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Anything navel-related with that huge gut of her’s is good enough for me



The thick, raspy voice called out. It was loud, noticeable even over the sounds of televisions blaring news from distant systems.


She called out again.

His face was burning red still, and he was hoping he could slip away unnoticed, but being that there wasn't anyone else left here since the two humans left together and the Jumlee custodian shambled off, that was unlikely. He knew he should have slinked away with the others as they left but now he was alone with her.

He looked up at the alien who's voice he heard, craning his neck to see her completely. He jumped with a start as he realized she was far closer than he'd expected. She towered over him, at least 9 feet tall, and her height only amplified the fact that the rest of her was also excessively large. If she were a human woman, or at least the same size, she would fit in among some of the most fleshy of humans that grace the runtime of weight loss reality television shows, but being that she was so immense, and accounting for the toned muscle beneath her jiggling flesh, she had to weigh at least a ton.

Despite her weight She sauntered toward him. It was a bit of a waddle, but a saunter none the less. She walked on thickened tree trunk legs. Though they were packed with muscle, evident in that she had no trouble hauling her weighty frame, her thighs and calves jiggled and rippled with every step, and her surprisingly dainty feet and black claws clicked on the floor with every step. Her massive belly wobbled with every movement, the jiggles sending a chain reaction into her titanic breasts. They struggled beneath fabric, with the underside of her bust nearly as visible as her cleavage, leaving a thin strip of cloth, which barely fit, squished onto her titanic tits which fittingly read "THICC", slang from a primitive time, denoting her to be a historian of sorts. This was also evident in the smattering of tattoos she had engraved on her scaly flesh. Various earth art hailing from various countries and cultures, or representing popular businesses that had yet made it beyond the Solar System. Atop her hat, covering her long flowing blonde hair, was a trucker cap that read "It's not a beer belly, it's a gas tank for a sex machine" and was adorned with two generic green aliens wearing sun glasses, each smoking a joint and giving finger guns.

Her sharp teeth glinted as she smiled wide at him, looking down with half lidded eyes as she stretched back, her first set of muscular arms behind her head as her second set of arms stretched out to her side, her thick tail wriggling behind her. She was between him and the exit.

"Y-yeah?" He choked out, finally able to speak to the towering woman. 

She looked down at him, her expression changing to an inquisitive one, before she seemed to hold back a giggle, no doubt at his expense. Her cheeks reddened slightly.

"I saw you watchin' me on the treadmill for a while back there..." She says, her cute yet raspy and intimidating voice coming out with a bit of a giggle as his heart skipped and his mind raced. He immediately felt sweaty.

"I... I uhh... I'm so sorry... I was... I thought you were cute so..."

He stammered as fear rushed through him. She was a Deva, though she looked strange compared to others in her species, she still held the air of power and an aura of a warrior about her like the others he'd seen, and she was called on this ship specifically for protection and heavy labor. If she wanted him dead, there was nothing the federation would likely even do about it.

"Cute?" She says looking like she was caught off guard.

"Y-yeah.... sorry... I just... you were... well... Sorry, it was creepy..." 

She looks him up and down for a moment before she smirks again.

Though she'd been the object of lust for many various races, human and alien, and a symbol of fear and destruction through a huge portion of the galaxy, she hadn't been called cute very often. Sure Rain called her that all the time, and.... friends in the past would often apply the designation to her, but it never stopped from sending her heart racing when a little human would call her cute. Being so much larger than them, she delighted in it more than anything else. It was among the greatest compliments she could be given. She was interested already, but that set her over the edge as her heart skipped a beat.

"Not every day ya see a girl like this huh?" She says with another little chuckle. Her nostrils flare as she says it, tilting her head to the side some and bouncing her boobs, letting her tummy jiggle as well. Though it was mostly obscured, he could see her fat butt wiggle as well. He stood dumbfounded as he stared again before looking back up to her face to see if her expression had changed. It had, but she was just blushing more.

"Less' ya find a Ternian not lookin' ta kill ya, or one of those interdimensional girls. but even then they usually ain't nearly as big. Ya can only take so much when yer short ya know?" She says as her lower set of hands gravitates to her fat belly and squish to the sides of it, lifting it and letting it bounce heftily.

He didn't know how to answer. He was still in a state of shock.

