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(EDIT: I touched up the 3rd image a little because I felt it needed a lil' fix.)

"My lady! You've eaten so much candy already! Are you certain we should continue? What we've collected is already more than three times what you've eaten!"

"Asuka, It's a tough job, but as the NUMBER ONE-*URP* Badass delinquent, I-*Hic* HAVE to set an example for demons across the netherworld! *Hnngh~*"

"She's right Asuka! Our lady is SO brave and SO noble! She's sacrificing her own waistline to save THOUSANDS of demons who would put on a few pounds every year at this time! And she only JUST lost all of that weight from last year!"

"Oh! Her waistline is a battlefield! Collecting the lost souls and adding to your growing monument of delinquency! But-but what about your teeth my lady?! And eating healthy!?"

"*Hic* It's fine! I've been brushing my teeth after *URP* every piece of candy! They'll be whiter by the end of this than they were when we started! Nyeh heh! And *Hic* I'll eat a FEAST of salad and roasted meats when we're done here, enough to counteract the sweets I eat so it's part of a *URRRRRP* Hnghhh~ P-part of a balanced breakfast! *Hic*"

"My lady! You've thought all of this through with so much detail! and here I thought maybe you were just indulging the strange fetish you and your boyfriend have cultivated over the years!"

"Oh my! You're right Kyoko! She's so brave! Such a delinquent! If it was anyone but her, I too would just think that it was greed, lust, and gluttony! But our lady is too pure for such a thing!"

"URRRRRP! Y-yeah! *Hic* I-I mean if this ALSO has a side-effect of pleasing my boyfriend then it's *URP* Win-win! Heh heh... Now! Tally ho! We have to hit up at least 100 more houses before I get too fat to walk!"

"Aye Aye my lady!"


It's that time of year again!

Here's a continuation of the series in which I make my sweet bby a chocolate filled blimp and she secretly loves every minute of it.

This year, Beryl's out with the girls, commandeering candy from other demons and replacing it with apples and toothpaste! Such a delinquent!

What started out as a reluctant sort of overindulgence has turned into an undeniable fetish for the tiny succubus... how much will she stuff in that mouth this year?

"Akk! W-what is this!? It's crushing me! Is it a blob!? A slime!?"


"I'll let that *Hic* comment slide for now, and instead I'll just take all of your candy!"

"W-what!? Raspberyl!? You're so... So...."

"Choose those next words carefully buddy!"

"So... Healthy... like a big, full, healthy tick!"

"Nyeh heh~ Thank you! Now... I'm gonna need you to hand over your candy PLEASE!"

"Ehhhh!? My candy! No way! I just got a full size Meatopia bar from the guy down the street! I didn't think delinquents stole candy!"

"We're not *Hic* STEALING anything... I'm commandeering your candy to protect you! But don't worry, you'll be *Hic* compensated with three big shiny apples and a brand new tooth brush, some tooth paste too even!"


"I wouldn't yell like that if I were you buddy! I'm gettin pretty tired and I'd hate ta have to use you as a bench for a little bit! so I can finish my bags of *Urp* candy I brought along..."

"W-what.... is that a threat or..."

"..... Give me your candy or I'll squish you."



Admission, I did 3 pics of Beryl this year trying out some new stuff. Here's my favorite one!

This year, Beryl's out with the girls, commandeering candy from other demons and replacing it with apples and toothpaste! Such a delinquent!


*Hngh* Hngh* Ahn!* Ahhhhnh~*


"G-good... good job out there.... my lady! You protected.... SOOO *Huff Huff* many demons from cavities this year! Humph!"

"*BWOOORP!* T-thanks *Hic* K-Kyoko.... I-I really *Hic* Try Ha-*Hic-URRRP!*-hard every year to be a better person than last *Hic* year!"


"Might I make a suggestion for next year my lady? *Huff Huff*"

"S-*URRRRP*-ure.... what is it? *Hic"

"Could you eat the candy AFTER you get home next time?"

"Oh! second!"

"... *Hic* Y-yeah... slight oversight on my part the-*URRRPP* there...."


"I-I can't help but think you may have *Huff huff* gone a bit overboard this year my lady! I-I'm barely able to protect your decency with your enormous bottom escaping your outfit like this! N-not to mention you sound like you're gonna pop!"


"I-I'm fine Asuka... *Hic* I just need to rest some of this o-URRRP.... off... Once ya get me *URP* home, I'll be able to *Hic* properly digest~ Hnnngh~"

Made this at the end of last month in anticipation of this month~ Hope ya like em!


"Excellent plan my lady! And then you can start in on Halloween dinner!"

"*Hic* Ehh!? W-What?"

"Oh yes, remember? You said you were gonna eat a huge amount of salad and cooked meat to counteract the candy so you could get your diet back on track! I've already contacted your boyfriend and he said he'll have 1,000 lbs. of meats ready and waiting for you when you get home!"

"Ughhhhh.... hnghhhh..... of *Hic* Course he is... why do I *URP* always open my big mouth when I don't *Hic* need to?! Hnghhhh! Arghhh! I am... *HIC* so gonna pop this year!"


Looks like Beryl's eaten way more than she should have. That outfit's been through a lot. I'm honestly surprised it lasted this long... Oh well... when she gets home I'll be sure to take care of her~

If you're interested in the others, you can find em on here in the Beryl tag, or on deviantart.




Gotta love perspective shots on an enormously fat girl. I especially love her chubby face.


Thanks so much! That 2nd one is the best one out of them and I was SUPER proud with how it turned out and no one had said anything about the angle yet but I thought it was a great angle we don't see too often! I'm SUPER happy you noticed XD