him able to perform tasks for much longer without that burning sensation one normally gets from working out too much. This is nice as he probably NEEDS such a thing to properly handle Vishanni as she's so much larger and heavier than him. This means his spine is strong enough, as are his hips, to allow someone like her to plop right down on him and he could still be able to lift her. Which I'm absolutely certain she appreciates. He's gonna need all of his cybernetics if he wants to show this big lizard girl another good time.

How big you think she'll be by the end of this meal? My money is on her needing to ship herself home. Hope she brought her truck...



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