"Ya shoulda' seen it a month ago, I was basically havin ta weight lift the thing ta go anywhere. It was almost half as tall as I was, touched the ground and everythin when I walked. Got rid of a lot of it since then tho since I got a mission comin up..." She says her voice almost a purr as she lifts her belly again, biting her bottom lip some and looking down at it longingly past her titanic bust.

"T-that... would have been pretty cool... like... super hot..." he stammered out, his face reddening more.

"Heh~" She snickered, letting out an almost honk like giggle from her nostrils as she looked at him again. She hefted her tummy once more and squished it, pointing her belly button toward him as she followed his gaze to the cavernous, cute canyon in her plushy tummy.

"Maybe ya can... Mission's not for a few weeks, I can work off a lotta this in days..." She says with a little chuckle.

"Ehh?" he says still distracted, but her words wrenching away his attention.

"Take me out to lunch~" She purrs with a cute smile. The statement was perfectly timed as her tummy growled loudly, like an angry dog. 

"Buy me somethin ta eat! I'll warn ya it ain't gonna be cheap, but I promise it'll be worth it! Sit across from me, and if my gut reaches ya' while ya' eat, which is likely since I'm STARVING right now, Ya' can do whatever ya want ta' my belly button~" She giggles, her face turning an even deeper shade of red.

"Ya don't have to do it there though... I have a pretty big room here right now.. plenty of room for a cute little human to fit in my bed... though after dinner it'll be a tight squeeze..."

"I.... I Uhh... Y-yes! Sure! Any time! I'd love to! You can get anything you want! We can go to multiple places if ya want!" He stammers out quickly, biting his lip a bit to make sure he wasn't dreaming. His face was growing redder as well. He didn't expect her to blush so easily, or to be so strangely forward and into him considering he was watching the tubby woman jog for upwards of an hour. 

She smiles and bites her own lip, looking down slightly as she puts her hand behind her head almost sheepishly despite her sexual comments prior. "Heh... cool.... I'm gonna go shower, meet me at my room number on the station. It's 141 in sector 2. I'll be up in like... 30 minutes.... It takes a while to get through my hair...."

"Y-yeah! Sure! Of course! I'll be there!" He stammers, his heart still racing and his body feeling like he was about to fly away. 

She turned and slowly began to saunter off, wiggling her hips in an obvious show, letting her way too tight short shorts get swallowed even more into her titanic crack. She looked over her shoulder for a moment and poked her tongue out for a second. 

He watched her start to walk away before he felt himself move for a moment. She was so forward and obviously liked him for some reason, and that gave him courage to do something he'd have never done otherwise, not in a million years. The Deva Empire could collapse now and the time from it's inception to now would not be enough time for him to speak like this otherwise, however invigorated by her words. He ran a bit to catch up.

"H-hey... wait... You... said it takes a while.... in the shower..." 

She stops and looks back. Her previous seductive expression swapped for a more confused look. "Ehh? Yeah?" She hisses with confusion in her voice.

His face reddens again as he looks away ever so slightly, unable to maintain eye contact. 

"Well... maybe... it'd go faster.... if... I helped..." He says, his heart ready to pop.

Her eyes slowly went wide and her face turned bright red as she registered what he said. She laughed loudly, a dragon like cackle and wheeze as she did so. He jumped as she did this, scared she was upset at first, but then unable to really comprehend what was happening exactly.

"You're... such a little cutie..." She giggles after she regains her senses, able to properly speak again, though her giggles return.

"Name's Vishanni." She says turning around and bending down to be face to face with him.

"Uhh.... Vandahrk...." He replies, still worried. He didn't know how he could  be blushing so badly, with how much blood was rushing elsewhere in his body. Something her shifting eyes definitely noticed.

"Ahh like the hero... nice to meet you Vandahrk...." 

The reptilian hottie bit her bottom lip again and couldn't hold back her smile. 

"Sure... You can help~" She says her voice an excited purr as she wraps her tail around him and pulls him  toward her as she began to walk away again. Something which he did not fight. 

"But... I think might make it take a bit longer..."


Been a while since I wrote a story with one of my pics. Sooo here's a story about one of the times Vishanni has picked up a guy somewhere weird..... She thinks humans are so cute, and she really, REALLY, likes being called things like cute, or little. 

She REALLY fuckin loves it.




Here’s hoping we get more stories about navel stuff 👀